"Equal" is a funny word since it is dependent on how you mean it. I'd have to ask what they are equal in in order to answer your question. For an explanation in hopes that I can still answer what you've asked, however, they are of the same uncreated, divine form, and are all of God, and they are not the same in function, being distinct entities of the same power. You could think of it like how we have been made in God's image, as men. We have our feelings, our intellect, our morality and drive, we have our flesh, our tangible organs, and we have our force that keeps our bodies in motion and function, the breath that keeps us from death. Man would not be if any of these were separate or created before one another, yet they are all distinct in function. This is still incomprehensible to us when we think of the divine, and that lack of understanding is, really, "the point." We are men. We can't wholly understand the Almighty, since it is ever-deep in complexity, like a diamond with facets that extend farther across it the more you look at it, for all of time, forever. If we tried to understand this entirely for long enough, eventually we'd all be as nutty as a fruitcake, raving mad by this incomprehensibility overtaking our feeble heads. So, as unsatisfying as it may be to our selfish heads, which drool over understanding, just as we can understand it to an extent with explanations like what I gave to you, there is still a mystery here that can not be worded properly in any tongue.