Politics Why are there a million different types of Christians?

In reality most of it's on the protestant side. That's because America, which had no culture beforehand, is majority protestant, which rejects a lot of the original Christian culture, so combined it's a recipe for disaster, they have nothing to ground themselves on and fall apart or become mellowed out.
Ok. How is it so hard to follow the book. Meanwhile Islam has two denominations: you follow the Quran or you don’t.
Islam has three denominations and it then splits into dozens upon dozens of schools of thought alongside how you would view practice
After the first schisms there were few churches - Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and 4 oriental orthodox churches, all of it is considered apostolic christianity due to it's belief of apostolic succession
Lutheranism is apostolic its actual name is Augsburg catholic or evangelical Catholicism
how do you explain the historical issue with Islam and that your supposed prophets somehow caused the biggest amount of false worship and you needed a hedonistic brown warlord to somehow save the day
False worship according to who?
And Muhammed married a 9 year old.
Don’t be so retarded. No one today believes that’s okay. It was a norm in those days and even christians practiced it.
False worship according to who?
If jesus was a a Muslim prophet then why did his message get twisted from “I am just a messenger” to “ I am god” the New Testament was written by people who knew of him or where written by people who where taught by people who knew him there is zero evidence of any sort of early Christian movement that agrees with the teaching of Islam
And Muhammed married a 9 year old.
Married a six year old he raped her when she was nine
that’s okay. It was a norm in those days and even christians practiced it.
so your “perfect prophet” is amoral something which the Quran on routine states is a heretical belief mouhammed is supposed to be a role model for you
If jesus was a a Muslim prophet then why did his message get twisted from “I am just a messenger” to “ I am god” the New Testament was written by people who knew of him or where written by people who where taught by people who knew him there is zero evidence of any sort of early Christian movement that agrees with the teaching of Islam
Islam teaches Jesus was a prophet and a messenger from God. There are many similarities between Christianity and Islam and no one believes he is God, what are you saying?
If jesus was a a Muslim prophet then why did his message get twisted from “I am just a messenger” to “ I am god” the New Testament was written by people who knew of him or where written by people who where taught by people who knew him there is zero evidence of any sort of early Christian movement that agrees with the teaching of Islam
Abrahamsissies….. why the infighting and shitflinging?
no one believes he is God
Christians believe He is God. I believe that SiegeChud is saying that it's outlandish to think that the followers of Christ constructed such a betraying message of this apparent, plain messenger that Islam believes Christ is following the death of Christ if he truly was a simple prophet and nothing more. These men wrote quite often of His Godhood. Saint John writes that "the Word became flesh" in his Gospel. Saint Peter calls Christ the "God and Savior" in his second epistle, as does Saint Paul in his letter to Titus.