Politics Why are there a million different types of Christians?

What makes you think a jew from 2 milennia ago would care about maintaining racial homogeneity in European societies? Humanity is comprised of exactly two races: goys and jews.
that "jew" has led us to being a better society through his teachings
i think i smell a seething kike
No, it actually proves my point. Jesus failed (according to islam). He failed to properly preach the "word of Allah" if his message was so easily twisted into a religion larger than islam itself (and to the point that islam wasn't even present on earth until muhhamud). What good is a prophet that goes to earth, preaches the "word of allah", just to leave the earth with the biggest false religion ever that will have no rival for another half a century?
Not to mention the absurdity of the notion that this supposed "revelation" to a dessert warlord would be more accurate about Christ than his literal apostoles. So let me get this straight: Christ came to earth as a prophet to preach islam, but what he said isn't what we recorded he said, what he preached isn't what everyone though he preached, islam supposedly disappeared as everyone practiced "paul's religion", the apostoles that he chose and though personally had it all wrong, and it took 600 years for an illiterate sand person to set the record straight? Not buying it.
Oh my god who cares. I’d rather follow Allah than the king of the jews.
that "jew" has led us to being a better society through his teachings
i think i smell a seething kike
nuh uh uh
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Oh my god who cares. I’d rather follow Allah than the king of the jews.
But you just admitted Christ is a prophet in islam
According to islam Christ is the most pious prophet that has been on earth
Sorry but you can't escape "the king of the jews"
also lol at your resignation
The bible has been corrupted over time. That is why the story of Lot having sexual relationships with his daughters is included into the bible. That is why God had to bring us the Quran to clean up the mess.
You claim Christianity was invented by Paul, when pressed on why it took allah so long to set the record straight you say it's because Bible was "corrupted over time". Paul lived in the first century. How can you engage in doublethink so shamelessly? Was Christianity a false religion from the start? In which case allah is lazy. Was it really islam but got slowly corrupted over the period of 6 centuries? Which is a baseless claim you really can't justify. There were multiple copies of the bible across the early Churches that were constantly being copied and reproduced, it would be quite literally impossible to orchestrate a uniform change in the bible across the Christian world. They didn't just have one allmighty bible and some bishop snuck in and wrote over some parts and no one noticed. Not to mention, writings of the early Church fathers line up with Christianity, not islam. So what now? Was Christianity corrupted immediately after Christ? So we're back at the question, why so slow allah?
You claim Christianity was invented by Paul, when pressed on why it took allah so long to set the record straight you say it's because Bible was "corrupted over time". Paul lived in the first century. How can you engage in doublethink so shamelessly? Was Christianity a false religion from the start? In which case allah is lazy. Was it really islam but got slowly corrupted over the period of 6 centuries? Which is a baseless claim you really can't justify. There were multiple copies of the bible across the early Churches that were constantly being copied and reproduced, it would be quite literally impossible to orchestrate a uniform change in the bible across the Christian world. They didn't just have one allmighty bible and some bishop snuck in and wrote over some parts and no one noticed. Not to mention, writings of the early Church fathers line up with Christianity, not islam. So what now? Was Christianity corrupted immediately after Christ? So we're back at the question, why so slow allah?
Christianity was corrupted from the start. Paul twisted the teachings of Jesus. Allah waited for the perfect time to reveal the truth through Muhammad because his wisdom is beyond our understanding.

You talk about corruption like it's some simple thing that happens overnight. It wasn't about one bishop changing one book. Each generation was adding or subtracting, each translation losing something.

Allah knows best when his message should reach mankind. It's not about him being lazy. It’s about trusting his plan.
Christianity was corrupted from the start. Paul twisted the teachings of Jesus. Allah waited for the perfect time to reveal the truth through Muhammad because his wisdom is beyond our understanding.
>Allah waited for the perfect time to reveal the truth through Muhammad because his wisdom is beyond our understanding.
This isn't an argument. It's a perfect retort in a sense that it shuts down the argument, rather than explaining why allah would do something seemingly illogical you pivot and say that, since allah is wiser than us, what he did must've been logical in a way imperceptible to us. This is called begging the question.
If I was just trying to poke holes in islam and asking question without any direction that would be a fine retort, but that's not what I'm doing. I'm offering an alternative explanation which makes more sense. The Christian narrative makes more sense than the islamic one. The only way you can justify the islamic narrative is by presupposing it is correct.
You talk about corruption like it's some simple thing that happens overnight. It wasn't about one bishop changing one book. Each generation was adding or subtracting, each translation losing something.
That's literally impossible. The Bible is one of the best preserved historic documents we have. The earliest copies we have date to 125 at the latest and there are thousands of manuscripts all over the world. It is quite literally impossible for the bible to be "slowly corrupted". I pointed out how silly the idea of a bishop changing one book is specifically because that's the only way to explain your theory. We are talking about thousands of copies of the bible (many still surviving!), from Rome to Constantinople to Antioch, to be uniformly changed without anyone noticing and without clear evidence of it. How do all these bishops, monks and scribes orchestrate these changes? (Not to mention you would have to assume every monk, bishop and scribe is "in on it" which itself is a giant leap in logic) They can't! And if you claim all these copies diverged separately , that's exactly what they would do: Diverge! You would notice Churches using completely different Bibles because the people that stood to supposedly benefit from changing the Bible wouldn't be coordinating.
Allah knows best when his message should reach mankind. It's not about him being lazy. It’s about trusting his plan.
I trust Christ's plan. I trust him as a miracle worker and prophet to pick out suitable apostles and clearly articulate and spread his message. I trust Christ and by extension I trust in Christ's legacy, the legacy of Christ the Son of God, 2nd person in the Godhead. I do not trust an illiterate desert war lord who came 600 years later, preformed no miracles, preached contrary to Christ's preserved and established message, married a child and died cursing jews because his stupid ass got poisoned. And if you have the gall to tell me that's who I should trust you have a very tall order of justifying such an insane prospect.
>Allah waited for the perfect time to reveal the truth through Muhammad because his wisdom is beyond our understanding.
This isn't an argument. It's a perfect retort in a sense that it shuts down the argument, rather than explaining why allah would do something seemingly illogical you pivot and say that, since allah is wiser than us, what he did must've been logical in a way imperceptible to us. This is called begging the question.
If I was just trying to poke holes in islam and asking question without any direction that would be a fine retort, but that's not what I'm doing. I'm offering an alternative explanation which makes more sense. The Christian narrative makes more sense than the islamic one. The only way you can justify the islamic narrative is by presupposing it is correct.
The Christian narrative only makes sense if you're already a Christian. Muslims don't need to justify our narrative. it's the truth revealed by Allah to Muhammad at the right time. You think you can understand the mind of Allah? That's your arrogance speaking.

The Quran is clear, it corrects the corruption of previous scriptures. If you can't grasp that then this conversation is pointless.

Keep your christian tales, I'll stick with the truth as it was meant to be.
The Christian narrative only makes sense if you're already a Christian.
>doesn't explain why that's the case, unlike me
Muslims don't need to justify our narrative.
because they literally can't
it's the truth revealed by Allah to Muhammad at the right time.
because it just is, ok? Trust the desert pedophile you bigot!
You think you can understand the mind of Allah?
No, I think I can understand the teachings of prophets and prophecies sent by God which specifically warn against false prophets
That's your arrogance speaking.
Ironic considering arrogance is the vice of islam
The Quran is clear, it corrects the corruption of previous scriptures.
That's not only unfounded but completely implausible and I outlined why in my previous messages, all of which you failed to address.
If you can't grasp that then this conversation is pointless.
The conversation is pointless because you refuse to converse. You just speak in slogans like a liberal without providing any reasoning to why your position is compelling (because you're obviously way out of your depth, and because islam is false)
Keep your christian tales, I'll stick with the truth as it was meant to be.
I accept your concession.