Politics Why are there a million different types of Christians?

Idk, ask the westerners. The millions of different types spawned out of their civilization, not Orthodox civilization.
Easy, because humans are incapable of agreeing on literally anything. Everyone wants their own little fiefdom of truth, slapping their branding on it like it’s some divine franchise. “My interpretation is better than yours!”Meanwhile, they’re all reading the same book but somehow end up with 50,000 flavors of the same milkshake.

It’s like tribalism on steroids. One guy says, "Baptize this way," another says, "Actually, sprinkle some water and call it a day," and suddenly you’ve got a schism. Add in politics, egos, and centuries of power struggles, and boom. You’ve got denominations multiplying faster than Reddit atheists at a Sunday school debate. Christianity didn’t fracture because of doctrine; it fractured because humans can’t help but argue over everything.

Turns out believing in the flying spaghetti monster attracts the lowest IQs around.
You think back in the day of early christians there were no denominations? There were but all of them were heretical - gnostics, donatists, arians, bunch of other shit and nestorians, the only early heretical church to exist to this day
After the first schisms there were few churches - Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and 4 oriental orthodox churches, all of it is considered apostolic christianity due to it's belief of apostolic succession
Before reformation there were proto-protestants (moravians and some dutchmen), then when the reformation came because of Luther and Calvin, first the only protestants were lutherans and calvinists, then reformation came to England and anglicanism-episcopalianism appeared, then in Scotland presbyterianism appeared, later various guys created baptism, methodism, congregationalism and pentecostalism. And now when most countries in the world allow freedom of religion a lot of weird shit heresies appear.
Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestant, Mormon, jesus christ just pick one already.
christians love killing and disagreeing with eachother over millions of ways they view a leather-bound book's words also ig different interperatations and opinions on god
After the first schisms there were few churches - Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and 4 oriental orthodox churches, all of it is considered apostolic christianity due to it's belief of apostolic succession
Before reformation there were proto-protestants (moravians and some dutchmen), then when the reformation came because of Luther and Calvin, first the only protestants were lutherans and calvinists, then reformation came to England and anglicanism-episcopalianism appeared, then in Scotland presbyterianism appeared, later various guys created baptism, methodism, congregationalism and pentecostalism. And now when most countries in the world allow freedom of religion a lot of weird shit heresies appear.
What is the true version of Christianity, then?
You think back in the day of early christians there were no denominations? There were but all of them were heretical - gnostics, donatists, arians, bunch of other shit and nestorians, the only early heretical church to exist to this day
Ok. How is it so hard to follow the book. Meanwhile Islam has two denominations: you follow the Quran or you don’t.
christians love killing and disagreeing with eachother over millions of ways they view a leather-bound book's words also ig different interperatations and opinions on god
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You think back in the day of early christians there were no denominations? There were but all of them were heretical - gnostics, donatists, arians, bunch of other shit and nestorians, the only early heretical church to exist to this day
>Arian Christians existed
@Hitler would be interested in this as it suits his fancy for his reich
No, Islam is as divided as any other religion and there are plenty of different sects.
Literally the Islamic hadiths say this would happen.
Qur'an and Sunnah = Muslim
People who do not follow Qur'an and Sunnah = Non-Muslim

Muslims have a strict guideline. If I call myself a muslim and say Allah made halal into haram, then I’m going against the Qur’an and I’m not a true muslim.
Qur'an and Sunnah = Muslim
People who do not follow Qur'an and Sunnah = Non-Muslim

Muslims have a strict guideline. If I call myself a muslim and say Allah made halal into haram, then I’m going against the Qur’an and I’m not a true muslim.
Are you and @OddessanBvll Muslims?