Politics Why are there a million different types of Christians?

Christians believe He is God. I believe that SiegeChud is saying that it's outlandish to think that the followers of Christ constructed such a betraying message of this apparent, plain messenger that Islam believes Christ is following the death of Christ if he truly was a simple prophet and nothing more. These men wrote quite often of His Godhood. Saint John writes that "the Word became flesh" in his Gospel. Saint Peter calls Christ the "God and Savior" in his second epistle, as does Saint Paul in his letter to Titus.
If you’re referencing the trinity and I think you are, that’s not Biblical. How can God die? It’s impossible.
If you’re referencing the trinity and I think you are, that’s not Biblical. How can God die? It’s impossible.
God became man through His person of Christ, and so He had the capability to die just as He then had the capability to be resurrected, afterward. I just mentioned that it is biblical, these holy men are identifying the essence of The Father with The Son. I understand your confusion, however. Theology becomes complex to any mortal mind whenever it actually comes from God instead of a cave dweller.
God became man through His person of Christ, and so He had the capability to die just as He then had the capability to be resurrected, afterward. I just mentioned that it is biblical, these holy men are identifying the essence of The Father with The Son. I understand your confusion, however. Theology becomes complex to any mortal mind whenever it actually comes from God instead of a cave dweller.
Do you believe that God, Jesus and the holy spirit are equal?
Do you believe that God, Jesus and the holy spirit are equal?
"Equal" is a funny word since it is dependent on how you mean it. I'd have to ask what they are equal in in order to answer your question. For an explanation in hopes that I can still answer what you've asked, however, they are of the same uncreated, divine form, and are all of God, and they are not the same in function, being distinct entities of the same power. You could think of it like how we have been made in God's image, as men. We have our feelings, our intellect, our morality and drive, we have our flesh, our tangible organs, and we have our force that keeps our bodies in motion and function, the breath that keeps us from death. Man would not be if any of these were separate or created before one another, yet they are all distinct in function. This is still incomprehensible to us when we think of the divine, and that lack of understanding is, really, "the point." We are men. We can't wholly understand the Almighty, since it is ever-deep in complexity, like a diamond with facets that extend farther across it the more you look at it, for all of time, forever. If we tried to understand this entirely for long enough, eventually we'd all be as nutty as a fruitcake, raving mad by this incomprehensibility overtaking our feeble heads. So, as unsatisfying as it may be to our selfish heads, which drool over understanding, just as we can understand it to an extent with explanations like what I gave to you, there is still a mystery here that can not be worded properly in any tongue.
There are many similarities between Christianity and Islam and no one believes he is God, what are you saying?
yeah you think Jesus was birthed a virgin and that’s about it your teaching on Jesus is completely historically inaccurate and if it’s correct somehow he is the worst prophet ever
"Equal" is a funny word since it is dependent on how you mean it. I'd have to ask what they are equal in in order to answer your question. For an explanation in hopes that I can still answer what you've asked, however, they are of the same uncreated, divine form, and are all of God, and they are not the same in function, being distinct entities of the same power. You could think of it like how we have been made in God's image, as men. We have our feelings, our intellect, our morality and drive, we have our flesh, our tangible organs, and we have our force that keeps our bodies in motion and function, the breath that keeps us from death. Man would not be if any of these were separate or created before one another, yet they are all distinct in function. This is still incomprehensible to us when we think of the divine, and that lack of understanding is, really, "the point." We are men. We can't wholly understand the Almighty, since it is ever-deep in complexity, like a diamond with facets that extend farther across it the more you look at it, for all of time, forever. If we tried to understand this entirely for long enough, eventually we'd all be as nutty as a fruitcake, raving mad by this incomprehensibility overtaking our feeble heads. So, as unsatisfying as it may be to our selfish heads, which drool over understanding, just as we can understand it to an extent with explanations like what I gave to you, there is still a mystery here that can not be worded properly in any tongue.
Some christians say all three are God.
Are all three of the trinity God?
Repent and believe in Christ
We should care more about race than this useless religious infighting.
Islam teaches Jesus was a prophet and a messenger from God. There are many similarities between Christianity and Islam and no one believes he is God, what are you saying?
You're missing his point. Jesus Christ caused Christianity, which is according to islam a false religion. Therefore if Christ is an islamic prophet he is a complete failure.
You're missing his point. Jesus Christ caused Christianity, which is according to islam a false religion. Therefore if Christ is an islamic prophet he is a complete failure.
Jesus is the son of man who submitted his will to God. His beliefs are closer to aligning with Islamic teachings than Christianity is.
Jesus is the son of man who submitted his will to God. His beliefs are closer to aligning with Islamic teachings than Christianity is.
Begging the question but that's also irrelevant to what I said.
If Christ was a good islamic prophet he wouldn't have caused a religion bigger than islam. Christ is like an anti-islamic prophet. Almost like he's not muslim but actually the son of God that DID preach the religion he caused and not something that won't come into existence for another half a century
Begging the question but that's also irrelevant to what I said.
If Christ was a good islamic prophet he wouldn't have caused a religion bigger than islam. Christ is like an anti-islamic prophet. Almost like he's not muslim but actually the son of God that DID preach the religion he caused and not something that won't come into existence for another half a century
Christianity was created by Paul. Jesus came to Earth to spread Allah’s word. Does that answer your question?
Christianity was created by Paul. Jesus came to Earth to spread Allah’s word. Does that answer your question?
No, it actually proves my point. Jesus failed (according to islam). He failed to properly preach the "word of Allah" if his message was so easily twisted into a religion larger than islam itself (and to the point that islam wasn't even present on earth until muhhamud). What good is a prophet that goes to earth, preaches the "word of allah", just to leave the earth with the biggest false religion ever that will have no rival for another half a century?
Not to mention the absurdity of the notion that this supposed "revelation" to a dessert warlord would be more accurate about Christ than his literal apostoles. So let me get this straight: Christ came to earth as a prophet to preach islam, but what he said isn't what we recorded he said, what he preached isn't what everyone though he preached, islam supposedly disappeared as everyone practiced "paul's religion", the apostoles that he chose and though personally had it all wrong, and it took 600 years for an illiterate sand person to set the record straight? Not buying it.
stay away from Christcuckery at all costs
Jesus is the son of man who submitted his will to God. His beliefs are closer to aligning with Islamic teachings than Christianity is.
why did he himself claim to be god or divine in some way dozens upon dozens of times in the new testament before "Abraham i was"