History Turkey discussion thread

Well, what I have suspected is now coming for sure. The Jews, they will be coming for Turkey soon enough. How you ask? Here's how.
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Outlined in red are the promised lands of the jews. It's a biblical thing, mentioned in the old testament. As far as I understand, the jews seek to create Greater Israel. This is also the ultimate aim of what is called the "Greater Middle East Project". You ask, how can small Israel conquer so many countries? How can they go up against major powers like Iran and Turkey? Aside from the obvious support from the mutt states of america, that goes through exploiting their separatist movements, primarily. Israel supports the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, not because they give a fuck about the Kurds but because their policy has always been one of divide and conquer. In Turkey, the Kurds not only have higher birth rates than the Turks, but many of them are also asking for independent Kurdistan. Of course, many Kurds are still sane and support the Turkish Republic as it is, but the whole "le good Kurds" thing is a different topic of discussion entirely.

If they achieve this aim, their next course of action will be the conquest of Kurdistan, and parts of Turkey aswell. Turks will not only have to deal with Israeli aggression from the east, but also with Greek aggression from the west, because unfortunately the modern state of Greece is controlled by the ZOG from top to bottom. Tensions are high at the Aegean Sea, and everyone in Turkey is expecting something to happen at this point.
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About Iran, there's something many people do not realize and that's the fact that Israel actually supports Azerbaijan against Armenia and seeks to make the country strong indeed. Once again, not because they give a shit about Azeris or Armenians, all goyim are the same after all. But because Azerbaijan borders Iran and they want to cause chaos just as the Kurds could cause chaos in Turkey. There are a lot of Azeri minorities in Iran, even more Azeris live in Iran than in Azerbaijan itself in fact. The ultimate purpose here is to make Azerbaijan get into a pointless war with Iran, and make parts of Iran separate itself from it. Divide and conquer.
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Common sense would have it that Iran and Turkey should set their historical rivalry aside and focus on exterminating the greater threat which is of course the Zionists at the gates. But unfortunately, Iran is the only country in the middle east actually doing anything against Israel in a meaningful sense.

Soon enough, when they are done with Syria and Lebanon, we will find these dogs at our own borders. I don't doubt that we will be entering a major war in the upcoming years. There's an atmosphere of horror all across the country if I'm being honest. If I get drafted, I guess I'll do it without complaint. At least there's honor in fighting against pure evil.
How will Israel manage to conquer all that without consequences from global superpowers? Surely it would cause an outrage prompting retaliation from multiple nations at least.
How will Israel manage to conquer all that without consequences from global superpowers? Surely it would cause an outrage prompting retaliation from multiple nations at least.
That's part of the reason why I think we're heading into a world war.
How will Israel manage to conquer all that without consequences from global superpowers? Surely it would cause an outrage prompting retaliation from multiple nations at least.
Israel won’t launch an attack first. I can see a false flag being used to trick the world into perceiving Turkey as a threat to international security. Granting both America and Israel the right to takeover and restore “world peace.”
Well, what I have suspected is now coming for sure. The Jews, they will be coming for Turkey soon enough. How you ask? Here's how.
View attachment 1572
Outlined in red are the promised lands of the jews. It's a biblical thing, mentioned in the old testament. As far as I understand, the jews seek to create Greater Israel. This is also the ultimate aim of what is called the "Greater Middle East Project". You ask, how can small Israel conquer so many countries? How can they go up against major powers like Iran and Turkey? Aside from the obvious support from the mutt states of america, that goes through exploiting their separatist movements, primarily. Israel supports the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, not because they give a fuck about the Kurds but because their policy has always been one of divide and conquer. In Turkey, the Kurds not only have higher birth rates than the Turks, but many of them are also asking for independent Kurdistan. Of course, many Kurds are still sane and support the Turkish Republic as it is, but the whole "le good Kurds" thing is a different topic of discussion entirely.

If they achieve this aim, their next course of action will be the conquest of Kurdistan, and parts of Turkey aswell. Turks will not only have to deal with Israeli aggression from the east, but also with Greek aggression from the west, because unfortunately the modern state of Greece is controlled by the ZOG from top to bottom. Tensions are high at the Aegean Sea, and everyone in Turkey is expecting something to happen at this point.
View attachment 1573
About Iran, there's something many people do not realize and that's the fact that Israel actually supports Azerbaijan against Armenia and seeks to make the country strong indeed. Once again, not because they give a shit about Azeris or Armenians, all goyim are the same after all. But because Azerbaijan borders Iran and they want to cause chaos just as the Kurds could cause chaos in Turkey. There are a lot of Azeri minorities in Iran, even more Azeris live in Iran than in Azerbaijan itself in fact. The ultimate purpose here is to make Azerbaijan get into a pointless war with Iran, and make parts of Iran separate itself from it. Divide and conquer.
View attachment 1575
Common sense would have it that Iran and Turkey should set their historical rivalry aside and focus on exterminating the greater threat which is of course the Zionists at the gates. But unfortunately, Iran is the only country in the middle east actually doing anything against Israel in a meaningful sense.

Soon enough, when they are done with Syria and Lebanon, we will find these dogs at our own borders. I don't doubt that we will be entering a major war in the upcoming years. There's an atmosphere of horror all across the country if I'm being honest. If I get drafted, I guess I'll do it without complaint. At least there's honor in fighting against pure evil.
Is this a common sentiment among Turks right now?
Is this a common sentiment among Turks right now?
The president stated it himself. And it's in mainstream news. So yes, about 70% of the country is more or less aware of this and shares the sentiment. Only leftoid types who simp for the west defend israel and call this a conspiracy theory or whatever.
A guy in the parliament was going on a rant about how we are not doing enough and that we are "failing at being Muslims". He said that we do everything against Israel other than what really counts. We condemn them, we shit talk about them, and yet in the same breath we continue our trade with them. Then he goes on to say that what is necessary now is a jihad. Unless we unite together and attack with all our might, God will not change His judgement of us and we will lose our country. Keep in mind that the guy saying this is a member of the most radical islamist party in Turkey (New Welfare Party) so his "jihad" ideas are not shared among most of the population. If his kind were the majority then Israel wouldn't be so bold against Turkey anyway. Sad state of affairs.
The president stated it himself. And it's in mainstream news. So yes, about 70% of the country is more or less aware of this and shares the sentiment. Only leftoid types who simp for the west defend israel and call this a conspiracy theory or whatever.

I read that Erdocuck told the world that he will send his military to fight Israel if they invade Lebanon yet he didn't do shit.
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I read that Erdocuck told the world that he will send his military to fight Israel if they invade Lebanon yet he didn't do shit.
That's why the Islamist party I mentioned exists. It was created in I think 2018. It's been known for a while that Erdoğan is all talk but he doesn't actually do anything meaningful. So it's basically the party of those conservatives who got fed up with his shit. At least they're rising fast but we don't have the luxury of waiting for years. We need a far right government and we need it now. I voted for them too last time since every other choice sucks.
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We need a far right government and we need it now. I voted for them too last time since every other choice sucks.
As long as Turkey stays with NATO, I can’t imagine this ever being a possibility. The powers that be won’t allow it.
As long as Turkey stays with NATO, I can’t imagine this ever being a possibility. The powers that be won’t allow it.
Erdoğan will most likely attend the BRICS summit on october 22-24, he was invited there by Putin.
We'll see if we'll end up changing sides over time. I feel like we're basically a trojan horse in the nato, everyone deep down knows we don't belong there. This country has been trying to join the EU for decades and we're only just now realizing it was a mistake from the beginning, they'll never accept us no matter how much we try to appease them, they don't want us. And frankly we don't want them either.
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I thought you meant, like, the animal/food. Because thanksgiving is coming up. Teehee

Uhh, I don't mind the Turks. They are extremely aggressive towards everyone but their air of superiority is somewhat fair. They were successful conquerors and administrators. They are also fairly intelligent, having an average IQ that would not be out of place in Europe. National IQ stats for Turkey are brought down by Kurds and Arabs.

I still support the Greeks in conflicts between the two groups, although I think that asking for Constantinople is very unrealistic. The city of Istanbul has more Turks in it than there exist Greeks in the entire country of Greece, and much of the city was developed by the Turks. I would support something more moderate like if Greeks were given back Ionia, which in my opinion is more authentically Greek territory anyways. The Achaeans settled here directly following the fall of Troy, meanwhile Byzantium was a later Dorian colony.

I understand why Armenians are such a thorn in the side of the Turks, as without them there would be a direct line from Constantinople to the Caspian, and across from there to the rest of the Turkic world. This should not be considered an endorsement of Azerbaijan, by the way... Azerbaijanis identify enough with their Turkic language to be a non-issue for Turkey, but they are not real Turks. They are Iranians pretending to be Turks. Sort of like a Bizarro version of the Hazara of Afghanistan. I don't really like Armenia or Azerbaijan...

All of that being said, the Turks certainly have some barbaric ways about them. Namely, they have a pederastic strain. Do not go to rural Turkey if you are a handsome young man without any facial hair. This pederastic strain is worse than that of the Greeks. Yes, for a while the Greeks were engaged in pederasty, but it was manufactured later on in Greek history and not endemic to it, and it ceased to exist when Christianity arose. Meanwhile, the Turkic penchant for boys could not be effectively suppressed by Islam. Many Ottoman emperors were ehh, well they liked boys. Some were more chaste, but some were degens.

Turkish other stuff... I don't actually know what Turkish food is Turkish. I like Baklava, and Rice Pudding, but I don't know if this is actually Turkish or Greek or maybe Perso-Arabic. Never had Turkish coffee or Ice Cream. I would also like to try that bread they make in the Turkic countries of central Asia. And Ayran.
Do not go to rural Turkey if you are a handsome young man without any facial hair.
Rural Turkey hardly even exists anymore nigga. All of us out here are living in urban hellholes like westerners. Plus pederasty was only really a thing among higher ups like the degenerate sultans you mentioned. It wasn't particularly widespread among the commoners.
Rural Turkey hardly even exists anymore nigga. All of us out here are living in urban hellholes like westerners. Plus pederasty was only really a thing among higher ups like the degenerate sultans you mentioned. It wasn't particularly widespread among the commoners.
turks having a pedophilic elite before it was cool..... 2060 superpooper
Pipe dream. Even Atatürk didn't approve of this whole pan-turkism/turanism thing. He thought the kind of nationalism we should promote should be about protecting the Anatolian Turks first and foremost. He's also recorded as saying that the idea of a pan-turkic state where the inhabitants are culturally under the rule of the anatolian Turks is a psyop invented by the british with the ultimate aim of destroying us all. Not sure what his reasoning was there since I didn't look into it too much, but he was a very smart man and I'm sure he knew something I don't. So yeah, I'll have to say no to that.
Pipe dream. Even Atatürk didn't approve of this whole pan-turkism/turanism thing. He thought the kind of nationalism we should promote should be about protecting the Anatolian Turks first and foremost. He's also recorded as saying that the idea of a pan-turkic state where the inhabitants are culturally under the rule of the anatolian Turks is a psyop invented by the british with the ultimate aim of destroying us all. Not sure what his reasoning was there since I didn't look into it too much, but he was a very smart man and I'm sure he knew something I don't. So yeah, I'll have to say no to that.
It was because Ataturk was not in a position to promote Turanism. Turkey had just lost its empire and there were powers beyond it who would retaliate if it tried to expand
It was because Ataturk was not in a position to promote Turanism. Turkey had just lost its empire and there were powers beyond it who would retaliate if it tried to expand
No. You said this before and I think I didn't respond properly. Atatürk talks about this in a book he wrote and he makes it clear that he's against pan-turkism out of principle, ie he wouldn't do it even if he could. He was certainly in favor of more cooperation between Turkic countries, but he wasn't in favor of a unified Turan state.
Let me make something clear, Kemalism has never been an expansionist ideology. I don't know if they portray it that way in the west but it really isn't. Kemalism is only lumped together with Italian Fascism and Nazism because all three of them had the point of opposing the jewish menace which comes through western imperialism. But again, Atatürk was never expansionist like Mussolini or Hitler and he never promoted any racial supremacy, the guy's basis for foreign policy was "peace in the country, peace in the world" for Christ's sake. Kemalism wasn't defensive just because the situation called for it, it's fundamentally defensive and doesn't seek to make war except in the face of aggression, for example when Atatürk learned that the idea of establishing a jewish state in the middle east was in the works, he made it clear that he'd go to war to prevent this if he had to.
Let me make something clear, Kemalism has never been an expansionist ideology. I don't know if they portray it that way in the west but it really isn't. Kemalism is only lumped together with Italian Fascism and Nazism because all three of them had the point of opposing the jewish menace which comes through western imperialism. But again, Atatürk was never expansionist like Mussolini or Hitler and he never promoted any racial supremacy, the guy's basis for foreign policy was "peace in the country, peace in the world" for Christ's sake. Kemalism wasn't defensive just because the situation called for it, it's fundamentally defensive and doesn't seek to make war except in the face of aggression, for example when Atatürk learned that the idea of establishing a jewish state in the middle east was in the works, he made it clear that he'd go to war to prevent this if he had to.
This is the first time I’ve heard the term “Kemalism.” Based off my history classes we mainly learn about the horrors of Mussolini and Hitler. Turkey hasn’t ever been in our curriculum.
No. You said this before and I think I didn't respond properly. Atatürk talks about this in a book he wrote and he makes it clear that he's against pan-turkism out of principle, ie he wouldn't do it even if he could. He was certainly in favor of more cooperation between Turkic countries, but he wasn't in favor of a unified Turan state.
Ahh, I see. I did not know this.