History Turkey discussion thread

1Based Frog1

Well-known member
To avoid derailing the Nazi history thread, discuss anything related to our lovely T*rkish brothers and their history and culture.

@Dremora why are there many Turks online who vehemently hate Atatürk?

To avoid derailing the Nazi history thread, discuss anything related to our lovely T*rkish brothers and their history and culture.

@Aedra why are there many Turks online who vehemently hate Atatürk?

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I mean you can already understand why from what the man is saying. It is not possible to be a fundamentalist Muslim and at the same time approve of what Atatürk did. In the Quran it is said that Sharia is essential. Atatürk got rid of sharia. I still think it is possible to pay respects to the man though even if one is Muslim. A muslim can acknowledge his wrongs while still being thankful to him for saving the country.
I mean you can already understand why from what the man is saying. It is not possible to be a fundamentalist Muslim and at the same time approve of what Atatürk did. In the Quran it is said that Sharia is essential. Atatürk got rid of sharia. I still think it is possible to pay respects to the man though even if one is Muslim. A muslim can acknowledge his wrongs while still being thankful to him for saving the country.
Even doe Islam is a piss-tier religion. But that’s a conversation for another time. Honestly, the guy in the op shouldn’t be whining about muh sharia. Turkey would be in the stone age right now if it weren’t for Atatürk.
Even doe Islam is a piss-tier religion. But that’s a conversation for another time. Honestly, the guy in the op shouldn’t be whining about muh sharia. Turkey would be in the stone age right now if it weren’t for Atatürk.
Ehh, I sort of agree. Turkey would have been colonized if it wasn't for Atatürk. But you're also implying the country was backwards prior to him which is the part I'd disagree with. The Ottoman Empire was as good as an Islamic Empire can get if you ask me. It was more tolerant towards Christians compared to other Islamic Empires in history, plus the Turks absorbed so many aspects of Byzantine culture which is why Ottoman cuisine/music/many other things were great. Overall it was a good place to live in at its peak.
Another point I will make about the Ottomans, the Ottoman occupation of Orthodox Christian lands indirectly served as protection for Orthodox Christians against Catholic aggression. There's a book written by a Serbian janissary from the 1400's, Konstantin Mihailovic. In this book, our lovely Serb tries to explain the Turks and their ways to other Christians around Europe. He talks about the usual bad stuff, like how the Turks raid, kidnap, make war, etc. But he at the same time gives credit to them for being a merciful people who do charity towards others regardless of religious background, just out of good will. He specifically mentions that the areas closest to the sultan usually had the best system of justice in place, and it just so happens that these areas were heavily populated with Christians. Many commoners at the time preferred Ottoman rule over others due to their policy of tolerance. The Ottomans were very good at giving their conquered subjects a way to cooperate and assimilate into the new order.
Turkey is fucked up. The authorities don’t care if someone watches cp in their country.
That's because there's hardly any person in Turkey watching cp to begin with. You just made up a retarded excuse out of thin air to shit talk about Turkey because you wanted to hate it from the beginning. Hate this kind of delusional western shit.

Porn websites in general are all blocked in Turkey. Not just cp. Clearly we care more than you degenerate cumskins do.
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That's because there's hardly any person in Turkey watching cp to begin with. You just made up a retarded excuse out of thin air to shit talk about Turkey because you wanted to hate it from the beginning. Hate this kind of delusional western shit.
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Porn websites in general are all blocked in Turkey. Not just cp. Clearly we care more than you degenerate cumskins do.
Holy moly, that's a huge number for the Netherlands. What the heck must be going on over there?
That's because there's hardly any person in Turkey watching cp to begin with. You just made up a retarded excuse out of thin air to shit talk about Turkey because you wanted to hate it from the beginning. Hate this kind of delusional western shit.
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Porn websites in general are all blocked in Turkey. Not just cp. Clearly we care more than you degenerate cumskins do.
Except there was a guy posting cp on the sharty that was from Turkey, got doxed and reported to authorities, and nothing happened to him.
That's because there's hardly any person in Turkey watching cp to begin with. You just made up a retarded excuse out of thin air to shit talk about Turkey because you wanted to hate it from the beginning. Hate this kind of delusional western shit.
View attachment 899
Porn websites in general are all blocked in Turkey. Not just cp. Clearly we care more than you degenerate cumskins do.
I should add that I’m specifically calling the government fucked up.
It is said that Atatürk was the only world leader of his time who had enough balls to order the closure of all freemason lodges (even though francoist spain also did this so it's an exaggaration). He did this in 1935. Unfortunately, after his death, his successors were cucks who didn't continue his legacy properly so the lodges were re-opened after a certain point. Still, the masons couldn't operate in Turkey for around 20+ years thanks to him. Here's a little excerpt about this I took from a book:

"Atatürk first brought up his thoughts about the closure of Masonic lodges in 1935, after consulting with his close friends for a long time. The damage done by the masons within the Committee of Union and Progress to Turkey was known to everyone. Atatürk, who knew the Committee of Union and Progress closely, had been thinking of closing the lodges since the foundation of the Republic. İbrahim Arvas, the Van Deputy of the time, expresses Atatürk's approach to the masons as follows in his memoirs:

There were two groups that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk did not like. The first was the converts and the second was the masons... One day, he called the former Deputy of the Court of Justice, Mahmud Esat Bozkurt. He gave him a book explaining the division, organization and conditions of the masons. "Consider this carefully and give an opinion. Give it to the People's Party group chairmanship, attack the masons violently in the group and get them to close it down. You will also have a great share of honor in this work." he said. Group advisor Mahmut Esat Bozkurt gave a statement to the leadership office and asked the chief to read his report. His summary was as follows: "Masonry is nothing but a Jewish sect abroad, what is it doing in our country? Let's close it down with a group decision..."

The following week, Recep Peker came and went up to the podium and gave the following good news: "Friends, as of tomorrow, there will be no freemasonry left in Turkey and all lodges will have been closed..." All hell broke loose in the hall, applause, shouts and "down with the Jewish servants!" sounds were making the ceilings ring. Şükrü Kaya and his friends had vanished into thin air. After the group disbanded, Dr. Mim Kemal at the forefront, the masons in the parliament collectively went to the President. Addressing the President, Mim Kemal said: "Sir, we are already in your state's entourage, but if you become our Supreme Leader, we will circle around you like a moth." President of the Republic: "Well, I have a question, answer me first... Which lodge in Europe do you belong to and what is the name of your letter?"

"We are subject to Genoa and our leader is His Excellency Barca Mishon." he said.

Thereupon, Mustafa Kemal Pasha got angry and addressed them: "Get out of here, go to hell. Jewish servants! My nation gave me the title of hero, am I going to be a servant to a couple of Jews like you? If you do not close all the lodges in Turkey by tonight, I will form a council tomorrow, send you all to the Military Court and have you all hanged. Now get out of here immediately!"

He said, and he kicked them out, and they sent notifications to Izmir, Istanbul and Adana about the situation via telegrams and telephones, and decided to close down all lodges before the morning. In this way, President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk closed all the masonic lodges." (İbrahim Arvas, Tarihi Gerçekler, p.71-72)