History Turkey discussion thread

I wish this was common in more countries.

Half of it could be fake but all of it? That’s hard for me to believe.

Makes more common sense to believe it's all fake than only half..
What’s the deal with Turkish people beating up Syrian immigrants? My Twitter homepage is full of it.
They more or less deserve it. All they do is reap benefits and give nothing in return. But this isn't exclusive to Syrians. I hate the Ukrainian refugees who came here too. I hope they all just fuck off back to wherever they came from.
Calling everyone who manages to fight back "white" seems to be a recurring coping mechanism of westerners. Many race realists in the past labelled even Ethiopians as caucasian just because they were able to defeat the Italian colonizers. Ethiopians, who are basically vantablack dark skinned. Funny shit.
Atatürk wouldn't define himself that way but suit yourself, I'll let you engage in your mental masturbation.
doesn't deny he's white
Calling everyone who manages to fight back "white" seems to be a recurring coping mechanism of westerners. Many race realists in the past labelled even Ethiopians as caucasian just because they were able to defeat the Italian colonizers. Ethiopians, who are basically vantablack dark skinned. Funny shit.
labeling them as caucasian wouldn't change the fact they were niggers
labeling them as caucasian wouldn't change the fact they were niggers
Seems like you don't know your own race theory then.

This is a German racial map of the world from 1932, the "hamiten" there is supposed to be the hamitic race. A sub-category of the caucasian race. The theory goes that these Hamites are not like other negroes in the sense that they have different blood. And therefore all the success and advanced civilization in Eastern Africa can be explained by their hecking superiority over other negroes or whatever.

So as I said, the kinds of men you admire actually believed this shit. A vantablack Ethiopian man marrying a white woman is not race mixing according to this. :cage::cage::cage:
Seems like you don't know your own race theory then.
View attachment 1431
This is a German racial map of the world from 1932, the "hamiten" there is supposed to be the hamitic race. A sub-category of the caucasian race. The theory goes that these Hamites are not like other negroes in the sense that they have different blood. And therefore all the success and advanced civilization in Eastern Africa can be explained by their hecking superiority over other negroes or whatever.

So as I said, the kinds of men you admire actually believed this shit. A vantablack Ethiopian man marrying a white woman is not race mixing according to this. :cage::cage::cage:
i have my own standards for who's white and who's not
just because they classified the hamites as caucasian doesn't mean they would have imported them en masse to breed with white women and call it a day (where did i see this....)
Besides Ataturk, who would you consider to be the best leader the Turks have ever had (in either modern Turkey or past Turkish civilizations)?
Besides Ataturk, who would you consider to be the best leader the Turks have ever had (in either modern Turkey or past Turkish civilizations)?
Mehmed II the Conqueror, Suleiman the Magnificent, Abdülmecid I (this guy is my favorite), Selim the Grim, Osman I, Alp Arslan, Tong Yabgu Qaghan and probably some more. Also the Islamists here tend to have a fascination with Abdülhamid II but I'd hesitate to call him all that competent. Good intentions to be sure, but not very competent.
Also, some good news just now:
Russia is about to do this aswell.
Also, some good news just now:
Russia is about to do this aswell.
Turkey and Russia ban pisscord… Meanwhile, America struggles to ban Tiktok, despite knowing it’s CCP spyware. Ironic.
Well, what I have suspected is now coming for sure. The Jews, they will be coming for Turkey soon enough. How you ask? Here's how.

Outlined in red are the promised lands of the jews. It's a biblical thing, mentioned in the old testament. As far as I understand, the jews seek to create Greater Israel. This is also the ultimate aim of what is called the "Greater Middle East Project". You ask, how can small Israel conquer so many countries? How can they go up against major powers like Iran and Turkey? Aside from the obvious support from the mutt states of america, that goes through exploiting their separatist movements, primarily. Israel supports the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, not because they give a fuck about the Kurds but because their policy has always been one of divide and conquer. In Turkey, the Kurds not only have higher birth rates than the Turks, but many of them are also asking for independent Kurdistan. Of course, many Kurds are still sane and support the Turkish Republic as it is, but the whole "le good Kurds" thing is a different topic of discussion entirely.

If they achieve this aim, their next course of action will be the conquest of Kurdistan, and parts of Turkey aswell. Turks will not only have to deal with Israeli aggression from the east, but also with Greek aggression from the west, because unfortunately the modern state of Greece is controlled by the ZOG from top to bottom. Tensions are high at the Aegean Sea, and everyone in Turkey is expecting something to happen at this point.

About Iran, there's something many people do not realize and that's the fact that Israel actually supports Azerbaijan against Armenia and seeks to make the country strong indeed. Once again, not because they give a shit about Azeris or Armenians, all goyim are the same after all. But because Azerbaijan borders Iran and they want to cause chaos just as the Kurds could cause chaos in Turkey. There are a lot of Azeri minorities in Iran, even more Azeris live in Iran than in Azerbaijan itself in fact. The ultimate purpose here is to make Azerbaijan get into a pointless war with Iran, and make parts of Iran separate itself from it. Divide and conquer.

Common sense would have it that Iran and Turkey should set their historical rivalry aside and focus on exterminating the greater threat which is of course the Zionists at the gates. But unfortunately, Iran is the only country in the middle east actually doing anything against Israel in a meaningful sense.

Soon enough, when they are done with Syria and Lebanon, we will find these dogs at our own borders. I don't doubt that we will be entering a major war in the upcoming years. There's an atmosphere of horror all across the country if I'm being honest. If I get drafted, I guess I'll do it without complaint. At least there's honor in fighting against pure evil.
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Well, what I have suspected is now coming for sure. The Jews, they will be coming for Turkey soon enough. How you ask? Here's how.
View attachment 1572
Outlined in red are the promised lands of the jews. It's a biblical thing, mentioned in the old testament. As far as I understand, the jews seek to create Greater Israel. This is also the ultimate aim of what is called the "Greater Middle East Project". You ask, how can small Israel conquer so many countries? How can they go up against major powers like Iran and Turkey? Aside from the obvious support from the mutt states of america, that goes through exploiting their separatist movements, primarily. Israel supports the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, not because they give a fuck about the Kurds but because their policy has always been one of divide and conquer. In Turkey, the Kurds not only have higher birth rates than the Turks, but many of them are also asking for independent Kurdistan. Of course, many Kurds are still sane and support the Turkish Republic as it is, but the whole "le good Kurds" thing is a different topic of discussion entirely.

If they achieve this aim, their next course of action will be the conquest of Kurdistan, and parts of Turkey aswell. Turks will not only have to deal with Israeli aggression from the east, but also with Greek aggression from the west, because unfortunately the modern state of Greece is controlled by the ZOG from top to bottom. Tensions are high at the Aegean Sea, and everyone in Turkey is expecting something to happen at this point.
View attachment 1573
About Iran, there's something many people do not realize and that's the fact that Israel actually supports Azerbaijan against Armenia and seeks to make the country strong indeed. Once again, not because they give a shit about Azeris or Armenians, all goyim are the same after all. But because Azerbaijan borders Iran and they want to cause chaos just as the Kurds could cause chaos in Turkey. There are a lot of Azeri minorities in Iran, even more Azeris live in Iran than in Azerbaijan itself in fact. The ultimate purpose here is to make Azerbaijan get into a pointless war with Iran, and make parts of Iran separate itself from it. Divide and conquer.
View attachment 1575
Common sense would have it that Iran and Turkey should set their historical rivalry aside and focus on exterminating the greater threat which is of course the Zionists at the gates. But unfortunately, Iran is the only country in the middle east actually doing anything against Israel in a meaningful sense.

Soon enough, when they are done with Syria and Lebanon, we will find these dogs at our own borders. I don't doubt that we will be entering a major war in the upcoming years. There's an atmosphere of horror all across the country if I'm being honest. If I get drafted, I guess I'll do it without complaint. At least there's honor in fighting against pure evil.
what would they need more land for anyways jfl
like the people that outnumber israelis themselves are gonna assimilate to their new jew masters and be good goyim overnight