Politics Is President Putin /ourguy/?

So, as a ethno-nationalist, I oppose such governmental statism, which is against the interests of the Russian ethnos and is aimed directly at replacing it with tajiks and other mudslimes, just like in the West. In principle, I am against a strong state and oppose statism, I am closer to what Ernst Jünger wrote about in his "Forest Passage". By definition, I cannot support the state system, which is directed against my ethnos, government which covers pedophiles and terrorists who kill my people.

In part, this is true. In the 90s and 00s, there was still a strong nationalist movement in Russia, but it was strangled by the state after Protests on Bolotnaya Square in 2011-2013. Of course, we have the RVC, but it's too small association to run a country. Personally, I am in favor of the collapse of Russian state, the separation of non-Russian republics, because all the problems of Russian people are due to the multinationality of our state. And in general, in the future, I am in favor of returning to a traditionalistic society, close in its essence to anarchism, but at the same time based on national and ethnic identity. Unfortunately, I understand that this is unlikely in the near future.
There’s no difference between Putin and Western globalists. I really can’t stand some chuds who think he’s some trad savior of the west.
I will always support European race > Mongols. Idgaf what Russia does in Ukraine, it's an intermongol conflict, but any European who is gooning over a mongol who wants to sack europe and vassalize their country Is retarded.
he's a kgb guy. he wants europe in his sphere. there's no good reason to call a mongol based for going to war with another mongoloid country.
That’s a lazy Western talking point. His choices have been focused solely on securing Russia’s sphere of influence and pushing back against NATO expansion.
he's a kgb guy. he wants europe in his sphere. there's no good reason to call a mongol based for going to war with another mongoloid country.
Europeans were the first to attack with euromaidan you fucking retard. If you didn't want "mongols" to attack you, maybe you shouldn't have supported regime change in Ukraine.

We keep saying it, do not fucking poke the bear. If you insist on doing so, you'll end up like hitler or napoleon.
Europeans were the first to attack with euromaidan you fucking retard. If you didn't want "mongols" to attack you, maybe you shouldn't have supported regime change in Ukraine.

We keep saying it, do not fucking poke the bear. If you insist on doing so, you'll end up like hitler or napoleon.
So? Mongols should be in the sphere of Europeans. Mongols have contributed nothing to human civilization besides looting and destruction.
That’s a lazy Western talking point. His choices have been focused solely on securing Russia’s sphere of influence and pushing back against NATO expansion.
Good, it should be under the west, even in the fucked state the west is right now, it's still my people. The only reason Russia has anything is because it was gifted technology by people like the dutch. Still they've done nothing, because they are mongols.
So? Mongols should be in the sphere of Europeans. Mongols have contributed nothing to human civilization besides looting and destruction.
If you insist.

Losers in 1945, losers in 2025.
That’s a lazy Western talking point. His choices have been focused solely on securing Russia’s sphere of influence and pushing back against NATO expansion.
History shows that given any opportunity, one people will attempt to conquer and vassalize another group of people. Yes Europe wants to vassalize Russia, as China wants to vassalize Russia. It's civilizational. I don't care about the decadence of the west in this context, governments change, there are periods of cultural renewal and decline, but Europeans have been at war with mongolic people like the slavs for thousands of years now. During the complete degeneracy of late rome, should I have supported the arabs because "Muh based"?