NATO demoralization coal.
consider pressing the "Holol-destroying gem" button more oftenNATO demoralization coal.
Being naked is not homosexual take meds.A disturbing trend with Putin's enemies is how they all seem to enjoy portraying him in a homosexual light. Curious.
Russians really russianed the release date of this video. This video was released slightly after Russia shot down an Azerbaijani civilian plane.
Man Santa Claus is way better than Father Frost. On Christmas day all we got from Frost was some cut underwater electricity and telecom cables. The second time this year.
A popular tactic Russian zogbots do is try to appeal to us, Putin is a Georgian-Jew Dictator who is fucking over Russians and taking hundreds of Israeli cocks at diner parties with trumpHe’s labeled the LGBT+ movement as a terrorist organization. Gave the middle finger to the EU by invading Ukraine in self-defense. Rigged the 2016 election for Trump. And so on.
The man has proven himself to be an unstoppable force of nature.