Politics Is President Putin /ourguy/?

I’ve just skimmed this thread.

Off-topic, but has anyone else realized that Nagolbud has a bit of a fixation with transsexuals and androgynes?
It’s a bit disturbing, to be honest
Zzz. I talk about troons and androgynes a lot. So what? It's a critique of this fucked up society that's pushing this shit down our throats. Disturbing? No, what's disturbing is how normalized this confusion has become. Stop drinking the kool-aid and wake up.
Zzz. I talk about troons and androgynes a lot. So what? It's a critique of this fucked up society that's pushing this shit down our throats. Disturbing? No, what's disturbing is how normalized this confusion has become. Stop drinking the kool-aid and wake up.
Why are there two nagolbuds?
It has been confirmed that Putin's party United Russia from 2001 to 2012 was sponsored by DepOfState through USAID
It has been confirmed that Putin's party United Russia from 2001 to 2012 was sponsored by DepOfState through USAID
You left out the part where he kicked USAID out of Russia himself in 2012

Peskov confirmed that this conversation indeed took place. The conflict should end within a few months unless something goes wrong.

Pete Hegseth also confirmed the two following points:

1. No NATO membership for Ukraine, it will be forced to declare neutrality just as Russia demanded from the beginning.
2. Ukraine will not recover the territories it lost.

And that's only the basics. Meaning, the planned peace treaty will be very unfavorable for Ukraine. So that's how it feels to have the USA as an ally. Albeit it's expected considering Ukraine is, you know, losing.

View attachment 4493
Peskov confirmed that this conversation indeed took place. The conflict should end within a few months unless something goes wrong.

Pete Hegseth also confirmed the two following points:

1. No NATO membership for Ukraine, it will be forced to declare neutrality just as Russia demanded from the beginning.
2. Ukraine will not recover the territories it lost.

And that's only the basics. Meaning, the planned peace treaty will be very unfavorable for Ukraine. So that's how it feels to have the USA as an ally. Albeit it's expected considering Ukraine is, you know, losing.
View attachment 4494
View attachment 4495
And it only took how many hundreds of thousands of dead to reach the conclusion everyone expected for over a year?
Geg. Looking forward to the inevitable meltdown on Reddit.

They're already in denial kek. This will be really funny to witness. The thing is that the USA realized Ukraine is a failed project so they will now give Russia what it wants and pull out of it with dignity, in the process the biggest losers will be the europoors and ukrainians so they will be leaking for quite a long time.

Translation: no more gibs for europe.

The USA is also technically a loser here considering they spent billions of dollars in all of this only to get nothing for it. However I think emperor drumpf will find a way to make eurocucks pay for the damages caused, so it won't really matter in the long run.
He’s labeled the LGBT+ movement as a terrorist organization. Gave the middle finger to the EU by invading Ukraine in self-defense. Rigged the 2016 election for Trump. And so on.

The man has proven himself to be an unstoppable force of nature.
(((Putin))) is litaral antifascist, he also made up some anti-nazi, anri-racist and some pro-Muslim laws. You will ne literally arrested and imprisoned for 6 years for demonstration of swastika or nazi salute, lol. Also, the official reason for Russias attack on Ukraine (in which was hosted many of nationalist fests in Europe) Is "Fight against Ukrainian Nazism". He literally started war on a white country calling them fascists and evil Nazis, geg. Like Russia have very strong cult of winning Nazis, so they is literally banned being nationalist there. All the states with which (((Putins))) "Russia" good relations are seither negro or communist. He also recognized most of the nazi groups in Russia as terrorist. You will be imprisoned literally for Nazi slogans or yes, what you said badly against Islam or if you said, that you support nazis. Stay with RVC and smash neo-bolshevism.
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(((Putin))) is litaral antifascist, he also made up some anti-nazi, anri-racist and some pro-Muslim laws. You will ne literally arrested and imprisoned for 6 years for demonstration of swastika or nazi salute, lol. Also, the official reason for Russias attack on Ukraine (in which was hosted many of nationalist fests in Europe) Is "Fight against Ukrainian Nazism". He literally started war on a white country calling them fascists and evil Nazis, geg. Like Russia have very strong cult of winning Nazis, so they is literally banned being nationalist there. All the states with which (((Putins))) "Russia" good relations are seither negro or communist. He also recognized most of the nazi groups in Russia as terrorist. You will be imprisoned literally for Nazi slogans or yes, what you said badly against Islam or if you said, that you support nazis. Stay with RVC and smash neo-bolshevism.
I know Putin isn’t some far-right nationalist savior, but he’s also not the globalist puppet people pretend he is. Russia’s laws against Nazi symbolism aren’t about "antifascism" in the Western sense—they’re about maintaining the historical WWII narrative and state control. The Kremlin doesn’t tolerate any ideology that could challenge its authority, whether that’s Western liberalism or nationalism.

Putin’s motivation for the war was never truly about denazification—it was always about securing Russia’s borders and stopping NATO encroachment. He rarely presents denazification as the primary reason for the war; it was mostly an easy PR move to sway public opinion. He’s not pro-white, but he’s not anti-white either. He’s pro-Russia.
I keep saying this but these nazicels just don't want to see reality for what it is.
russia is a mongolian nation itself
people don't like him because as he just said he is a monarco-communist larper and the reason some chuds like him is because they think that if he is authoritarian and prohibits things authoritarians don't like then that equates to their brand of authoritarianism which doesn't and if you look well some of those "chuds" are just barely-masked pedocommietrannies
russia is a mongolian nation itself
I first heard this argument from a philo-semitic eurocuck. It seemed plausible back then considering the whole Mongol invasion thing. Then I actually researched the matter and realized this is just another retarded psyop westoids use to make themselves feel superior. If it's a leftist they say "russia is culturally mongolian hurr durr durr", and if it's a nazi cuck like you, they say "russia is mongolian subhuman nation". That is when I realized it's all just the same shit. There is no real difference between a western liberal and a western nazi, they all have that superiority complex either way.

The solution to the world's problems is to destroy western civilization completely. Russia isn't a mongolian nation, but even if it was, it would still be better than europe. So don't expect me to see that as an insult. I've seen enough
I first heard this argument from a philo-semitic eurocuck. It seemed plausible back then considering the whole Mongol invasion thing. Then I actually researched the matter and realized this is just another retarded psyop westoids use to make themselves feel superior. If it's a leftist they say "russia is culturally mongolian hurr durr durr", and if it's a nazi cuck like you, they say "russia is mongolian subhuman nation". That is when I realized it's all just the same shit. There is no real difference between a western liberal and a western nazi, they all have that superiority complex either way.

The solution to the world's problems is to destroy western civilization completely. Russia isn't a mongolian nation, but even if it was, it would still be better than europe. So don't expect me to see that as an insult. I've seen enough
why wouldn't it be mongolian
they may look blonde and white but they are heavily intermixed with barbarian genes, its noticeable if you look very well at their faces, most of them will have 1 or 2 features that'll seem "off" from your average aryan, those that don't have many barbaric genes end up either being smitten or assimilated into their slavshit mindset
I know Putin isn’t some far-right nationalist savior, but he’s also not the globalist puppet people pretend he is. Russia’s laws against Nazi symbolism aren’t about "antifascism" in the Western sense—they’re about maintaining the historical WWII narrative and state control. The Kremlin doesn’t tolerate any ideology that could challenge its authority, whether that’s Western liberalism or nationalism.

Putin’s motivation for the war was never truly about denazification—it was always about securing Russia’s borders and stopping NATO encroachment. He rarely presents denazification as the primary reason for the war; it was mostly an easy PR move to sway public opinion. He’s not pro-white, but he’s not anti-white either. He’s pro-Russia.
So "pro-Russian" that he literally genocides the Russian people for the glory of the foggy and senile ides of the war he has started with our brother-nation? So much "pro-Russian" that his policy has led the country to migration crisis, when, according to official data, a third of All fvckin Tajikistan lives in Russia, and every day commits crim covered by the state? So "pro-Russian" A that under his rule, shitskin mudslime terrorist who participated in the terrorist attack on the Crocus just signed contract and went to war, and when he returns, he will not only not be convicted, but will also tell brainwashed Kids how he fought against "Ukro-Nazism"? And Im not even talking about other pedophiles and child-murderer faggots who signed a contract and instead of being anal-punished went voluntarily to fight in Ukraine, after which they were completely rehabilitated. So "pro-Russian" that Russian Ivans are sent to war, while (((kadyrovs))) son receives medals for using drugs, raping, and commiting crimes against russian? Russians are sent to die for the illusory marasmatic ideas of neo-Bolshevism, while their relatives are being raped by (((kadyrovs))) shitskin mudslime sons being covered by (((putins))) government? No one can leave the front either, because the chechen anti-retreat forces are waiting behind. I also advise you to read about Nikita Žuravels case, russian guy, who (((putin))) personally sents to beaten by the son of (((kadyrov))) son, after that you still consider (((putin))) as "pro-Russian"?
So "pro-Russian" that he literally genocides the Russian people for the glory of the foggy and senile ides of the war he has started with our brother-nation? So much "pro-Russian" that his policy has led the country to migration crisis, when, according to official data, a third of All fvckin Tajikistan lives in Russia, and every day commits crim covered by the state? So "pro-Russian" A that under his rule, shitskin mudslime terrorist who participated in the terrorist attack on the Crocus just signed contract and went to war, and when he returns, he will not only not be convicted, but will also tell brainwashed Kids how he fought against "Ukro-Nazism"? And Im not even talking about other pedophiles and child-murderer faggots who signed a contract and instead of being anal-punished went voluntarily to fight in Ukraine, after which they were completely rehabilitated. So "pro-Russian" that Russian Ivans are sent to war, while (((kadyrovs))) son receives medals for using drugs, raping, and commiting crimes against russian? Russians are sent to die for the illusory marasmatic ideas of neo-Bolshevism, while their relatives are being raped by (((kadyrovs))) shitskin mudslime sons being covered by (((putins))) government? No one can leave the front either, because the chechen anti-retreat forces are waiting behind. I also advise you to read about Nikita Žuravels case, russian guy, who (((putin))) personally sents to beaten by the son of (((kadyrov))) son, after that you still consider (((putin))) as "pro-Russian"?
Putin is pro-Russia in the sense that he prioritizes the Russian state, not necessarily the Russian people in an ethno-nationalist sense. That means suppressing genuine nationalism when it becomes a threat, just like they suppress liberalism or anything else that challenges their authority. Pretending there’s some nationalist alternative ready to step in and clean house is delusional. The second he’s gone, you’ll likely see an even worse oligarchy take over, and then it’s over.

Why do you think Putin started this war in the first place? Honest question.

I also advise you to read about Nikita Žuravels case, russian guy, who (((putin))) personally sents to beaten by the son of (((kadyrov))) son
I'll check it out.
Putin is pro-Russia in the sense that he prioritizes the Russian state, not necessarily the Russian people in an ethno-nationalist sense. That means suppressing genuine nationalism when it becomes a threat, just like they suppress liberalism or anything else that challenges their authority.
So, as a ethno-nationalist, I oppose such governmental statism, which is against the interests of the Russian ethnos and is aimed directly at replacing it with tajiks and other mudslimes, just like in the West. In principle, I am against a strong state and oppose statism, I am closer to what Ernst Jünger wrote about in his "Forest Passage". By definition, I cannot support the state system, which is directed against my ethnos, government which covers pedophiles and terrorists who kill my people.
Pretending there’s some nationalist alternative ready to step in and clean house is delusional. The second he’s gone, you’ll likely see an even worse oligarchy take over, and then it’s over.
In part, this is true. In the 90s and 00s, there was still a strong nationalist movement in Russia, but it was strangled by the state after Protests on Bolotnaya Square in 2011-2013. Of course, we have the RVC, but it's too small association to run a country. Personally, I am in favor of the collapse of Russian state, the separation of non-Russian republics, because all the problems of Russian people are due to the multinationality of our state. And in general, in the future, I am in favor of returning to a traditionalistic society, close in its essence to anarchism, but at the same time based on national and ethnic identity. Unfortunately, I understand that this is unlikely in the near future.