Politics The Nazis were androgynous faggots


they were tranny books like jews force on children and society today they did back then in germany the same thing
Like these trannies? That the Nazi soldiers were fucking? Stfu with your retard shit. Literally no evidence of 99% of the shit you say about the Hitler fag army.. thousands of pictures and videos of these dumbfucks banging eachother in dresses.
Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Nasser, And De Rivera all looked like Chads while hitler looked like a low-t vrigin lol

Mussolini look like he gonna say:

>Ayo, Dafaq you just to me say ytboi?
History isn't real and I'm tired of all these fake books and fake people from fake countries that I am supposed to care about.
got absoloute shit horrible grades in school and dishonoured his parents and familly name award
Freemasons with a troon female to male leader... what's new on the world stage.
They worship Baphomet....

the dictaters i listed in that photo? i hope you know hitler, mussolini, franco, and nasser literally all removed and outlawed and imprisoned masons in their countries aswell as them going to war with literal masons
got absoloute shit horrible grades in school and dishonoured his parents and familly name award
You learn a lot more by having sex and skipping school than reading books about things that never happened. The nazis were never real and there is no proof they existed, like dinosaurs and the moon landing. Think about it; you have never met or seen a nazi. So they aren't real. Get soy'd on.
You learn a lot more by having sex and skipping school than reading books about things that never happened. The nazis were never real and there is no proof they existed, like dinosaurs and the moon landing. Think about it; you have never met or seen a nazi. So they aren't real. Get soy'd on.
there is no way you did that nigga
You learn a lot more by having sex and skipping school than reading books about things that never happened. The nazis were never real and there is no proof they existed, like dinosaurs and the moon landing. Think about it; you have never met or seen a nazi. So they aren't real. Get soy'd on.
This video literally destroys every single one of your made up retarded ass points bro @Anon_Humor


German soldiers in drag at a theatrical performance, World War I. Illustration from Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges (Verlag fur Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co, Leipzig and Vienna, 1930).
This video literally destroys every single one of your made up retarded ass points bro @Anon_Humor


German soldiers in drag at a theatrical performance, World War I. Illustration from Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges (Verlag fur Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co, Leipzig and Vienna, 1930).
The absolute state of the SS
Freemasons with a troon female to male leader... what's new on the world stage.
They worship Baphomet....

Also, I’m genuinely asking what makes something real or not. If everything is fake except the Bible and “white” people being the devil, then we have a bit of a contradiction here.