Caged The fedora tipping atheists were right all along.


Well-known member
First of all, title is clickbait... ish...

This is building on what I talked about in a previous thread titled 'Buddhism isn't peaceful, christianity isn't peaceful..', and the takeaway from that post is the following:

For most of human history, War and Chaos was the norm and peace was the exception. Religion being synonymous with peace in the material world is actually a result of modern marxist and secular influence, because no religion does that. They all focus on inner peace. And they give rules on how to obtain inner peace by taking actions in the material world.

Now... I used to be a fedora tipping atheist for a long time and I spent my time in online atheist groups, where I basically met atheists from every different background. And as a result I was indirectly groomed by Feminists and LGBTs. But... here's the thing...


Those were just things that were later latched on. Dawkins has been going around try to undo the damage he did with his atheism. But the thing is, he was right. Just for the wrong reasons.

The fact of the matter is, the logical conclusion of atheism is white supremacy + christian ethics. Atheists who pride themselves on their reasoning powers should agree with this obvious conclusion that the science they value was built upon and propagated by white people. Likewise the secular morals they value are actually the root of christian thought.

The problem is that atheist cuckery laid the way forward for islam...

Except it didn't. That was feminism. And joos.

They were the ones who cried muh racism and muh pislamophobia. I remember, before clown world when the atheist community began to split, because of feminism. And all the straight males basically ended up being rightwingers of different sorts. And most of these people were eventually callled white supremacists. JFL

Their problem was that they lumped all religions in the same basket, when christianity is OBJECTIVELY the better religion for building a family and creating a high trust society. The problem is most christians today are fucking retards. That's a problem on it's own, because following the industrial revolution, christianity had a huge brain drain, along with all other religions. Because for much of human history, the local church, temple or mosque had hundreds of thousands of manuscripts and the priests in them were well read. These priests of laid the foundation for modern science, including genetics. But after the industrial revolution, and universities became more common, the intellectuals were no longer the priestly class. The same thing happened in the islamic world and the hindu-buddhist world. JFL, this was the closest we had ever come to considering science(rightfully) to be our god.

Now, if reason, devoid of any loyalty to race or religion will tell us anything, then it is that human eugenics works.

This is why under my atheist regime the following will happen:

Eugenics through breeding licenses. You will need to show finances, and genetics and be psychologically evaluated that you are fit to be a parent.

All priests of every religion will have to be trained and registered by the state.

No one is allowed build any new places of worship. Anything build from the 80s onwards will be demolished and their property will be taken by the state.

No faith schools. With the exception to Christianity. But even these will be strictly monitored.

Faith schools always create child abuse and fanatics. But Christians are the only group that does this right.

Monogamy will be enforced.

Adultery can be punishable by law if the affected partner insists on it.

Feminism as well as Marxism and all adjacent ideologies will be banned. And anyone caught propagating either will get a nice long vacation to a Chinese-style reeducation camp.

The state will prioritise intelligent males and the white races by giving them benefits.
I don’t like Atheists unless they are nationalists. Without that, they become raging homosexuals because they have no purpose in life beyond hedonism.

I do support eugenics however.

I don’t like Atheists unless they are nationalists. Without that, they become raging homosexuals because they have no purpose in life beyond hedonism.

I do support eugenics however.

>You hate me, don’t you? You think I’m a Nazi or something.

Not really due to the muh nazi shit. I just hate that you disregard all morals for power.

>This is a hard requirement. I think 130 should be the absolute minimum.

Good luck with ever achieving this. Kek.
I want my nation to be the most powerful country in history.
Well, yeah. I want my nation to be the most powerful country in history.
I sense a contradiction.

You are assuming practicing eugenics immediately leads to more power. But history doesn't quite correlate with this. Northern europeans were practicing eugenics through infanticides prior to getting Christianized. For some reason, it didn't stop them from being defeated by their Christian enemies. Quite the surprise I guess (lol). But it doesn't end there. We once again see the same pattern in Arabia with pagans fighting against Muslims and losing. It is said that in pre-Islamic Arabia, infanticide was very common. Specifically, parents would often bury unwanted children alive. Mostly girls and disabled boys. This didn't stop pagan arabs from getting defeated by their Muslim enemies either. Strange.

So why did people who were anti-eugenics manage to defeat people who should have been far superior by your logic? Almost as if not everything in life is determined by genetics.
I sense a contradiction.

You are assuming practicing eugenics immediately leads to more power. But history doesn't quite correlate with this. Northern europeans were practicing eugenics through infanticides prior to getting Christianized. For some reason, it didn't stop them from being defeated by their Christian enemies. Quite the surprise I guess (lol). But it doesn't end there. We once again see the same pattern in Arabia with pagans fighting against Muslims and losing. It is said that in pre-Islamic Arabia, infanticide was very common. Specifically, parents would often bury unwanted children alive. Mostly girls and disabled boys. This didn't stop pagan arabs from getting defeated by their Muslim enemies either. Strange.

So why did people who were anti-eugenics manage to defeat people who should have been far superior by your logic? Almost as if not everything in life is determined by genetics.
That’s different from what I’m proposing. I want only the strongest and smartest people to procreate and reward them for each child they have. While everyone else will be forced to abstain from reproducing.
That’s different from what I’m proposing. I want only the strongest and smartest people to procreate and reward them for each child they have. While everyone else will be forced to abstain from reproducing.
You kind of just didn't respond to the point I was making. But arguing about this further won't achieve anything when our opinions won't change I guess.
Because if we went by that logic, does that mean Jews are the superior race?
I was gonna mention that too but didn't for some reason. The logical conclusion of race realism seems to be jewish supremacy considering they literally run the world and subvert the nations of all races, no matter where they may be. But the main thing I was drawing attention to is the fact that societies without eugenics have flourished far more than societies with eugenics have. Christians became powerful enough to conquer large parts of the world, Muslims while not as powerful still did get into this little race by spreading Islam in a far away place like Indonesia. Meanwhile pagans just died out. So that makes two points.

1. Race realism points to jewish supremacy, not white supremacy. (Yet another reason for me to not buy into it)
2. Nations with eugenics didn't end up becoming the most powerful in the world as you assumed they would.
I was gonna mention that too but didn't for some reason. The logical conclusion of race realism seems to be jewish supremacy considering they literally run the world and subvert the nations of all races, no matter where they may be. But the main thing I was drawing attention to is the fact that societies without eugenics have flourished far more than societies with eugenics have. Christians became powerful enough to conquer large parts of the world, Muslims while not as powerful still did get into this little race by spreading Islam in a far away place like Indonesia. Meanwhile pagans just died out. So that makes two points.

1. Race realism points to jewish supremacy, not white supremacy. (Yet another reason for me to not buy into it)
2. Nations with eugenics didn't end up becoming the most powerful in the world as you assumed they would.
The way pagans did it was primitive. Nazi Germany had a more modern solution that didn’t require beating kids to near death to see if they would survive.

“Individuals who were subject to the law were those men and women who suffered from any of nine conditions listed in the law: hereditary feeblemindedness, schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorder, hereditary epilepsy, Huntington’s chorea (a rare and fatal degenerative disease), hereditary blindness, hereditary deafness, severe physical deformity, and chronic alcoholism.”

Also, Christians used to practice a form of eugenics themselves.
The way pagans did it was primitive. Nazi Germany had a more modern solution that didn’t require beating kids to near death to see if they would survive.

“Individuals who were subject to the law were those men and women who suffered from any of nine conditions listed in the law: hereditary feeblemindedness, schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorder, hereditary epilepsy, Huntington’s chorea (a rare and fatal degenerative disease), hereditary blindness, hereditary deafness, severe physical deformity, and chronic alcoholism.”

Also, Christians used to practice a form of eugenics themselves.
That's why I'm a Bible Thumper Chudarisee and not a soy boy Christian.
Also, Christians used to practice a form of eugenics themselves.
Orthodox Christians have never done this. But I know many protestant countries adopted eugenics related laws for a century or two here and there. It was discussed in Britain but never implemented. Overall, the foundation for the amount of power Christian countries held historically was due to everything that took place in the middle ages. Western europe was a rather under developed shithole during the early middle ages. By the end of it though, we see a very powerful europe. These developments all took place during the times when the very idea of eugenics was anathema (unthinkable) to all Christians because their faith was far stronger back then. So I don't think this power can be explained by it.

What example did you have in mind though?
who has ever said this
Ignorant as usual I see.

Another version of this quote from a Byzantine princess goes "Better to destroy the Empire of my brother, rather than the purity of the Orthodox faith."

That's why Islamic rule is preferable to Catholic rule from the Orthodox perspective. The Turks never attempted to subvert the religion of the Byzantines. They oppressed it, but they didn't subvert it. Look up the massacre of the latins and then contemplate why that might have happened. Westerners had it coming.