Politics The Nazis were androgynous faggots

Hitler indirectly created israel by throwing the war
This video literally destroys every single one of your made up retarded ass points bro @Anon_Humor


German soldiers in drag at a theatrical performance, World War I. Illustration from Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges (Verlag fur Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co, Leipzig and Vienna, 1930).
Nagolbud, bring chudstar booru back up so I can look at your trvkes about the jesuits
@nagolbud what you are doing is what a retard would do when faced this situation
I have to ignore 90% of your posts because you're just larping to larp. Literally no interest in knowing the truth, once again, you just want your tiktok ideology conformity'afied to make your ego feel better. 99% of the shit you spout is level 1 tip of the iceberg cointel pro conspiracy psyop shit.
I have to ignore 90% of your posts because you're just larping to larp. Literally no interest in knowing the truth, once again, you just want your tiktok ideology conformity'afied to make your ego feel better. 99% of the shit you spout is level 1 tip of the iceberg cointel pro conspiracy psyop shit.
Give me some trvthnvkes then like I requested
I never said I liked them you jackass... they deny Jesus Christ, I couldn't give a fuck about them. They don't exist in modern culture.
The State of Israel are not Jews... ya'll really fuckin' suck at reading.
Trvthnvke I agree you shouldn’t blame innocent Jewish people in your community but instead The Jews in the government, media, corporations, institutions, and Israel
Trvthnvke I agree you shouldn’t blame innocent Jewish people in your community but instead The Jews in the government, media, corporations, institutions, and Israel
those innocent jews will pick up from their ashes
at some points the big kikelords nowadays were your average flanders
This video literally destroys every single one of your made up retarded ass points bro @Anon_Humor


German soldiers in drag at a theatrical performance, World War I. Illustration from Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges (Verlag fur Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co, Leipzig and Vienna, 1930).
That's just how german women look.