Gaming Playing through Pokemon right now and I’m confused

Some bad news. I opened up the game and my progress is all gone. Because I forgot to use a save state and didn’t save in-game…
⊹ on X: Kish team for Pokemon Legends: Arceus / X
Even though it gets shat on all the time I actually liked the game when I first played it.
See it gets shat on because those are normies who don't know what they're talking about, they're the type of people to hate on Johto because its "too slow". As /vp/'s largest Pokepark 2 defender I can safely tell you its the best pokemon spinoff game, mystery dungeon and rager don't have shit on pokepark.
they're the type of people to hate on Johto because its "too slow"
You mean the gameplay or the text speed? Because I’m abusing the fast forward button on my playthrough of HG.
As /vp/'s largest Pokepark 2 defender I can safely tell you its the best pokemon spinoff game, mystery dungeon and rager don't have shit on pokepark.
I bet those kinds of people consider shite like Rumble to be the superior game.
You mean the gameplay or the text speed? Because I’m abusing the fast forward button on my playthrough of HG.
They mean the gameplay, (albeit the slow gen 4 engine doesn't help) people all the time complain about the Johto region's reliance on time based events like getting phone calls for swarms and certain pokemon only being available at certain times of the day and certain events only happening during some days of the week (bug catching contest only being on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday), this displays their fundamental misunderstanding of how the Johto games were meant to operate. The Johto region is meant to be played slowly with 15-30 minutes per day to catch some mon, get some levels, and maybe get your pokemon a haircut; they are not traditional RPGs like the rest of the series is and I would argue that the original KANTOOO games are more like the new Scarlet and Violet and Gold and Silver are to Ruby and Sapphire.
I bet those kinds of people consider shite like Rumble to be the superior game.
I never see those people, they're all "children" who have nostalgia for stuff that happened 8ish years ago and follow X accounts for 8th gen of consoles nostalgia baiting garbage, IYKYK. I don't interact with those people at all because they're gay and I don't wish to catch those AIDS. On places that actually matter the most rumble will get brought up is a passing mention to compare something to to say its shit.
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See it gets shat on because those are normies who don't know what they're talking about, they're the type of people to hate on Johto because its "too slow". As /vp/'s largest Pokepark 2 defender I can safely tell you its the best pokemon spinoff game, mystery dungeon and rager don't have shit on pokepark.
Pokemon Ranger was neat.
Mystery Dungeon was eh.
Have you ever played Pokemon Snap? That’s my favorite spinoff series.
Pokemon Ranger was neat.
Mystery Dungeon was eh.
Have you ever played Pokemon Snap? That’s my favorite spinoff series.
Never played Pokemon snap, my TV has boot looping issues so I haven't been able to use it even though I have a N64, its gay and proof you should never buy a Chinese TV. I agree that mystery dungeon is eh, I try to get into Super Mystery Dungeon yearly but I always end up dropping it after the game opens up, was never into that style of game anyways. Ranger is alright too but never got too far into it.
Just play Fire Emblem homo. Pokemon is for lolicons and men born with wide hips for child bearing (rolling a nat 1 in life). In Fire Emblem at least you can play rock paper scissors and get laid in game afterwards.
Just play Fire Emblem homo. Pokemon is for lolicons and men born with wide hips for child bearing (rolling a nat 1 in life). In Fire Emblem at least you can play rock paper scissors and get laid in game afterwards.
Fire Emblem is kino, but I’ve already beaten 5,6,7,8, and 9. I couldn’t really get into the post Wii era of games. And the old ones are too archaic.
Fire Emblem is kino, but I’ve already beaten 5,6,7,8, and 9. I couldn’t really get into the post Wii era of games. And the old ones are too archaic.
I played Awakening and all the content in Fates and it was everything I wanted in a babby's first Fire Emblem. I spent my downtime in job training for the army playing FE and it was the first videogame I played after a year of no electronics. It made me smile, I got digitally laid, all the ladies wanted my 15 1/2 inch johnson, and I got to smack people with big swords. It was just like the Renaissance Fair all over again.
I didn’t want my SO to ever find out I was cheating on her with virtual dragon maids. So, I never really got a chance to indulge myself.
A real woman can't show you the same love Tharja (reskinned Rhajat from the previous game[observe the name carefully]) can show you. Both games all she does is obsess over the one eyed whitesnake between your legs and doesn't want anything else from you other than for you to take her into a fight and use her as a meat shield.

Maybe those slanteyed monkeys that complain about my site constantly like @BBCRightsActivist are more interesting than previously thought.....