People’s insistence on using Discord and Telegram is annoying

It's absolutely terrible for text conversations.
I use it for what it's made for... not some side show community where mods dick ride the admin for brownie points. It's literally a voice server. Was never supposed to replace forums, but beta males do beta male shit.
i think the 'cord and the 'gram are good for staying in contact and talking with people the only thing i dont like is that they spy on you and datamine aswell as there platform being controlled and censored by (((them.))) but i wonder if may be a better alternative due to you still staying in contact with people and it not being controlled and censored by (((them.)))
i think the 'cord and the 'gram are good for staying in contact and talking with people the only thing i dont like is that they spy on you and datamine aswell as there platform being controlled and censored by (((them.))) but i wonder if may be a better alternative due to you still staying in contact with people and it not being controlled and censored by (((them.)))
Lawl, soyjak websites can't even keep their domains in place because they host and buy with normie shitcel websites instead of OG chuds. They've lost like 10x and it's still gone at the moment... if you think those sites are "safer" you're delusional in internet security. Anyone with basic internet skills can steal data off 20 year old scripts like the shartie 4chan script... just as easy to steal data off a fuckin' public forum like xenforo, in this case, discord is far safer for voice chat and even text chat.
Lawl, soyjak websites can't even keep their domains in place because they host and buy with normie shitcel websites instead of OG chuds. They've lost like 10x and it's still gone at the moment... if you think those sites are "safer" you're delusional in internet security. Anyone with basic internet skills can steal data off 20 year old scripts like the shartie 4chan script... just as easy to steal data off a fuckin' public forum like xenforo, in this case, discord is far safer for voice chat and even text chat.
the domain went down just minutes after i made the original post you replied to geg its rn but i came to a year ago from the sharty and also alot of people here came from the schlog and sharty and are frequents of both
Lawl, soyjak websites can't even keep their domains in place because they host and buy with normie shitcel websites instead of OG chuds. They've lost like 10x and it's still gone at the moment... if you think those sites are "safer" you're delusional in internet security. Anyone with basic internet skills can steal data off 20 year old scripts like the shartie 4chan script... just as easy to steal data off a fuckin' public forum like xenforo, in this case, discord is far safer for voice chat and even text chat.
>reacts to my post with coal
>does not know that the term "coal" comes from jakkers and 'teens
>does this on a post about soy sites

Do nagolcacas really?
Lawl, soyjak websites can't even keep their domains in place because they host and buy with normie shitcel websites instead of OG chuds. They've lost like 10x and it's still gone at the moment... if you think those sites are "safer" you're delusional in internet security. Anyone with basic internet skills can steal data off 20 year old scripts like the shartie 4chan script... just as easy to steal data off a fuckin' public forum like xenforo, in this case, discord is far safer for voice chat and even text chat.
yeah but on the soyjak irc there is no censorship nor rulecucking and privacy spying by (((them.))) unlike the 'cord
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Lawl, soyjak websites can't even keep their domains in place because they host and buy with normie shitcel websites instead of OG chuds. They've lost like 10x and it's still gone at the moment... if you think those sites are "safer" you're delusional in internet security. Anyone with basic internet skills can steal data off 20 year old scripts like the shartie 4chan script... just as easy to steal data off a fuckin' public forum like xenforo, in this case, discord is far safer for voice chat and even text chat.
Can website domains be bought anonymously?
personally, i think having both as options is the best way to do it, cuz calling people on discord is peak, and u cant really do the same in forums.
I would tread cautiously if anyone plans to continue using Telegram. The owner has agreed to comply with law enforcement to release user data upon request. Your phone number and messages could be used against you in the event of a hate speech accusation.
I would tread cautiously if anyone plans to continue using Telegram. The owner has agreed to comply with law enforcement to release user data upon request. Your phone number and messages could be used against you in the event of a hate speech accusation.
the 'gram has fallen as soyteenies would say
I would tread cautiously if anyone plans to continue using Telegram. The owner has agreed to comply with law enforcement to release user data upon request. Your phone number and messages could be used against you in the event of a hate speech accusation.
Thanks for the tip, officer.