Music/Television Growing up with Doctor Who


Dr Whore
hot take: the David Tennant era sucks ass just like the rest of the modern series
Dare I say even Jodie Shitaker may even be more preferable than David Tennant
The David Tennant era is overrated, just like the rest of the new series. Matt Smith, though, he brought something unique to the series, even if he had his moments of cringe. But Jodie Whitaker? Saying she might be preferable to Tennant is not an opinion I expected you to have.
Saying she might be preferable to Tennant is not an opinion I expected you to have
Im only saying that because Tennant just irks me in a way no other doctor does.

And that gay ass scene in the end of time between him and the master just taints things even more for me
The David Tennant era is overrated, just like the rest of the new series. Matt Smith, though, he brought something unique to the series, even if he had his moments of cringe. But Jodie Whitaker? Saying she might be preferable to Tennant is not an opinion I expected you to have.
I haven't even seen the 12th doctor stuff, it just looks like nostalgia farming to me and the woke shit starting to intensify
Terror of The Micro-Plastics - Was decent enough. The Master is as entertaining to watch as The Doctor is, but that new companion? Insufferable and annoying. I can’t stand characters that get in the way of the protagonist due to sheer stupidity. Also, I don’t understand why The Master tried so hard to bring in the aliens only to change his mind two seconds later.

I did find it funny how the only black guy in the show so far was a caveman who worked for a circus man.
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Terror of The Micro-Plastics - Was decent enough. The Master is as entertaining to watch as The Doctor is, but that new companion? Insufferable and annoying. I can’t stand characters that get in the way of the protagonist due to sheer stupidity. Also, I don’t understand why The Master tried so hard to bring in the aliens only to change his mind two seconds later.

I did find it funny how the only black guy in the show so far was a caveman who worked for a circus man.
The Mind of Evel Knievel next
I am watching the one Christopher Eccleston season (the only modern shit I can tolerate), then jumping back to the Pertwee's, then The Tom Baker's, the the Troughton's.

Might give the show a break at some point