Music/Television Growing up with Doctor Who

What do you think of the Davison stories?

Nyssa is also my AI waifu

Nyssa - What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?'t Axed?

Planet of Fire has to be the best ost too
If I'm being honest, his run was a bit of a mixed bag. Some episodes felt rushed, like they were trying to cram too much into a 20-minute format.

I liked the companions and found them to be endearing, but sometimes they overshadowed the Doctor himself. Which should never be the case.
If I'm being honest, his run was a bit of a mixed bag. Some episodes felt rushed, like they were trying to cram too much into a 20-minute format.

I liked the companions and found them to be endearing, but sometimes they overshadowed the Doctor himself. Which should never be the case.
Terminus was the most guilty of having too much in not enough time

The companions all drown each other out too
Is it weird that I find this show to be borderline horror. Seems like every arc has people turning into some monster and the random goofy moments makes me feel uncomfortable.
Is it weird that I find this show to be borderline horror. Seems like every arc has people turning into some monster and the random goofy moments makes me feel uncomfortable.
Doctor Who does play with horror elements, but I wouldn’t call it scary per se. It’s more about keeping you on your toes.
Finished Inferno. It’s gonna be hard finding a story to surpass this one because this was a near 10/10 arc for me. Some parts dragged on here and there but the tension and parallel world was done extremely well. Probably some of the best television I’ve ever witnessed.

Now I’m currently watching Cortex’s debut.