Caged DCC'S Journal

DCC'S Journal, September 29th, 2024

Back from 2-day trip to the "countryside".
Driver was a pot-bellied pajeet who talked a lot of nothing, kept blasting the curry radio at an obnoxious volume, refused to use google maps because "google anti" doesn't give correct directions, and insisted on asking random strangers on the road and still kept getting lost. A creature so retarded that he can't follow instructions, even from his own kind. I had to finally resort to using google map to find a tourist destination after he couldn't find it for nearly an hour, and even then he insisted on following a random van because "they seem to be going there as well". Finally made it to the destination, full pajeets in cheap hand-me-downs, sandniggers and negrresses in long beards and burqas and white people, all taking pictures like a parliament of baboons. Stopped at a good restaurant on the way to the rest house and the food was served without cutlery. Ate with my hand in nearly 10 years. Felt disgusting. Came to rest house, had no water. Served noodles, again with no cutlery. Who the fuck serves noodles without cutlery? slept through the night swatting mosquitoes. Spent the entire trip reminiscing about time in the west. Stopped at a restaurant that actually had cutlery. First on this trip. Ate chicken fried rice, which in this part of the country is just fried rice with bits of shredded chicken. It was served with chilly paste and ketchup of all things. Drank coca cola; only sign of civilization on this entire trip. This country is such a hell hole that not even the coca cola tastes the same. Came home a little after 7. My hand still smells like curry from eating with my hand the other day. Shit like this is why pajeets get sick. Truly a disgusting breed that must be wiped off the face of the earth with extreme prejudice. This trip has increased my suicidality by 50%. My only concern is having to die in this country. I wish to die in the west. In England or Russia or Japan. Surrounded by earth. To die of Hypothermia. Ideally in Siberia, so they only discover my body, when the snow melts completely, if at all.

I must now go exfoliate my hand with bleach.
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I've slowly been coming into terms with this, and it all makes sense now.
When I was a kid, adults would say that I'm exceptionally intelligent, partly because I was able to grasp english at a young age. But language acquisition seems to be the limit of my intelligence, and being smart enough to understand that I am not smart.

I did my BSc in IT, because I wanted to work in games. JFL.
But the only tech jobs available in IT in my region were fullstack.
So I tried getting into fullstack, but I found it to be the most boring thing you could do on a computer.

Later I did managed to get a job as Unity Developer which paid well. I really should've known this was the peak of my abilities, because all I did was basic UI programming for a educational farmville clone. JFL. But no, I had to go spend a fortune in the west to get an MSc in Game Development. The MSc was basically coursework based and we had to make a bunch of projects. I got Bs and Cs. But these projects were nothing special. And when it came to actually applying for jobs, the most common feedback I had recieved was that my portfolio was extremely basic. JFL. I just learned Unreal from doing a bunch of online courses. That was the height of my experience with Unreal. That one one group project I worked on.

I did land 4 interviews, but I found myself struggling at the technical interviews. So I decided to move back to the third world, because I wasn't even able to find a wagie job. Despite getting interviews. And I didn't want to be the stereotype of a curry who came with student visa to be an uberjeet, JFL.

I spent most of this year learning advanced C++ topics. I tried learning Vulkan, but I realized I was getting ahead of myself.
These days, I've started looking at portfolios that are considered good, and trying to recreate them, and I'm finding out two things.

  1. I have no idea what I'm doing
  2. I feel like procrastinating.

This is why I'm a truecel. These are the kinda things that subhumans are supposed to be good at. Yes, I know curries being good at IT is just a meme, and I've talked about it before. But imagine not being able to master things which subhumans are supposed to be good at it. Looking back this is how I am with everything. I've taken up several things in the past, and for me they were all the the same. They were easy for me to pick up. I picked up the basics in a week. I remember in my first year at Uni, I would get As for all the programming modules, despite not attending lectures. I found the lectures boring, because I would write the code and wait for the others to catch up. But eventually, in the middle of actual algorithms and data structures, I low key lost interest. And then the next thing I know, these idiots who couldn't understand a basic function and had relied on me for group projects are suddenly fullstack engineers, while I'm a NEET.

I gave drawing a try, and I learned it quite quickly. Now my figure drawings are quite good, provided I have nice references, but I can't draw from imagination. And idk how to take my skills to a level I can monetize.
actually brutal
try retaking engineering or something considering you're still young enough
i think the problem roots to you staying with the idea of being a gamedev jfl
>(amerishart) prettyface gets career for being a prettycare
>predictably crumbles because being a prettyface isn't exactly a skill you can back up unless something like architecture or engineering
>bitches out
>gets on drugs

tragic yet so unamusing
I've slowly been coming into terms with this, and it all makes sense now.
When I was a kid, adults would say that I'm exceptionally intelligent, partly because I was able to grasp english at a young age. But language acquisition seems to be the limit of my intelligence, and being smart enough to understand that I am not smart.

I did my BSc in IT, because I wanted to work in games. JFL.
But the only tech jobs available in IT in my region were fullstack.
So I tried getting into fullstack, but I found it to be the most boring thing you could do on a computer.

Later I did managed to get a job as Unity Developer which paid well. I really should've known this was the peak of my abilities, because all I did was basic UI programming for a educational farmville clone. JFL. But no, I had to go spend a fortune in the west to get an MSc in Game Development. The MSc was basically coursework based and we had to make a bunch of projects. I got Bs and Cs. But these projects were nothing special. And when it came to actually applying for jobs, the most common feedback I had recieved was that my portfolio was extremely basic. JFL. I just learned Unreal from doing a bunch of online courses. That was the height of my experience with Unreal. That one one group project I worked on.

I did land 4 interviews, but I found myself struggling at the technical interviews. So I decided to move back to the third world, because I wasn't even able to find a wagie job. Despite getting interviews. And I didn't want to be the stereotype of a curry who came with student visa to be an uberjeet, JFL.

I spent most of this year learning advanced C++ topics. I tried learning Vulkan, but I realized I was getting ahead of myself.
These days, I've started looking at portfolios that are considered good, and trying to recreate them, and I'm finding out two things.

  1. I have no idea what I'm doing
  2. I feel like procrastinating.

This is why I'm a truecel. These are the kinda things that subhumans are supposed to be good at. Yes, I know curries being good at IT is just a meme, and I've talked about it before. But imagine not being able to master things which subhumans are supposed to be good at it. Looking back this is how I am with everything. I've taken up several things in the past, and for me they were all the the same. They were easy for me to pick up. I picked up the basics in a week. I remember in my first year at Uni, I would get As for all the programming modules, despite not attending lectures. I found the lectures boring, because I would write the code and wait for the others to catch up. But eventually, in the middle of actual algorithms and data structures, I low key lost interest. And then the next thing I know, these idiots who couldn't understand a basic function and had relied on me for group projects are suddenly fullstack engineers, while I'm a NEET.

I gave drawing a try, and I learned it quite quickly. Now my figure drawings are quite good, provided I have nice references, but I can't draw from imagination. And idk how to take my skills to a level I can monetize.
just read a book nigga
The west is heading towards an incel holocaust. The signs are everywhere. Being an incel, despite being (in the name) something you can't control, is seen as a sign of innate evil. Please be careful my incel friends. They are going to round us up in cattle cars for not getting laid
I remember, shortly after my weightloss, but before my hairloss was visible, and I started getting ahead in life. I started doing well in college again, and I was able to socialize and meet new people. Basically a social butterfly. JFL, I never thought I would end up a social recluse like I am today.

And whenever I met people who weren't doing that great, I'd be all, hey man, I used to be like this, but now I'm this. You can do it toooooo. JFL...

If I had somehow managed to become a Chad and get ahead in my career, I would've become one of the worst human beings imaginable: a fucking motivational speaker.

During this time, I basically ran through conversations I had with people at the gym or at the front desk of some office, wondering if I had said the right thing. If it could've been worded better. JFL I was a cuck. These were my redpill days.

Eventually I got blackpilled, and at first my inceldom was something to hide.

Ofc, me being me, I couldn't keep it to myself either, so I tried to "blackpill" people. This eventually backfired and some foids I had known for a couple of years by then slowly began to distance themselves. I thought this was all because of the blackpill. But turns out only 1 case was because I was hanging around incel circles.

I asked one femoid and the whore told me that I give off "uncomfortable energy", and that she has "never been comfortable" with my "energy", and that she doesn't "know how to explain it". JFL.

This was the moment the blackpill came crushing down on me. I knew the kinda human animals this bitch considered her friends. And they were not good people. Just chads. There was nothing I could've done that would've made this whore respect me. And all the other fembots whom I had considered friends defended this whore. She was just taking care of herself, DCC, TEEHEEE.

I had heard of similar stories on the forums, and had always dismissed these as fringe edge cases, but now it was happening to me. I later realized that this whole drama was because I had commented "pwetty" on one of her posts.

And even after this, I still felt bad about the whole, like I had done something wrong. And it was two of my male friends who pointed out that her saying I give off "uncomfortable energy" doesn't really mean anything.

After this. It was all over. Women were my enemies. And I was going to go above and beyond to make their lives miserable.
The west is heading towards an incel holocaust. The signs are everywhere. Being an incel, despite being (in the name) something you can't control, is seen as a sign of innate evil. Please be careful my incel friends. They are going to round us up in cattle cars for not getting laid
would that count as eugenics
DCC'S Journal, September 29th, 2024

Back from 2-day trip to the "countryside".
Driver was a pot-bellied pajeet who talked a lot of nothing, kept blasting the curry radio at an obnoxious volume, refused to use google maps because "google anti" doesn't give correct directions, and insisted on asking random strangers on the road and still kept getting lost. A creature so retarded that he can't follow instructions, even from his own kind. I had to finally resort to using google map to find a tourist destination after he couldn't find it for nearly an hour, and even then he insisted on following a random van because "they seem to be going there as well". Finally made it to the destination, full pajeets in cheap hand-me-downs, sandniggers and negrresses in long beards and burqas and white people, all taking pictures like a parliament of baboons. Stopped at a good restaurant on the way to the rest house and the food was served without cutlery. Ate with my hand in nearly 10 years. Felt disgusting. Came to rest house, had no water. Served noodles, again with no cutlery. Who the fuck serves noodles without cutlery? slept through the night swatting mosquitoes. Spent the entire trip reminiscing about time in the west. Stopped at a restaurant that actually had cutlery. First on this trip. Ate chicken fried rice, which in this part of the country is just fried rice with bits of shredded chicken. It was served with chilly paste and ketchup of all things. Drank coca cola; only sign of civilization on this entire trip. This country is such a hell hole that not even the coca cola tastes the same. Came home a little after 7. My hand still smells like curry from eating with my hand the other day. Shit like this is why pajeets get sick. Truly a disgusting breed that must be wiped off the face of the earth with extreme prejudice. This trip has increased my suicidality by 50%. My only concern is having to die in this country. I wish to die in the west. In England or Russia or Japan. Surrounded by earth. To die of Hypothermia. Ideally in Siberia, so they only discover my body, when the snow melts completely, if at all.

I must now go exfoliate my hand with bleach.
Fellow currycel here. I can confirm jeets are the dumbest creatures alive without even a modicum of intelligence. They also are completely unaware of not only abstract things but also their surroundings(hence why Jeets get yeeted by trains all the time). I strongly believe they lack proper human sentience and are ran by some higher authority who mind controls them and makes them coprophilic and insect like. No worse torture for a self aware intelligent curry than living among his bretheren.
Fellow currycel here. I can confirm jeets are the dumbest creatures alive without even a modicum of intelligence. They also are completely unaware of not only abstract things but also their surroundings(hence why Jeets get yeeted by trains all the time). I strongly believe they lack proper human sentience and are ran by some higher authority who mind controls them and makes them coprophilic and insect like. No worse torture for a self aware intelligent curry than living among his bretheren.
It’s interesting to see so many Indians who are self-hating. Usually you expect White people to hate themselves the most out of everyone due to brainwashing and guilt but India has none of that. So it must mean things are really fucking bad.
It’s interesting to see so many Indians who are self-hating. Usually you expect White people to hate themselves the most out of everyone due to brainwashing and guilt but India has none of that. So it must mean things are really fucking bad.
If India becomes a rich, clean and first world country I will retract all my statements not joking. Until then we will wait.