Why are zoomers balding so fast?

because of eating bugs, because of falling for every meme on kike-engineered soynet and a dozen other jew regime which I won't care to backtrack. In the end, the zoombie apocalypse has started and be ready. When this generational retardation finally evolves into full blown mental pathology, then transforming into what barely resembles human. While you still have time, run!
Some of my friends are balding and they’re under 20 years old. What’s crazy is my dad has more hair than some of them.
vaccines, insect meat, gay enzymes in the shampoo, soy in the tuna, aluminum in the baby formula, they eat dick burgers at fast food stores, drink monster which literally has 666 in the name and gay man chemicals, they don't eat any meat or eggs, could go on an on...
Most of them take t blockers and androgyne estrogen horse piss pills too...
"Premarin is a highly prescribed orally administered estrogen. It is also available as a topical cream. This estrogenic product is isolated from the urine of pregnant horses (PREgnant MARes' urINe). It has been used for hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women / zoomers in the USA since 1942."
Poor diet, caused by natural foods being more expensive as harder to transport (less preservatives). Eat more organic meat. Bone broths, fish skin.
Or just be an shitskin. All the indians here have thick black hair into their 70s… the west is LOSING.