Politics What are your thoughts on Zoomers?

Tabula Rasa

Active member
I think when discussing the Zoomer generation, there is a broad spectrum from what is dubbed as 'Zillenials', to alpha-adjacent TikTok teenagers, and everything between; it's not a uniform demographic group.
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I can’t stand their stupid broccoli haircut.


Also, 20% of them identify as gay or trans. I blame the parents for not raising their children properly.
Well, I am one.
Besides this, I don't have that many thoughts about them. I have a group of online friends who are zoomers, they're cool. But in real life I am not currently interacting with anyone my age. Anyone I talk to or hangout with are older than me. In my senior year of high school, I preferred to interact with the staff rather than other students on campus. My overall opinion is neutral, maybe slightly negative due me finding most people in my school at the time generally annoying.
Zoomers are born into a very nihilistic world, they are simultaneously expected to bear the weight of the decisions of previous generations and also to fend for themselves in a chaotic world. The mainstream zoomer simply follows after the millennials and perpetuate their "why bother, let's just have fun and be nice to each other" mentality to an even higher degree. There are zoomers who reject the vapid mainstream culture, but struggle to find higher purpose, and they end up becoming radicals; usually embracing some form of Darwinism. Then there's the more virtuous zoomers like @baqqrih. In reality, though, many people don't fall cleanly into one of these groups, it's usually a combination of them.
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It’s a bit of a mixed bag. They have the potential to be the most informed generation in history, yet they’re trapped in a feedback loop of chasing trends and groupthink because of endless social media noise.

I wouldn't say it's completely their fault tho. This is the world they’ve been born into. You’ve got these kids who can’t even afford to live on their own, let alone have any hope for the future, and that fucks with your head. It’s a lot easier to just shut off and numb yourself than for you to face the world.
it never started for them tbh, first generation to deal with multiculturalism, racemixing, internet kikery, chemical microdosages on everything and debauchery in general, i give it 2 or 3 generations before any semblance of a stable white youth is lost for whatever the latest niggerslop there will be that they will imitate forever and ever
it never started for them tbh, first generation to deal with multiculturalism, racemixing, internet kikery, chemical microdosages on everything and debauchery in general, i give it 2 or 3 generations before any semblance of a stable white youth is lost for whatever the latest niggerslop there will be that they will imitate forever and ever
Internet was still pretty fun until like 2013 imo but I was also on the internet from a young age so maybe it is rose tinted glasses
I think this way of discussing young people/old people is pretty new and came out of nowhere, like a hivemind thing. One day everyone started referring to da boomers and da zoomers and da millenials and everything has to be related to generational astrology, even when discussing topics unrelated to age.
It's probably another type of identity politics to divide and conquer to be honest, I used to find it annoying when everyone started talking about boom booms and zoom zooms all of a sudden but I've gotten used to it now