Conspiracy What if White people are the abnormal ones

i'm talking about you being a nigger you bum :...:
fixed it for you...
whites literally destroyed the old world.. the fuck you smokin' crack head..
killed and stole free electricity charging for it,
killed and stole free oil charging for it,
on and on it goes..

Good grief this forum has become a cringe shit show...
>Free electricity
>Free oil
Imagine being this retarded.
ytbois are the reason gay shit is widespread, there is no moral high ground. And weird fetishes like cuckoldry, furry shit, etc are all done mostly by older, wealthier white men....
not true, Latin Americans and Indians are the most fetish liking populations
Typical white faggot that has never paid bills in his life living in his mom's attic.
Electricity and oil are both free you dumbshit, THEY charge you for it because your dumb asf.
Well free in the sense that you can harvest electricity yourself (solar, wind, water, using a crank), but even in those cases you still need energy, money and/or time to get the necessary devices to do it.

I thought that by free electricity you meant some kind of device that harvests electricity from the spirit realm or some shit, or one that produces electricity ex nihilo.

Also whites didn't kill 'free' electricity. You can still get electricity by these methods if you want. It's just a lot of people find it more convenient and/or cheaper to just buy electricity.

Also what the hell do you mean by free oil? As far as I know oil is found in deep underground reservoirs. Do you drill your own oil?
I somewhat agree. But blaming a group of people for their ancestor’s actions is retarded.
Nothing worse than blaming an entire group of people for a few peoples actions..
Hypocrite seething and coping after reading this...
Well free in the sense that you can harvest electricity yourself (solar, wind, water, using a crank), but even in those cases you still need energy, money and/or time to get the necessary devices to do it.

I thought that by free electricity you meant some kind of device that harvests electricity from the spirit realm or some shit, or one that produces electricity ex nihilo.

Also whites didn't kill 'free' electricity. You can still get electricity by these methods if you want. It's just a lot of people find it more convenient and/or cheaper to just buy electricity.

Also what the hell do you mean by free oil? As far as I know oil is found in deep underground reservoirs. Do you drill your own oil?
Normie doesn't even know..

Literally every old world building had tech on the roof to harvest free energy.
Open a history book zoomtard..


