Conspiracy What if White people are the abnormal ones

JP Morgan and Thomas Edison were white as snow..
You wander in from Stupid Town? Neither of those people had anything to do with the invention of LED light bulbs, they weren't even alive for the invention of LEDs, let alone white LED lights.


Connect the dots.
What dots? That They lived before LED lights were even conceptualized? Edison had no hand in making LEDs, he was however directly involved in the invention of lightbulbs you showed in the video. Also, you blame whity for making LEDs, who do you think made the "old world lighting"?
fixed it for you...
whites literally destroyed the old world.. the fuck you smokin' crack head..
killed and stole free electricity charging for it,
killed and stole free oil charging for it,
on and on it goes..

Good grief this forum has become a cringe shit show...
It was da joos and da jesoots and da masoons not wypipo
No other race on this planet has achieved more than Whites have. They are the ones who expanded their horizons, traveling and conquering new lands, while saving the indigenous species of humans who live there. This is due to White’s inherent ability to feel empathy, which most races lack.

The sad thing is, this is exactly why Whites are going extinct. They feel so much guilt that they are willing to kill themselves for “atonement.” No other race has ever felt bad for what they did. In fact, nigger apes rape and kill and eat their kids and feel zero remorse. Muslims and Mexicans torture and kill other people everyday. And so on.

Only Whites are capable of appreciating the beauty of the planet. Sculpting timeless statues and buildings and artworks. The non-white cannot comprehend such beauty, and will instead steal and vandalize historical monuments for fun. They’re literally incapable of understanding abstract ideas, after all.

If this is the case then it makes White people an anomaly. Every plant, animal, and non-white human kills and destroys to survive. While Whites strive to be something beyond that.
White people are gods
