Soysphere General Discussion

I still like it as long as I ignore most people.
It's not because I got haters, the site is just bland and boring now. I've just checked the new activities and I didn't see any single thread I'd like to participate in, the exact same problem I have with
Kevin Logan (under different name on schlog that I won't tell ya) has told me that xe has a similar complaint with it weeks ago, guess xe was right.
Kevin Logan (under different name on schlog that I won't tell ya)
He already revealed himself to me a while ago.
the site is just bland and boring now. I've just checked the new activities and I didn't see any single thread I'd like to participate in, the exact same problem I have with
Yeah, I don’t know what the solution is. There’s just too much normies on the internet to gatekeep against.
He already revealed himself to me a while ago.
You should invite xe to join here.
Yeah, I don’t know what the solution is. There’s just too much normies on the internet to gatekeep against.
Older people seem to be a lot more interesting than kids these days and I probably wouldn't have problem with normies on schlog if they weren't just bunch of underage brats. I've been on kiwifarms and users on that site are a lot funnier, sad that it has an insufferable jannie team.
We schloggers are cuckolds lol
I'm quite conflicted about whether I should just nuke my megachud thread on 'log along with my account or not. On one hand, it'd only create more dumb dramas; on the other hand, it's legitimately the most-viewed thread outside random forum games and Discord vent channel blogs, and cordfags don't really deserve that traffic I've brought.
I'm quite conflicted about whether I should just nuke my megachud thread on 'log along with my account or not. On one hand, it'd only create more dumb dramas; on the other hand, it's legitimately the most-viewed thread outside random forum games and Discord vent channel blogs, and cordfags don't really deserve that traffic I've brought.
I don't think you should yet. There are still some people there who are worth interacting with. Things might get better over time if we stay patient. But yeah if the forum stays the way it is then you should probably delete your account.
I'm quite conflicted about whether I should just nuke my megachud thread on 'log along with my account or not. On one hand, it'd only create more dumb dramas; on the other hand, it's legitimately the most-viewed thread outside random forum games and Discord vent channel blogs, and cordfags don't really deserve that traffic I've brought.
I don’t use really use forums but why would you delete your account instead of logging off? Then you can come back later when you feel like it without losing everything you posted. Unless you’re worried about feds or something.
It just got worse, if the moderator clique can shot you dead if they feel like it then it's time to leave, i dont get why people still stay over there.
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It just got worse, if the moderator clique can shot you dead if they feel like it then it's time to leave, i dont get why people still stay over there.
frootcord has been like this since xhey gained access to schlog, it's just that xhey banned some pickme troon that no one other than xer own fag group likes, and xhe can also potentially convince and bring xer ig group fags out of the site, which is why everyone else is celebrating.
I still like it as long as I ignore most people.
yeah this pretty much. the main gang on .blog are awesome... but these new teeny popper retards... fun to rek their soyjakking brainstem though.
they are literally like redditors... and try and e-flex about their fag boy lingo lango on .party - literally peak reddit faggotry.




Although the soyjak teen boppers are actually just building the lore of Chuds and Chud Stars.
Kinda funny...
So much beta male drama... I grew up in the interneting days of real trolling, raids, gaming, now it's all gossip, back biting, and other faggotry...
This is what happens when grown men don't have any real hobbies, passions, or skillsets. They sit online 18 hours a day watching slop.
I think it will end up dying soon, doe. All content is just regurgitated crap and all people do is complain or have drama. It’s becoming stale already
It has turned into sharty and that's just what nusoicacas, or kids this generation do. I'm pretty surprised at how uncreative kids these days honestly, to the point that even blatant tracing is considered "gemmy" by today's standard.
It has turned into sharty and that's just what nusoicacas, or kids this generation do. I'm pretty surprised at how uncreative kids these days honestly, to the point that even blatant tracing is considered "gemmy" by today's standard.
Will you stay in the forum doe
I can't post this poem. I made it just for the Sharty Boiz. #conspiracy

Venga Boys, how did I get here, I'm a Chud Star from the north, living in some sorta soyboy south. Chuds life for me because I choose not to embrace silly antics of self deprecation. Soyjakkers creating chaos in a place of sanctuary, only to be trampled by new age soyology. Invaded by a link on the homepage to the shlog, we've had to embrace a bunch of soyboi teeny boopin' sharty boiz trying to dance along floppin' their ego, unable to grasp the fact the term 'Normie' came from a movie called "The Garbage Pail Kids" from the 70s.

Get rekt redditors. Nerdcore (not-normie) rapper NB OUt..

~Mexico repp'in.
~don't ban me fr00t la t00t.

TLDR: Don't click the Home button on the SHLOG if you're an intellectual Chud.
~Nagolbud Ch|_|d 4 Lyf3
Bud the Chud NTSOP ~ CSSBTC Repin' #Autism #Sperg #SigmaMale

Please, whatever you do.... don't #RAIDSHADOWLEGENDSMOBILEGAMESAREFORTROONS the Sharty... it would be terrible if we actually had a real raid... where we lived for just a second in the online world, e-chuds, e-soyjakkers, champions against the system that has repressed us all. I saw a vision from above, the Shaty, the Shlog, the Troons from 4chan, be guided by the Chud Stars for success... it's time the Chudarisees stepped up to teach these 12 year olds how to grow tomatoes and raise chickens, instead of deepthroating Bugatti's with Top Freemason G's. All of use united reversing the hegelian dialectic, no longer incels of societies demand as we embrace the ugly. #ChudRamyRiseUp

Chud Army.webp

I'm not schizo you're schizo.