Soysphere General Discussion

now the site is back, but x immigrant is still a jannie, I just hope that xe won't add more dumb shit just to make the site down again or something.
He actually did and I didn’t even have to ask. Albeit he censored the best part.

geg this is actually gemmer than I've expected. I hate that 'ru has literally no quality control, it could've been a diamond mine but those retarded approvers there just let every shit get passed, even an actual drooling retard can do better job than 'ru approvers. Who the hell are those idiots and who gives them control anyway?
geg this is actually gemmer than I've expected. I hate that 'ru has literally no quality control, it could've been a diamond mine but those retarded approvers there just let every shit get passed, even an actual drooling retard can do better job than 'ru approvers. Who the hell are those idiots and who gives them control anyway?
i feel like the entirety of the soysphere is fucked
>infested to the brim with people that have been not even a year into the site and just attentionwhore or force their cord memes because they think they will be documented in 10 years by internet historians, or just get a 1-paragraph long article in the soyjak wiki
>administration is composed of trannies that sabotage the site on purpose, and sell the data of their user to third world chinese and pajeet companies
>50% of OC is nametranny drama NOBODY cares about and the rest that is indeed gemmy just gets ignored by nusoigolem
>people openly admit to being faggots and flippin tolerant but just say nigger out of site culture (proves my point that by 2030 the site will be borderline reddit)
>more useless features by nudev to act like he is doing something and get a fdl paycheck (if they get one) (his code is chatgpt made)
>minecraft server is hosted in some pajeet's basement and is factions
>and much more that i won't write to make is as short as possible

>pedo safehaven
>deepecocel is a lolcow there
>aryan 0.1 pph
>goon to fictional sharty related women
>one gazillion other dead boards full of forced shit that never took off and never will
>furtroon jannies
>nuteens only know it due to slopjaks
>basically dead site with every thread either pedoshit or slopjak spam
>that's the entirety of the site activity

>only board worth using is /qa/
>nate...... BUT LE REDHEAD!
>le kewt anime catgurl with a :3 face, in a grey sweater with "gem" written on it and a red skirt, and redhead too (they want to larp as white so bad)
>a version of catjak with a blue cap, pale skin (again they want to be white) and a smiley face, they call it mameson and force it on everything
>we're actually the superior splinter because we have 1 pph!
>horrible s4s larp but with soahjacks so its "gemmy" amarite
>activity consists of s4s larp, dilating at soyshitty and oc circlejerking
>had an actual tranny janny in a point of its lifetime, made a lot of kewtcore oc and more redrawed old 4cuck /f/ animations
>found out to be a plebbitor and femboy vtuber follower
>bought by doll (i downloaded 20 abdl videos) and then by angeleno
>only gemmy thing is the chatgpt rizz

>more dead than babylon
>0000000.1 hyperborean pph
>as im writing this the last post was 1 fucking day ago KEK
>no culture
>almost abandoned
>i would say the only nice thing about it is the main board being more bearable, ordinary hobby threads or soyquotes, almost no nas or attentionwhores, but of course they won't touch it because there is no one to recruit on that site
>still 000000.1 pph doe

>not even a splinter considering they post pepe the based meme frog instead of soyjaks
>entire existence is based around dilating about soyshitty (like frognigs do)
>threads are either trump, pepe or more dilation
>they talk like r/thedonald users
>they act like its funny
>at that point just return to /pol/
>they don't want to because they're scared the feds will find their harddrive with the full copy of daisy's destruction but will mask it as opsec so they don't look more like pedos than they already are
>somewhere between the shemmy and swinny on activity, is fucking forced anyway because they don't even discuss anything and just post drumpf edits from 2016
>only discussion is at /sharty/ and there they scramble desperately for a reason to get the sharty down and gaslight their providers into shutting it down just for fröötenberg to use another of mossad's server masked as a gentile domain provider

>literally discord controlled
>pony porn forced by a fat saudi faggot
>the opposing discord does @everyone and links the thread to start derailing it
>once the saudi realizes he pings @everyone in his own discord to retaliate with gigainserts
>this goes on until there is another thread to derail
>actual serbian fpetroon
>catalog is all ragebait (but some say it out of actual seethe)
>hosted in some siberian's basement, goes down once a week and the code gets occasionally raped and makes the site unusable
>30 users at most
>still has gernanic 10 pph

>literally a discord
>shit nobody cares about
>soigagas forcing their shit
>actual shitskins
>actual faggots
>actual mexican aztec spics

>they want to hook up for gay sex
>they are jartycucks
>they have fantasies of getting raped
>they want to get fucked by another man
>they accept all of this
>the mascot is le unique because its a blue slop piece with a leaf in the head instead of the typical nate recolor
>they have sissy erp in their dms (i forgot the link for this one)
>and much much more

>do i really have to explain it
>their entire existence is being tranny nigger cucks
>every bad aspect of every splinter, take it, multiply it by 10 and you got aftershitty
>they spam 'p with links to their discord
>they're trannies
>they dilate hard at frootstein's measures to minimize their gay spam

>they often consider ceasing operations and roping after getting BTFO by frootcord again and again
>they will topple the evil bastardic froot sharty reich by.... talking about passing as real women
>they use opensource software on everything (wonder why?)
>they want to groom soyteens into their tranny harem
>and then want to shill their discord in the sharty after doing all the previously mentioned

ok so ermmm........ where now
i don't want to accept it but i think the most realistic option would be accepting that 'jakking fell off and just stick to vidya and goycial media for stimuli, these kind of places are full to the brim with ill-minded people
Well since you started this, I’m gonna spit out what’s been on my mind because I’ve also been blACKpilled for a while.

The soysphere has grown too big for its own good. What used to be a niche board for disgruntled 4chan users has grown into an ecosystem of splinters and Discord servers, underage kids, and gay autists. Now, it’s impossible to retain the site’s culture due to the massive amount of immigrants and the mods don’t do nearly enough to gatekeep. This in turn drives out oldcacas like me while new users continue infiltrating and forcing their agendas.

I was really hoping we could retain that OG culture on the ‘blog but no one seems interested due to fear of being a rulecuck.
Well since you started this, I’m gonna spit out what’s been on my mind because I’ve also been blACKpilled for a while.

The soysphere has grown too big for its own good. What used to be a niche board for disgruntled 4chan users has grown into an ecosystem of splinters and Discord servers, underage kids, and gay autists. Now, it’s impossible to retain the site’s culture due to the massive amount of immigrants and the mods don’t do nearly enough to gatekeep. This in turn drives out oldcacas like me while new users continue infiltrating and forcing their agendas.
FACT, though fdl pushes the agendas more, theirs being shitting up the site using their precious twitter nugolem
I was really hoping we could retain that OG culture on the ‘blog but no one seems interested due to fear of being a rulecuck.
it was doomed from the start for being a FORUM for an ANONYMOUS imageboard