This is a little thing I've been working on and off on. It's a 2.5D, level-based, beat 'em up, where the hook is that enemies can only be killed by high speed collisions, so the player has to use combos or other means to launch enemies into walls, objects or other enemies. Also there will be incomprehensible woahjacks or something.
Everything is still very much WIP.
Q: why the FUCK are you posting this soytranny shit here and not on sharty/shlog GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK GO ABCK GO BAKC KYS KYS KYS (clitty leakage)
A: (un)fortunately my country is rangebanned from the sharty and I had my shlog account deactivated, because reasons. So I figured this is one of the last decent soysphere-adjecent places where I can make a thread about this. So at the very least, anyone other than me knows this thing exists.
Q: playable game where
A: soon™