Selfish Little - A soyjak themed visceral beat 'em up

This is a little thing I've been working on and off on. It's a 2.5D, level-based, beat 'em up, where the hook is that enemies can only be killed by high speed collisions, so the player has to use combos or other means to launch enemies into walls, objects or other enemies. Also there will be incomprehensible woahjacks or something.
Everything is still very much WIP.

Q: why the FUCK are you posting this soytranny shit here and not on sharty/shlog GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK GO ABCK GO BAKC KYS KYS KYS (clitty leakage)
A: (un)fortunately my country is rangebanned from the sharty and I had my shlog account deactivated, because reasons. So I figured this is one of the last decent soysphere-adjecent places where I can make a thread about this. So at the very least, anyone other than me knows this thing exists.

Q: playable game where
A: soon™
Looks promising. I wouldn’t mind giving it a go if it comes out.
why the FUCK are you posting this soytranny shit here and not on sharty/shlog GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK GO ABCK GO BAKC KYS KYS KYS (clitty leakage)
Nah it’s fine. We have the dev’s thread of Mega Chud pinned on here.
View attachment 4344

This is a little thing I've been working on and off on. It's a 2.5D, level-based, beat 'em up, where the hook is that enemies can only be killed by high speed collisions, so the player has to use combos or other means to launch enemies into walls, objects or other enemies. Also there will be incomprehensible woahjacks or something.
Everything is still very much WIP.

Q: why the FUCK are you posting this soytranny shit here and not on sharty/shlog GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK GO ABCK GO BAKC KYS KYS KYS (clitty leakage)
A: (un)fortunately my country is rangebanned from the sharty and I had my shlog account deactivated, because reasons. So I figured this is one of the last decent soysphere-adjecent places where I can make a thread about this. So at the very least, anyone other than me knows this thing exists.

Q: playable game where
A: soon™
What engine are you using?
Bro what the fuck did czhecs do?
A Czhec namefag on the schlog (YuriGOD) Kept DDoSING .blog and sent a false report in that got the site taken down and the domain name changed; Due to This when DOLL had came into contact with Froot and Quote when requesting to move the blog’s servers to the sharty’s Czechia got rangebanned as to stop that poster from ever coming back again. Aswell as to punish xim.
Israel and India hasn’t been Rangebanned yet despite the major part of the user base wanting to and asking for it; He the Poster is most likely from Czechia
If you go on the sharty’s /pol/ board you’ll see that there is a lot of active Israeli and Indian posters, All jokes aside. (Except this one) PHULL SUPPORT SAAR!
A Czhec namefag on the schlog (YuriGOD) Kept DDoSING .blog and sent a false report in that got the site taken down and the domain name changed; Due to This when DOLL had came into contact with Froot and Quote when requesting to move the blog’s servers to the sharty’s Czechia got rangebanned as to stop that poster from ever coming back again. Aswell as to punish xim.
I cant believe yurifag was such a menace, talk about collective punishment
What engine are you using?
GameMaker Studio 2

Do you think you'll finish it? Last time I saw a thread like this, the dev teased us then bailed.
If I don't finish this game, I am killing myself

Imagine being such an annoying obnoxious little cunt that you get your whole country rangebanned from using any soysphere site
or the jannies could just DO THEIR JOB instead of barring an entire nation from the sharty, but ofc, that is not part of FNWOs agenda of running sharty into the ground
GameMaker Studio 2

If I don't finish this game, I am killing myself

or the jannies could just DO THEIR JOB instead of barring an entire nation from the sharty, but ofc, that is not part of FNWOs agenda of running sharty into the ground
Well, Not all sharty jannies our bad seeing that I am one. But I could agree on you how it’s outrageous that they had to ban an entire nation instead of one IP just because they were lazy and leaky.
A: (un)fortunately my country is rangebanned from the sharty and I had my shlog account deactivated, because reasons. So I figured this is one of the last decent soysphere-adjecent places where I can make a thread about this. So at the very least, anyone other than me knows this thing exists.
Who are you sir?
afaik there's only one rangebanned country, unless froot banned more because he's a retarded egomaniac that doesn't care for the website
also neither
Froot when ever xe is in frootcord makes silly decisions like wordfiltering shit to “raisin” or nigger to “rog” or banning entire countries just because he can and he loves to power-trip
Froot when ever xe is in frootcord makes silly decisions like wordfiltering shit to “raisin” or nigger to “rog” or banning entire countries just because he can and he loves to power-trip
Xe was really making xer axewound happy and twitching when xhe wordfiltered “you” to “nigger” for a whole week that really was annoying.