Politics Planning to read Mein Kampf soon

Lemme guess, all these books were j00 t00?

How convenient..
they were tranny books like jews force on children and society today they did back then in germany the same thing
Hmmmm what symbol could that be...

"The hands of the Führer organize his speech. This picture captures Hitler's hands as he speaks of the unity of the National Socialist and socialist ideas." - The Hitler No One Knows: 100 Pictures of the Life of the Führer - Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler wie ihn keiner kennt (Berlin: “Zeitgeschichte” Verlag, 1932)
History isn't real and I'm tired of all these fake books and fake people from fake countries that I am supposed to care about.
I've heard of the Thomas Dalton translation being the best, as @Hitler said in this thread. Although I would rather read the original, untranslated German text. I remember seeing a while back that a English--German side-by-side version of Mein Kampf was on the Clemens & Blair Publishing bookstore website, so I'll probably use that unless I can find the German text alone rather than a dual English--German version, and for a reasonable price without additions, subtractions, or edits.
I've heard of the Thomas Dalton translation being the best, as @Hitler said in this thread. Although I would rather read the original, untranslated German text. I remember seeing a while back that a English--German side-by-side version of Mein Kampf was on the Clemens & Blair Publishing bookstore website, so I'll probably use that unless I can find the German text alone rather than a dual English--German version, and for a reasonable price without additions, subtractions, or edits.
Yeah, that’s the one I’m reading. It would be preferable to read the raw source in the native tongue of course, but it’s better than nothing. Do you know German?
Thread cleaned. Let's stay on topic from now on.
Well that's boring..
/watches chuds.life slowly dissolve into a j00 larp sanctuary of pagan faggotry.
Imagine having to provide a safe space for fags to larp about Hitler, a dude who was pro-censorship, pro-book burning, and pro-statist propaganda.
What’s the best version? There’s so many it’s like trying to find the right Bible edition. @Hitler which one do you approve of?

" Konrad Heiden and Nazi 'apostate' Otto Strasser, report that not only did Stempfle correct the galley proofs of Mein Kampf, but that he indeed copy-edited certain passages. Historian and Hitler biographer Alan Bullock likewise discusses this."

"The Vatican with Jesuit pressure funded Hitler, as did Wall Street."

"Hitler was deep into the occult and was helped into power by Franz Von Papen, leader of the Catholic Party in Germany and friend of Pope Pius XII, whom Hitler admired."

"Goebbels was married to a Jewish woman."




"Hitler was used by the Jesuits to herd European Jews together and resettle them into Palestine which would become the Zionist state of Israel to set up the next phase of their plan (which is WW3 between Judaism and Islam)."

Here's a few books that are worth reading before wasting your time on some Jesuit AI slop:
The Catholic Church in Hitler's "Mein Kampf" By L. H. Lehmann
The Many Lives of a Jesuit, Freemason, and Philanthropist: The Story of Töhötöm Nagy

"Quotes from Nazi leaders themselves including Hitler and Goebbels, both who were subservient to the Jesuit order openly and admitidely. Israel was created with the help of Hitler who resettled Ashkenazi Jews there. Much of the Nazi leaders and scientists were moved to America through Operation Paperclip at the end of the war (they didn't really lose, they just shapeshifted into the next phase and moved to America)."

Even Reddit normies know this shiiiit..​

If I'm wrong please provide evidence that Hitler was the first real politician in the entire world / history acting on his own accord, and that he actually did write Mein Kampf.

Lawl.. I'll wait, or maybe @Seraphim will delete this too..
View attachment 2999

" Konrad Heiden and Nazi 'apostate' Otto Strasser, report that not only did Stempfle correct the galley proofs of Mein Kampf, but that he indeed copy-edited certain passages. Historian and Hitler biographer Alan Bullock likewise discusses this."

"The Vatican with Jesuit pressure funded Hitler, as did Wall Street."

"Hitler was deep into the occult and was helped into power by Franz Von Papen, leader of the Catholic Party in Germany and friend of Pope Pius XII, whom Hitler admired."

"Goebbels was married to a Jewish woman."




"Hitler was used by the Jesuits to herd European Jews together and resettle them into Palestine which would become the Zionist state of Israel to set up the next phase of their plan (which is WW3 between Judaism and Islam)."

Here's a few books that are worth reading before wasting your time on some Jesuit AI slop:
The Catholic Church in Hitler's "Mein Kampf" By L. H. Lehmann
The Many Lives of a Jesuit, Freemason, and Philanthropist: The Story of Töhötöm Nagy

"Quotes from Nazi leaders themselves including Hitler and Goebbels, both who were subservient to the Jesuit order openly and admitidely. Israel was created with the help of Hitler who resettled Ashkenazi Jews there. Much of the Nazi leaders and scientists were moved to America through Operation Paperclip at the end of the war (they didn't really lose, they just shapeshifted into the next phase and moved to America)."

Even Reddit normies know this shiiiit..​

If I'm wrong please provide evidence that Hitler was the first real politician in the entire world / history acting on his own accord, and that he actually did write Mein Kampf.

Lawl.. I'll wait, or maybe @Seraphim will delete this too..
I plan to look at it from all angles. Also, all the derailed stuff is here

I won’t make any more posts about this until after my research is completed.
I plan to look at it from all angles. Also, all the derailed stuff is here

I won’t make any more posts about this until after my research is completed.
At the end of the day who gives a flying fuck about what any politician has to say... they are all statist faggots who lord control, tyranny, censorship, manipulation, violence, force, propaganda, and taxes over our heads while pretending they are fighting "for us".

Imagine being 40, watching some tween larp in VRFAGELONMUSKVISION forums about Trump in 30 years..
Wanting to read his book..

"Fuck all these faggot politicians, start a homestead and burn your legal fiction paperwork or you're a statist queerbag androgyne." - Unkown Chudarchist
At the end of the day who gives a flying fuck about what any politician has to say... they are all statist faggots who lord control, tyranny, censorship, manipulation, violence, force, propaganda, and taxes over our heads while pretending they are fighting "for us".

Imagine being 40, watching some tween larp in VRFAGELONMUSKVISION forums about Trump in 30 years..
Wanting to read his book..

"Fuck all these faggot politicians, start a homestead and burn your legal fiction paperwork or you're a statist queerbag androgyne." - Unkown Chudarchist
You’re not necessarily wrong. I would prefer humans went back to the tribal stage and stayed there.

But this is the political subforum, so…