The Bee W Sea
I find it hard to believe you read more than ten pages without going dnr then closing the book.Its just rambling reddit dialect word salad tbh
I find it hard to believe you read more than ten pages without going dnr then closing the book.Its just rambling reddit dialect word salad tbh
Its books like mein craft which is why I don't read any moreI find it hard to believe you read more than ten pages without going dnr then closing the book.
I want to have a deeper understanding of Hitler’s life and thought process, otherwise I actively avoid reading books.I did read ''My twisted world'', by Elliot Rodger tho, that was the last actual book I read all the way through, and the book of revelation schizo writings
how far in are you?I want to have a deeper understanding of Hitler’s life and thought process, otherwise I actively avoid reading books.
Zerohow far in are you?
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Thanks. I just downloaded it.
Pg. 332 of volume 1 seems to delve into that. I’d just read it all or use an audio book if you’re ADHD.should i start with the first or second volume
both reading about hitler's development before and during his time as chancellor is nice but i also think reading about the structure of his government is equally as beneficial
is there a better choice so i can get to understand it better
im too cisgoted to listen audiobooks sorryI’d just read it all or use an audio book if you’re ADHD.
I have read it. It amazed me how humanatarian and pro Union Hitler was. I highly recommend it to everyone. It can really help you develope a confrontational and unyielding personality.What’s the best version? There’s so many it’s like trying to find the right Bible edition. @Hitler which one do you approve of?
Hitler didn't even write it ya normie..I have read it. It amazed me how humanatarian and pro Union Hitler was. I highly recommend it to everyone. It can really help you develope a confrontational and unyielding personality.
seething kikelordHitler didn't even write it ya normie..
When the first signs of a new revolutionary epoch appeared in Europe they graduallyscattered the fire throughout Austria. And when the fire began to glow steadily it wasfed and fanned not by the social or political conditions but by forces that had theirorigin in the nationalist yearnings of the various ethnic groups.The European revolutionary movement of 1848 primarily took the form of a classconflict in almost every other country, but in Austria it took the form of a new racialstruggle. In so far as the German-Austrians there forgot the origins of the movement, orperhaps had failed to recognize them at the start and consequently took part in therevolutionary uprising, they sealed their own fate. For they thus helped to awaken thespirit of Western Democracy which, within a short while, shattered the foundations oftheir own existence.The setting up of a representative parliamentary body, without insisting on thepreliminary that only one language should be used in all public intercourse under theState, was the first great blow to the predominance of the German element in the DualMonarchy. From that moment the State was also doomed to collapse sooner or later. Allthat followed was nothing but the historical liquidation of an Empire.To watch that process of progressive disintegration was a tragic and at the same time aninstructive experience. The execution of history's decree was carried out in thousands ofdetails. The fact that great numbers of people went about blindfolded amid the manifestsigns of dissolution only proves that the gods had decreed the destruction of Austria.I do not wish to dwell on details because that would lie outside the scope of this book. I want to treat in detail only those events which are typical among the causes that lead tothe decline of nations and States and which are therefore of importance to our presentage. Moreover, the study of these events helped to furnish the basis of my own politicaloutlook.Among the institutions which most clearly manifested unmistakable signs of decay,even to the weak-sighted Philistine, was that which, of all the institutions of State, oughtto have been the most firmly founded--I mean the Parliament, or the Reichsrat (ImperialCouncil) as it was called in Austria.The pattern for this corporate body was obviously that which existed in England, theland of classic democracy. The whole of that excellent organization was bodilytransferred to Austria with as little alteration as possible.As the Austrian counterpart to the British two-chamber system a Chamber of Deputiesand a House of Lords (HERRENHAUS) were established in Vienna. The Housesthemselves, considered as buildings were somewhat different. When Barry built hispalaces, or, as we say the Houses of Parliament, on the shore of the Thames, he couldOn page 66 currently and Diglet was sort of right. There’s a lot of rambling and historical context is added in to almost everything. The only standout parts learned about is both of his parents died at a young age and he hated city culture for entrapping young men.
I don’t really understand why normies think he became evil because he got rejected from art school when he accepted working in architecture as his career without much drama. Propaganda I guess.
Eye see
So reading history is bad now?
"hIsToRy"So reading history is bad now?
What a convenient scape goat every single time.. yet history continues to repeat itself, literally proving it's not the jooz.