Peak gaming dropped

would have thought it wasn't the title considering it would be the name of some gay cumpetitive tournament
That makes sense. Well, a gay cumpetitive tournament is the essence of the game. In the main game mode, several teams of 3 battle it out in a tournament. Eventually, it gets to the last two teams and a heckin' epic 3v3 battle ensues.
That makes sense. Well, a gay cumpetitive tournament is the essence of the game. In the main game mode, several teams of 3 battle it out in a tournament. Eventually, it gets to the last two teams and a heckin' epic 3v3 battle ensues.
whats the price pool
I wouldn't know, I'm not white. Only in America am I considered white, lol.
checks out with your posts
Free game = Microtransactions
Back in my day we got to create our own cosmetics and upload them, spray paint funny memes on the walls. Now you faggots buy androgyne aesthetics and faggot skins.
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Microtransactions in The Finals are cosmetic, there is 0 P2W in the game. Also, custom skins are gay. Having played CS, all the servers have cringe anime skins and gun skins that look like they're out of Crossfire. Roblox added custom character creations and now it's a cesspool for degenerate trash. The peak system is what Valve did with TF2 and CSGO/CS2. Accept user created content and compensate creators with real money, but reject cringe or outlandish skins to keep everything relevant to the game.
The Finals confirmed fag slop played by soyboys.

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The Finals is the only game I've ever paid for a battle pass for (apart from CSGO's operations, but I bought those because I knew I could make money off of them and I did). I wanted to show support for the game because of how fun it was. That one battle pass has allowed me to purchase 4 seasons of battle passes and many other cosmetics because of the excess currency you obtain from completing it (which is very easy to do in comparison to other games). Having that kind of business model makes it hard to succeed, anybody can put 20 - 30 hours into the game over the course of 80+ days to complete the battlepass and have enough premium currency to spend it on whatever they'd like. The devs obviously understand that, instead of removing premium currency from the battlepass, making it harder, or reducing the amount inside of it, they do nothing. I respect them, even if they are mostly owned by Nexon.
Microtransactions in The Finals are cosmetic, there is 0 P2W in the game. Also, custom skins are gay. Having played CS, all the servers have cringe anime skins and gun skins that look like they're out of Crossfire. Roblox added custom character creations and now it's a cesspool for degenerate trash. The peak system is what Valve did with TF2 and CSGO/CS2. Accept user created content and compensate creators with real money, but reject cringe or outlandish skins to keep everything relevant to the game.
Because you play with tweens and new age soyboy gamers.
OG gamers were creative and expressed their chudliness.
You're right though, it's better like CSGO where kids get addicted to gambling on skin loot boxes for basic camo and shit... and grow up with addiction watching gambling streams donating to coke heads.
The Finals is the only game I've ever paid for a battle pass for (apart from CSGO's operations, but I bought those because I knew I could make money off of them and I did). I wanted to show support for the game because of how fun it was. That one battle pass has allowed me to purchase 4 seasons of battle passes and many other cosmetics because of the excess currency you obtain from completing the battlepass (which is very easy to do in comparison to other games). Having that kind of business model makes it hard to succeed, anybody can put 20 - 30 hours into the game over the course of 80+ days to complete the battlepass and have enough premium currency to spend it on whatever they'd like. The devs obviously understand that, instead of removing premium currency from the battlepass or reducing the amount inside of it, they do nothing. I respect them, even if they are mostly owned by Nexon.
Confirmed soyboy. Mah Battle Pass. Fuckin hate Activision for being the first to implement this. They destroyed BF3 with it and all future games.