Peak gaming dropped

Because you play with tweens and new age soyboy gamers.
OG gamers were creative and expressed their chudliness.
Meanwhile fat gooners on WoW were spending like $15/mo to waste their lives away on an addicting mmo with drop chances for good items worse than csgo's knife drop rates. Geeg.
You're right though, it's better like CSGO where kids get addicted to gambling on skin loot boxes for basic camo and shit... and grow up with addiction watching gambling streams donating to coke heads.
Immoral, yes. But I didn't factor in lootboxes because I forgot about them, when I got skins I do so by trading for them or purchasing them from the community market. CS:GO/CS2 and TF2 both drop skins, but the good ones are mostly locked behind the lootboxes. A moral method by which skins drop and are still able to be sold on the community market is difficult for me to come up with.
Confirmed soyboy. Mah Battle Pass. Fuckin hate Activision for being the first to implement this. They destroyed BF3 with it and all future games.
Microtransactions are a keyed business model dough, the only other alternative that makes sense is what WoW did. A subscription model to play a game. But gamers would much rather own a game than rent access to it, so that's why the market is where it is today. It'd be great if everyone got the skins they wanted for free, but that's not sustainable for the business. Running a game has costs.
Meanwhile fat gooners on WoW were spending like $15/mo to waste their lives away on an addicting mmo with drop chances for good items worse than csgo's knife drop rates. Geeg.

Immoral, yes. But I didn't factor in lootboxes because I forgot about them, when I got skins I do so by trading for them or purchasing them from the community market. CS:GO/CS2 and TF2 both drop skins, but the good ones are mostly locked behind the lootboxes. A moral method by which skins drop and are still able to be sold on the community market is difficult for me to come up with.

Microtransactions are a keyed business model dough, the only other alternative that makes sense is what WoW did. A subscription model to play a game. But gamers would much rather own a game than rent access to it, so that's why the market is where it is today. It'd be great if everyone got the skins they wanted for free, but that's not sustainable for the business. Running a game has costs.
Vanilla WoW was awesome. You were paying for a constantly updated game with in game support. That's the difference. They literally developed and built the game as you played it, thus a realistic subscription model. Not only that, but it was a community building game... old Blizzard was fantastic until they sold out.

40 people working together to achieve a mutual goal.. or world PVP making new friends, building the community, working with other guilds to open realm portals. It was an extremely great game, and hasn't been anything like it since. The newest expansions were gay as fuck after Blizzard sold out. Similar to Halo when Bungie sold out.

Blizzard and Bungie were amazing game devs until they sold out like faggots.

Microtransactions are a garbage business model. Extremely trash. That's why their shit games last less than 6 months. Classic WoW is still played on private servers after 20 years... and they even put up official Vanilla servers. Can't even argue that...
Microtransactions are a garbage business model. Extremely trash. That's why their shit games last less than 6 months.
WoW sounds fund but games like csgo/cs2, val, overwatch, the finals, etc all thriving. If they were bad for business, businesses wouldn't be using them.
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Because you play with tweens and new age soyboy gamers.
OG gamers were creative and expressed their chudliness.
You're right though, it's better like CSGO where kids get addicted to gambling on skin loot boxes for basic camo and shit... and grow up with addiction watching gambling streams donating to coke heads.

Confirmed soyboy. Mah Battle Pass. Fuckin hate Activision for being the first to implement this. They destroyed BF3 with it and all future games.
I second this, back in the days when modding was the default feature in most of games, people were creative as hell. I myself used to search and import hundreds of models to my private battlefield 2 mod, I created over a hundred of factions as well as weapons and vehicles all for free, meanwhile normies these days pay $20 just for some fucking textures.
I second this, back in the days when modding was the default feature in most of games, people were creative as hell. I myself used to search and import hundreds of models to my private battlefield 2 mod, I created over a hundred of factions as well as weapons and vehicles all for free, meanwhile normies these days pay $20 just for some fucking textures.
Mods are lit, I got so many hours out of Arma 3 and Squad because of them.
Valve did with TF2 and CSGO/CS2. Accept user created content and compensate creators with real money, but reject cringe or outlandish skins to keep everything relevant to the game.
>xhe thinks steam jannies care about filtering the gay shit
didn't you hear about a tranny flag sneaking into one of the approved cosmetics
I second this, back in the days when modding was the default feature in most of games, people were creative as hell. I myself used to search and import hundreds of models to my private battlefield 2 mod, I created over a hundred of factions as well as weapons and vehicles all for free, meanwhile normies these days pay $20 just for some fucking textures.
Facts. My idea when I start doing more game dev stuff is to implement a system where the modders can make money off their creations instead of the shitty companies like Steam. Use a steam style setup, however allow the modders to receive money for their creations. Maybe take like 5% of the revenue for processing fees and to maintain the games servers an shit. Gamers win, modders win, and the game can stay positive for revenue and keep servers online longer. (better quality servers too)

This is a pricing model I've thought about a lot..
Xdefiant >
But finals is good
XDefiant is just a dollar store COD, ngl... the movement in that new BO6 is way better. XDefiant also looks like a mobile game, which is great for frames but not for marketability. I'd give xDefiant like a 5.1/10
New age FPS games are all trash. Just microtransactions and androgyne shit for tweens.
Best FPS game I've seen in the last 5 years was Due Process but their devs and mods were libtard faggots. I got banned from the fuckin' game for saying 'Amouranth is a tranny' in, in-game chat... and then the game literally died about a month later. I've written them a few e-mails trying to get them to let me be their publisher but they are still butthurt. I went from making youtube content promoting their game to literally thrashing it... fuckin' normies and their gay ass shit trying to moderate the community... people were getting banned for drawin dicks on the map and stuff... game itself was gemmy as fuck.
Game could have been fuckin' great.... Chud Star great. But yea, policing their community literally killed their game in its tracks. Strange how big brain high IQ FPS gamers don't like being censored when they're trying to have fun.. right?
I mean I was all in promoting their game for free back in the day before YouTube banned me too for wrong speak... game was fun as fuck. @Seraphim and you thought I wasn't a gamer........
A keyed and valid win for our xisters.

If you throw away your virginity for an ugly, non-mahram whore, you're a failure of a man in God's eyes.
sad but true
still 95% of browns are eternal incels so you still get a big advantage on white cunt