Megaman Chud - A Soyjak / Chudjak themed Mega Man fangame

Bruh I've just changed it back to "nordcuck" (just like how it initially was). Because a mind-broken larping swedish cuckold feels more interesting than just a run of the mill cuck.
Although it's now more of a "mindbroken larping sjw", likes those redditors or the captain sweden, rather than anti-pagan (think about the "odin says trans rights" group)
You posted this shit 2 times
yep just like my the heckin official games. I made the buster only playthrough just to demonstrate that it's possible to beat the game with the default weapon only.
Chud , love this game! I need to ask you something, but I can't DM or find you on X anyway to ask you a question pls?
I was just trying this and hit escape out of reflex to pause the game and it instaclosed, pls change its kind of shitty
documented fail
Troonjak Fortress 1&2

*JFL I got hit twice due to my own sloppiness, I'm too lazy to retake a perfect run so that's it.

The game is almost finished, only the Ukropig's stage, title screen and ending screen are left to be done. I think I can release a full version as soon as in this month.
looking forward to it
add a lot of niggers and ackjaks to really filter off whatever soycial media groyper wants to shill it