
@Seraphim not until he pixelates!!!
I'm slowly getting tired of the shlog already so honestly I might just take your advice on this, not sure yet. I'll make a decision soon.
Haven't seen anything interesting and no one replies to my tier 10 comments. I check it a few times a day and literally just have zero replies and zero reacts. The amount of literal shit posting just covers up everything within seconds, threads get locked, and the retard larparmy moves on. It's gotten really bad... ever since they put a link from the Sharty to the Shlog, it destroyed it over night.

Back about 3-4 months ago the Shlog was very similar to the style of convos like Chuds.life.

I'm sure you remember our debates / talks / discussions on history, religion, ect. They were quite enjoyable and thought out conversations... now it's zelueghkasadjkn some Sharty abbreviation for reddit style retardation, but with more Idiocracy. PUT DA BRAWNDO ON DA PLANTS> IZ GET DEM ELECTROFLIGHTS
Haven't seen anything interesting and no one replies to my tier 10 comments. I check it a few times a day and literally just have zero replies and zero reacts. The amount of literal shit posting just covers up everything within seconds, threads get locked, and the retard larparmy moves on. It's gotten really bad... ever since they put a link from the Sharty to the Shlog, it destroyed it over night.

Back about 3-4 months ago the Shlog was very similar to the style of convos like Chuds.life.

I'm sure you remember our debates / talks / discussions on history, religion, ect. They were quite enjoyable and thought out conversations... now it's zelueghkasadjkn some Sharty abbreviation for reddit style retardation, but with more Idiocracy. PUT DA BRAWNDO ON DA PLANTS> IZ GET DEM ELECTROFLIGHTS
Exactly what I hate too. I don't frequent these websites to see stupid toddler tier memes and the same bait posts over and over again. It's tiring and annoying.
If I don't like what's on the TV I just change the channel and watch something else. Same with boards and imageboards.
That was the beauty of old internet. Each board had its own personality / niche / style / community.
It's why I said what I did in the Lands of the Soyjakkers the other day..
No reason to have a shortage of people making their own creative outlets and finding similar people.

For example, would be cool to have a board for pixelating the pixelation of the pixelator..
Not a bad idea for a forum broski. I'm sure one of those domains is available..
Pixelating.com - Pixelation.com - Pixelator.com
Could probably find some more devs and pixelators for our projects too...
Just an example but would be a cool idea..

I know a guy that has good hosting too, and can make amazingly beautiful themes. He'd probably give you a sweet discount too since you're a PsyOp Soldier and all...
That was the beauty of old internet. Each board had its own personality / niche / style / community.
It's why I said what I did in the Lands of the Soyjakkers the other day..
No reason to have a shortage of people making their own creative outlets and finding similar people.

For example, would be cool to have a board for pixelating the pixelation of the pixelator..
Not a bad idea for a forum broski. I'm sure one of those domains is available..
Pixelating.com - Pixelation.com - Pixelator.com
Could probably find some more devs and pixelators for our projects too...
Just an example but would be a cool idea..

I know a guy that has good hosting too, and can make amazingly beautiful themes. He'd probably give you a sweet discount too since you're a PsyOp Soldier and all...
View attachment 1334
Too bad everyone nowadays uses Reddit and Discord instead of forums.
stupid toddler tier memes and the same bait posts over and over again
I literally don't understand zoomer humor culture likes that. I mean soyjaks themselves are funny and so did soyquoting back when it was new, but sharty as a culture always sucks. It's now nothing more than a circus full of weird ebony speaking tryhard kids with their inner circle metas, and their "humor", includes soyquoting" has gotten so stale that I now basically just view it as spam rather than something worth engaging.
Yeah I wasn't part of the original chuds.life crew, so what? I was busy running a site 20x the size of this one (which is OK; the ladies say size doesn't matter after all) and soyjak.blog gets 2k posts per day. Thats cool and all, but as a result the majority of new immigrants to chuds.life are either rejects from the blog or interesting users that come from the blog. Diversity is good or so my government says, and its only right that there is a janny here that knows how to deal with schlog users. @nagolbud is cool and you will never see me say otherwise, but @Aedra , @baqqrih , or myself know how to deal with them much better and more effectively. You have the DOLL guarantee on that.
alot of the original chuds.life community (including me.) came from the sharty and were from the soysphere and when we shutdown we went to the 'blog so ig were just returning here. Ig you could say we were the first forum that was soysphere (aswell as incelosphere.)