Janny applications

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I’m ready.
We should also let the marketing department know they've been re-hired...
Just reply here if you are interested and I will send you a message if I find you to be a good fit.
i told weeb this back in the day. i can do it, i won't be pro-active but i can help keep out spam and stuff when i'm around...
i always found it strange people see janny as power. like the discord and reddit admins, froot, 4chan... your job as a janny is to keep out bots, nothing more. bans are so gay.....

unless you're posting CP on the actual forum, gossip, rumors, all that shit is so gay. Im glad i grew up in the y2k.
i always found it strange people see janny as power. like the discord and reddit admins, froot, 4chan... your job as a janny is to keep out bots, nothing more. bans are so gay.....

unless you're posting CP on the actual forum, gossip, rumors, all that shit is so gay. Im glad i grew up in the y2k.
Being a janny is the easiest way to obtain power. If you’re not a loser then it shouldn’t end up corrupting you.
Being a janny is the easiest way to obtain power. If you’re not a loser then it shouldn’t end up corrupting you.
i mean most of the places i was janny were my own websites. and after being banned over stupid shit over and over, you've personally watched it.. like why do i care what you post. derail, larp, do whatever you want, troll, tease beta males. But i also get the opportunity to speak my mind.

let people speak, and in return, you can speak back. i've never understood banning over stupid shit. obvious spam and cp type shit ya, but everything else. fuck it.
i mean most of the places i was janny were my own websites. and after being banned over stupid shit over and over, you've personally watched it.. like why do i care what you post. derail, larp, do whatever you want, troll, tease beta males. But i also get the opportunity to speak my mind.

let people speak, and in return, you can speak back. i've never understood banning over stupid shit. obvious spam and cp type shit ya, but everything else. fuck it.
Yup. I’ve been banned for saying mean things or because jannies have a personal vendetta against me. If it were a real life fight I’d beat their scrawny ass into the curb. Either chudup or shuddup is what I always say.
Yup. I’ve been banned for saying mean things or because jannies have a personal vendetta against me. If it were a real life fight I’d beat their scrawny ass into the curb. Either chudup or shuddup is what I always say.
fuck you
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