Conspiracy How can one here deny Christ

The site is made up of unironic school shooter chuds, PRVSSIAN GERMAN BVLLS, right leaning trolls, actual schizophrenics, and self hating indians. So heckin' wholesome...
Your Reddit gold to make you feel at home, xir.
Your Reddit gold to make you feel at home, xir.
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Thanks, brochacha! Hopefully this site adds cakedays next and avatar nft ahh customizations!

Edit: Realized I'm lowkey derailing, to help get this thread back on topic I will preface this paragraph by saying that I believe Jesus will return to rule the Earth. Albeit, he is not divine. Even before I became religious the concept that God could be contained within a human body is just asinine, then Christian folk will speak of the trinity which just makes it even worse. I don't believe in Jesus's divinity because Islamic arguments against it make more sense to mi and people I trust more than the Christians I've met in my life align with Islam. If the thread isn't about whether or not he is divine, the only reason people would reject Jesus as the messiah is because they are uneducated, ignorant, or/and a non believer. One thing I wonder is whether or not these woke homos who prance around saying "I'm Christian" really have a devout belief in God. What is religion like for them? (Yet another derailment, but it's le okay because... because... it just is okay?)1690175160946.webp
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4 pages (and counting!) of retardbabble
No, I'm not. It's a joke to discuss religion on this website because a lot of the people here have retarded ideas about religion like Nagolbud who writes QAnon level conspiracies.

How bro felt writing this:
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I don't think you're a joke, just saying some people here have INSANE beliefs. Should've clarified...
The site is made up of unironic school shooter chuds, PRVSSIAN GERMAN BVLLS, right leaning trolls, actual schizophrenics, and self hating indians. So heckin' wholesome...
you sound like a brown negrittor
I was going to type a large summary of my thoughts on this for you, but I then realized it would be a futile effort to do so in comparison to just sharing with you a far better and more convenient explanation (that shares words of a better capability than mine would in explaining these ideas) in its own comparison of Taoism to Christianity. Here's a PDF file to a book written by an Orthodox monk, the book known as "Christ the Eternal Tao", which proposes that the Tao Te Ching, as a pre-Christian text, served as a mystical explanation of the path to the Godhead, who is Christ, even as Lao Tzu did not know of Christ in his time. You aren't going to have to read the whole entire thing to understand the thought process of connecting Lao Tzu's intuition to Christ's doctrine, of his mindfulness and philosophy, but the first few introductory chapters of explanation may be enough for you to understand my meaning. If you're still left without a full understanding after reading some of it, I can write my own summary, but my mind is simply tuckered out at the moment from a long day, so it's more efficient that I transmit the ideas by giving you material to read on them, instead.
I read the introductory chapters. What I got out of it was that the Chinese Tao and the Greek (and later Christian) Logos have many similarities. Pretty cool o algo.
I read the introductory chapters. What I got out of it was that the Chinese Tao and the Greek (and later Christian) Logos have many similarities. Pretty cool o algo.
Glad to hear you found it interesting, buddy.
you found it interesting
Not really. Simply because I don't think it's relevant to what I'm doing right now.
The Tao and Logos may have similarities, but this doesn't prove either concept to be true. Similarly it doesn't prove that Taoism is an imperfect expression of Christianity, and not the other way around.
Forum opinion on unconditional election? And by extension double predestination? Good thread. :gigachud:
Unconditional election humbles us before the sovereignty of God. It affirms that salvation is entirely an act of grace, with no room for human boasting or merit (Ephesians 1:4-5, Romans 9). It’s comforting to me, knowing that our salvation isn’t reliant on our fragile will but on God’s unchanging purpose.
Forum opinion on unconditional election? And by extension double predestination? Good thread. :gigachud:
Not a fan. It’s a doctrine that assumes God chooses who’s saved and who’s damned without any consideration for individual actions or faith. It strips people of their agency and makes salvation something arbitrary, decided before you even had a chance. It’s like being told you're doomed or saved before you even step into the world. No real chance to work out your own salvation.

Double predestination is even worse. The idea that God actively predestines people to hell is something I can’t believe in with good conscience. It makes God sound more like a cosmic tyrant than the loving, just Creator described in the Scriptures.