Gaming Gonna start MGS Peace Walker (PS3)

I beat mgs4 for the 6th time just now. I consider it my favorite game of all time. Amazing plot and amazing gameplay. I played 3 again but it didn't really click for me. Guards had way too realistic eyesight on hard difficulty, it doesn't have crouching, the story doesn't have any real hooks and is more of a silly bond flick. I made a thread on the HD version of 2 and I really liked it. It really clicked. MGS1 I felt was too dated for a replay, and it barely has any replay value as it is, a lot of the segments aren't that fun and feel like extensions of the cutscenes. MGS5 I'm saving to play after PW but ground zeroes kinda was a let down, too gritty and dark, and had really simplistic gameplay. No cool arsenal.

So far, my ranking would be 4 > 2 > 3 >/= V > 1

I did play a bit of PW on my chinkheld's psp emulator but it's a 20fps face button aim version. Tolerable but PS3 has native 720p and 60fps, with added analog aiming.
Do you ever plan on playing through all 11 titles?
Not really. The only one I also plan on playing is pocket ops. Maybe Ac!d might be fun. I tried MG1 and MG2 cause they were included in 3 HD but 1 sucks and is dated, and 2 feels like Solid 1 but in 2D, which isn't that bad, but I didn't want to play at the time