The reason magic mushrooms are banned is because they don’t want people to start questioning authority

I always thought there was something up with how possessing psychedelics can land you in jail for longer than some of the worst crimes. After researching into it, I realized why. When you take psychedelics they break down the barriers in your mind which causes the user to begin processing thoughts in a new way. It sets you free from the conditioning you were forced to experience and you start to see the truth about society. Why else do they allow antidepressants, which turn you into a zombie? Versus shrooms, which have no horrible side effects unless you’re retarded and eat a bunch at once.
Do you know what else breaks down the barriers in your mind? A seizure! Meaningless psychobabble. The most common effect of shrooms is that they end up turning most people into retarded shitlibs who throw away their lives and become a hippie, and that's the good scenario. The bad scenario is having a terrifying bad trip or even a schizophrenic break (albeit, such people are already probably predisposed to schizophrenia)

Psychedelics are bad because they are basically a way people try to hack enlightenment. Instead of devoting time to contemplation and meditation, in order to naturally and through their own will achieve a state of spiritual ecstasy, they use chemical substances which they know for a fact are working through mechanistic/physical means. Perhaps in ancient times it made sense to use psychedelics, because one could actually be under the illusion that they were enchanted and divine, but today this is no longer the case. Every time a psychonaut has a bad trip, justice has been served!

Plus, mushrooms were used thousands of years ago for spiritual healing, so there’s that.
Not true there is no evidence of this... Well there is evidence but it is very bad evidence, obviously motivated reasoning.
Instead of munching on shrooms, perhaps try devoting yourself to ritual or a certain discipline. In Zen Buddhism, this takes the form of martial arts and sports such as archery, or the ritual of the tea ceremony.
Thing is, Jesus wasn't chugging down bottles of malt liquor at the Last Supper. Temperately drinking wine (especially in the times of Christ, when it was a common beverage because water held a higher risk for carrying diseases) is not going to destroy you. Drunkenness and constant alcoholic consumption, however, will, and because of the stranglehold that these alcohol producers have on many modern people today, profiting from rampant alcoholism and putting far more alcohol in these drinks than how alcohol was produced back in ancient times, I don't think it's proper to compare Christ's wine sipping to alcoholic beverages in the modern day.
Wine in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Assyrian aswell as some other Semitic languages at that time just translated to “Grape juice” or to be more complex “Drink that cometh from the vine” No, It was not alcohol. It was literally grape-juice; Which at that time was quite abundant and popular for that region. I’m pretty sure alcohol wasn’t even around at that time.
Thing is, Jesus wasn't chugging down bottles of malt liquor at the Last Supper. Temperately drinking wine (especially in the times of Christ, when it was a common beverage because water held a higher risk for carrying diseases) is not going to destroy you. Drunkenness and constant alcoholic consumption, however, will, and because of the stranglehold that these alcohol producers have on many modern people today, profiting from rampant alcoholism and putting far more alcohol in these drinks than how alcohol was produced back in ancient times, I don't think it's proper to compare Christ's wine sipping to alcoholic beverages in the modern day.
Fun fact, Catholic nuns in Ireland used this argument to Justify drinking alcohol. Which they did; Along with the Pastors and clerics too.
Wine in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Assyrian aswell as some other Semitic languages at that time just translated to “Grape juice” or to be more complex “Drink that cometh from the vine” No, It was not alcohol. It was literally grape-juice; Which at that time was quite abundant and popular for that region.
This simply isn't true. I don't even know how you came to this conclusion. It is very absurd to me. I will begin by using the first book of the Old Testament to explain the illegitimacy of your claim. In the Book of Genesis, in the ninth chapter, we read the story of Noah's life following the Great Flood. In the aftermath of the flood, Noah settles down with his family and plants a vineyard. During one of the nights on this vineyard, we then hear the tale of Ham gazing upon Noah's nakedness. Why was Noah unclothed in this circumstance, however? Well, he is described as having become drunk through the consumption of wine.
Indeed, wine instead of grape juice. Quite clearly, the Hebrew word used here for "the wine" is "hay-ya-yin". If you look at other occurrences of hay-ya-yin in the Old Testament scriptures, it becomes more apparent that this is not some non-alcoholic grape juice we are talking about. I will quote a few examples:
>In the Book of Judges, chapter thirteen, the mother of Samson is given the command to "drink no hay-ya-yin" or "anything that comes from the vine" during her pregnancy with little Samson. Directly after either is mentioned, she is then forbidden from consuming anything else that is unclean. Why would she be forbidden from drinking grape juice, or, for that matter, why would grape juice in particular be paired with any other beverage that "comes from the vine" if its being used in the context of an unclean substance?
>In the Book of Proverbs, chapter twenty-three, the wisdom is given to avoid tarrying with the consumption of hay-ya-yin, lest a person cause themselves "woe", "sorrow", "strife", "complaining", "wounds without cause", and a "redness of eyes". As far as I know, chugging a bottle of grape juice may make your stomach upset, but the rest of these symptoms don't add up.
>In the Book of Isaiah, chapter twenty-eight, the prophet Isaiah denounces the "drunkards" of the tribe of Ephraim. Particularly, he calls out their constant consumption of hay-ya-yin. "They have erred through hay-ya-yin", he says, and also "they are swallowed by hay-ya-yin, they stagger [In Hebrew, "ta-u", also used in the contexts of going astray or wandering aimlessly] with strong drink [In Hebrew, "has-se-kar", seemingly the literal translation of this is "intoxicating substance"], they err in vision, they stumble in judgement." Once again, if someone chugs a bottle of grape juice, they will obviously not stumble in their moral judgement.

So, the usages of "hay-ya-yin" clearly tell us that it is a fermented substance that can cause drunkenness, and that it is derived from grapes by the context of Noah's vineyard. I really need you to tell me how you came to the conclusion that there was no wine being consumed in the Middle East in these times, because trying to figure out the reasoning for that claim myself only leaves me more baffled the more I think on it.
I’m pretty sure alcohol wasn’t even around at that time.
This simply isn't true. I don't even know how you came to this conclusion. It is very absurd to me. I will begin by using the first book of the Old Testament to explain the illegitimacy of your claim. In the Book of Genesis, in the ninth chapter, we read the story of Noah's life following the Great Flood. In the aftermath of the flood, Noah settles down with his family and plants a vineyard. During one of the nights on this vineyard, we then hear the tale of Ham gazing upon Noah's nakedness. Why was Noah unclothed in this circumstance, however? Well, he is described as having become drunk through the consumption of wine.
Indeed, wine instead of grape juice. Quite clearly, the Hebrew word used here for "the wine" is "hay-ya-yin". If you look at other occurrences of hay-ya-yin in the Old Testament scriptures, it becomes more apparent that this is not some non-alcoholic grape juice we are talking about. I will quote a few examples:
>In the Book of Judges, chapter thirteen, the mother of Samson is given the command to "drink no hay-ya-yin" or "anything that comes from the vine" during her pregnancy with little Samson. Directly after either is mentioned, she is then forbidden from consuming anything else that is unclean. Why would she be forbidden from drinking grape juice, or, for that matter, why would grape juice in particular be paired with any other beverage that "comes from the vine" if its being used in the context of an unclean substance?
>In the Book of Proverbs, chapter twenty-three, the wisdom is given to avoid tarrying with the consumption of hay-ya-yin, lest a person cause themselves "woe", "sorrow", "strife", "complaining", "wounds without cause", and a "redness of eyes". As far as I know, chugging a bottle of grape juice may make your stomach upset, but the rest of these symptoms don't add up.
>In the Book of Isaiah, chapter twenty-eight, the prophet Isaiah denounces the "drunkards" of the tribe of Ephraim. Particularly, he calls out their constant consumption of hay-ya-yin. "They have erred through hay-ya-yin", he says, and also "they are swallowed by hay-ya-yin, they stagger [In Hebrew, "ta-u", also used in the contexts of going astray or wandering aimlessly] with strong drink [In Hebrew, "has-se-kar", seemingly the literal translation of this is "intoxicating substance"], they err in vision, they stumble in judgement." Once again, if someone chugs a bottle of grape juice, they will obviously not stumble in their moral judgement.

So, the usages of "hay-ya-yin" clearly tell us that it is a fermented substance that can cause drunkenness, and that it is derived from grapes by the context of Noah's vineyard. I really need you to tell me how you came to the conclusion that there was no wine being consumed in the Middle East in these times, because trying to figure out the reasoning for that claim myself only leaves me more baffled the more I think on it.

No, The Wine Jesus consumed at that time was non-alcoholic and literally just grape-juice. (In the context of when Jesus and his apostles drink wine at the final supper or through other events it literally is just grape juice) The Bible also says that Alcohol is literally witchcraft; So why would Jesus drink it right before his Sacrifice? This really can only make sense if you perceive Jesus in the way Muslims do as a Prophet, A really holy good prophet. But not a perfect sinless man which is counter to what Christianity preaches saying that Jesus was the Messiah who came here to pay for our sins, The son of God, And entirely Perfect and sinless
Thing is, Jesus wasn't chugging down bottles of malt liquor at the Last Supper. Temperately drinking wine (especially in the times of Christ, when it was a common beverage because water held a higher risk for carrying diseases) is not going to destroy you. Drunkenness and constant alcoholic consumption, however, will, and because of the stranglehold that these alcohol producers have on many modern people today, profiting from rampant alcoholism and putting far more alcohol in these drinks than how alcohol was produced back in ancient times, I don't think it's proper to compare Christ's wine sipping to alcoholic beverages in the modern day.
A microdose of shrooms won’t destroy you either. The worst that could happen is you pass out, which is the same as alcohol.
Do you know what else breaks down the barriers in your mind? A seizure! Meaningless psychobabble. The most common effect of shrooms is that they end up turning most people into retarded shitlibs who throw away their lives and become a hippie, and that's the good scenario. The bad scenario is having a terrifying bad trip or even a schizophrenic break (albeit, such people are already probably predisposed to schizophrenia)

Psychedelics are bad because they are basically a way people try to hack enlightenment. Instead of devoting time to contemplation and meditation, in order to naturally and through their own will achieve a state of spiritual ecstasy, they use chemical substances which they know for a fact are working through mechanistic/physical means. Perhaps in ancient times it made sense to use psychedelics, because one could actually be under the illusion that they were enchanted and divine, but today this is no longer the case. Every time a psychonaut has a bad trip, justice has been served!
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Not true there is no evidence of this... Well there is evidence but it is very bad evidence, obviously motivated reasoning.
All I want to know is why the government is so scared of it but not cigarettes or alcohol which are objectively more dangerous and kills so much people every year. Wouldn’t the government want to legalize it if shrooms turned people into hippies?
All I want to know is why the government is so scared of it but not cigarettes or alcohol which are objectively more dangerous and kills so much people every year. Wouldn’t the government want to legalize it if shrooms turned people into hippies?
The impact of psychedelics is also bad for the US government. It creates people like Luigi Mangione. Doesn't mean it has a positive effect just cuz the gov doesn't like it
I always thought there was something up with how possessing psychedelics can land you in jail for longer than some of the worst crimes. After researching into it, I realized why. When you take psychedelics they break down the barriers in your mind which causes the user to begin processing thoughts in a new way. It sets you free from the conditioning you were forced to experience and you start to see the truth about society. Why else do they allow antidepressants, which turn you into a zombie? Versus shrooms, which have no horrible side effects unless you’re retarded and eat a bunch at once.

Plus, mushrooms were used thousands of years ago for spiritual healing, so there’s that.

Mushrooms cna turn you into a zombie in the long run
When you take psychedelics they break down the barriers in your mind which causes the user to begin processing thoughts in a new way. It sets you free from the conditioning you were forced to experience and you start to see the truth about society.
TLDR; Don't be a normalfaggot and you'll be able to think freely without consooooming drugs, this will allow you to spend more time spreading racism and anti-semetism online to save EVROPA.