Do you know what else breaks down the barriers in your mind? A seizure! Meaningless psychobabble. The most common effect of shrooms is that they end up turning most people into retarded shitlibs who throw away their lives and become a hippie, and that's the good scenario. The bad scenario is having a terrifying bad trip or even a schizophrenic break (albeit, such people are already probably predisposed to schizophrenia)I always thought there was something up with how possessing psychedelics can land you in jail for longer than some of the worst crimes. After researching into it, I realized why. When you take psychedelics they break down the barriers in your mind which causes the user to begin processing thoughts in a new way. It sets you free from the conditioning you were forced to experience and you start to see the truth about society. Why else do they allow antidepressants, which turn you into a zombie? Versus shrooms, which have no horrible side effects unless you’re retarded and eat a bunch at once.
Psychedelics are bad because they are basically a way people try to hack enlightenment. Instead of devoting time to contemplation and meditation, in order to naturally and through their own will achieve a state of spiritual ecstasy, they use chemical substances which they know for a fact are working through mechanistic/physical means. Perhaps in ancient times it made sense to use psychedelics, because one could actually be under the illusion that they were enchanted and divine, but today this is no longer the case. Every time a psychonaut has a bad trip, justice has been served!
Not true there is no evidence of this... Well there is evidence but it is very bad evidence, obviously motivated reasoning.Plus, mushrooms were used thousands of years ago for spiritual healing, so there’s that.