History Francoist Spain's Support for the Arab States against Israel.


It was nice knowing y’all
Francoist Spain after Ww2 was Internationally-Isolated by the Allied Powers and Cut-Off to the World due to them Supporting the Axis by giving them Troops, Supplies, Shelter, Intelligence, Ports, And Airfields and additionally harboring many nazis and italian-fascists in it's country and refusing to hand them over for trial was another reason for their isolation. But to Counter this Franco Sought Alliances with the Non-Alligned Arab World which was also internationally Isolatedby the allied powers for their Attacks on Jews and Israel and their Colloboration of The Axis in ww2 and them fighting against the Allies in Ww2 and European Colonialism. So the two alligned in a Friendship with Eachother to Counterbalance their International-Isolation. Also additionally Three Spanish Diplomats were Killed in Jerusulem by the Zionist Paramilitary the Hagannah which was the Predecesor to the modern-day IDF this deeply enraged franco and alsowas another reason why he supported palestine and the arab states. anyways enough with the rambling i am gonna give you ways on how francoist spain supported the arab states.

>Francoist Spain Never Recognised Israel and it's Alliances with the Arab world was because of this
>Francoist Spain Recognised the Arab League in 1946 and sent diplomats over to them aswell as making other overtures
>Franco had good Diplomatic Relations with Jordan, Syria, lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, and Libya
>Franco during and after his International-Isolation had made good Trade and Deals with the Arab World and was one of their biggest buyers of Oil and other materials
>Francoist Spain supported the Palestinian Cause and Several of Other Arab Causes in the UN aslong as other International-Forums and Negotiation Tables
>Francoist spain had Gave Finacial Support and Diplomatic support and Help to the Arab states in their countless wars with Israel
>Francoist Spain During the 6 Day War had actually Gave the Arab States Arms and Ammunition aslong as doing this in acouple of other Arab-Israeli Wars
>Francoist Spain supported Egypt in the Suez Crisis and Sinai War
>Franco Help disrupted Palestinian Refugees and helped re-settle them
>Franco met with Egyptian Pres Nasser and a Jordanian king a couple of times
>Franco Was demanding at the UN that Israel Withdrawl from all Occupied Arab Territories and that they would Internationalise Jeruselum for the World
>In the Yom-Kippur war and 6 day war and acouple of other Arab-Israeli wars Franco blocked US Bases and Ports in Spain from Sending Armerments to Israel
>In 1973 Francoist Spain Voted in Favor of Palestinian Self-Determination, Nationhood, and Rights

Franco did not like Israel at all and was one of the Biggest supporters of the Arab Causes against Israel as You can See. And Additionally in the 6 Day War the Arab armies Were trained by Former Nazis who had escaped to Egypt to flee Trial and even some of Nasser's advisers, scientists, generals, and strategists were former Nazis. The Majority of the Reason Why Francoist Spain was Friends and Allies with the Arab-World was due to their Common Enemies, and Goals aswell as to stay thriving and to Counter International-Isolation. Franco's Spain after ww2 alligned itself and allied itself with both the Arab World and Latin World.
Franco did not like Israel at all and was one of the Biggest supporters of the Arab Causes against Israel as You can See. And Additionally in the 6 Day War the Arab armies Were trained by Former Nazis who had escaped to Egypt to flee Trial and even some of Nasser's advisers, scientists, generals, and strategists were former Nazis. The Majority of the Reason Why Francoist Spain was Friends and Allies with the Arab-World was due to their Common Enemies, and Goals aswell as to stay thriving and to Counter International-Isolation. Franco's Spain after ww2 alligned itself and allied itself with both the Arab World and Latin World.
It’s worth noting that Franco considered his regime as the bastion of Catholic and Western tradition against the forces of Communism and Zionism, which he saw as one in the same. So it's interesting he allied with the Nazi officials despite their fondness for Paganism which would be considered heretical. I guess desperate times called for drastic measures, or however the Greek proverb goes.
It’s worth noting that Franco considered his regime as the bastion of Catholic and Western tradition against the forces of Communism and Zionism, which he saw as one in the same. So it's interesting he allied with the Nazi officials despite their fondness for Paganism which would be considered heretical. I guess desperate times called for drastic measures, or however the Greek proverb goes.
the nazis literaly put him in charge but funnily enough Franco put the Gestuppo and SS and Heimrich Himmler himself (A Pagan.) in charge of all jews in spain, Also 10,000 members of the republican international brigades were self-proclaimed "Zionist and Communist jews curbing and fighting the spread of fascism in europe."
It’s worth noting that Franco considered his regime as the bastion of Catholic and Western tradition against the forces of Communism and Zionism, which he saw as one in the same. So it's interesting he allied with the Nazi officials despite their fondness for Paganism which would be considered heretical. I guess desperate times called for drastic measures, or however the Greek proverb goes.
franco was spilling trvthnvkes



logo and flag of the national union (salazar's party and ruling party during the estado novo era)
latter is the changed logo from 1970 which was 4 years before its dissolution

logo of the youth section of the falange (national delegation of the youth front)
division azul insignia.webp



patch and banner of the blue division

personal coat of arms of franco
View attachment 2439
View attachment 2440
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logo and flag of the national union (salazar's party and ruling party during the estado novo era)
latter is the changed logo from 1970 which was 4 years before its dissolution
View attachment 2443
logo of the youth section of the falange (national delegation of the youth front)
View attachment 2444
View attachment 2445
View attachment 2446
patch and banner of the blue division
View attachment 2447
personal coat of arms of franco
gems, do you think salazar and the national party of unity was fascist? i think it was in some ways
gems, do you think salazar and the national party of unity was fascist? i think it was in some ways
The National Union's ideology was corporatism, and it took as many inspirations from Catholic encyclicals such as Rerum novarum and Quadragesimo anno as well as from Mussolini's corporate state.[20] Unlike fascist parties, the National Union played no role in the government - it only served as a tool for the selection of National Assembly deputies, as well as a way to provide some legitimacy to non-competitive elections that Salazar's regime regularly held.
it certainly was
Francisco Franco had also met with Saddam Hussein, King Idris, King Faisal, and several other well notable Arab leaders too
Francoist Spain was actually one of the First supporters of the Arab states against Israel and was one of the only countries that was actively supporting the Arab position in the First Arab-Israeli war; I have actually found a CIA document while researching about this concerning the matter of Contact and negotiations between Franco and Lebanese president Khuri in the defense of Palestine and the surrounding Arab states against Israel and some arms and ammunitions sales aswell as Political and Diplomatic and personal support


Francoist Spain was actually one of the First supporters of the Arab states against Israel and was one of the only countries that was actively supporting the Arab position in the First Arab-Israeli war; I have actually found a CIA document while researching about this concerning the matter of Contact and negotiations between Franco and Lebanese president Khuri in the defense of Palestine and the surrounding Arab states against Israel and some arms and ammunitions sales aswell as Political and Diplomatic and personal support
I also read a paper about francoist spain’s sales of arms and ammo to Egypt in the Sinai war aswell as the giving of a Spanish Volunteer fighter group to defend the Aswan Dam; Aswell his Diplomatic, Political, Personal, Moral, and strategic backing of the Arab position and cause.
Francoist Spain was actually one of the First supporters of the Arab states against Israel and was one of the only countries that was actively supporting the Arab position in the First Arab-Israeli war; I have actually found a CIA document while researching about this concerning the matter of Contact and negotiations between Franco and Lebanese president Khuri in the defense of Palestine and the surrounding Arab states against Israel and some arms and ammunitions sales aswell as Political and Diplomatic and personal support
I wonder if he would regret this decision if he saw what’s happening to Europe today.
I wonder if he would regret this decision if he saw what’s happening to Europe today.
I don’t know, I mean he was in his early adulthood up until the civil war from the age of 15 stationed with a Muslim Legion in Morocco