Anon_Humor Moderator Staff member Yesterday at 7:36 PM #26 Tsar said: I wonder if he would regret this decision if he saw what’s happening to Europe today. Click to expand... Seeing both back then in that context and now I wouldn’t. (doebeit I don’t like Muslims in Europe.)
Tsar said: I wonder if he would regret this decision if he saw what’s happening to Europe today. Click to expand... Seeing both back then in that context and now I wouldn’t. (doebeit I don’t like Muslims in Europe.)
Tsar New mem>ack! Today at 4:03 AM #27 Anon_Humor said: Do you like israel? Click to expand... No. I simply dislike the Arabic states and Israel.
Anon_Humor said: Do you like israel? Click to expand... No. I simply dislike the Arabic states and Israel.