Gaming Favorite controller?

To think we used to have controllers with hall effect sticks. But I guess a perfect product isn’t profitable for these sons of bitches.
Something I heard recently is that there is a version of the dualsense that you can remove the analogs. It's the dualsense edge. Not sure how great that is in practice. Also heard a store near me fixes drift for around 10 dollars. Wouldn't be nearly as bad if the repair for it was common place and easy. Anything is better than spending 100 dollars on a second controller and having a non functioning one.
Something I heard recently is that there is a version of the dualsense that you can remove the analogs. It's the dualsense edge. Not sure how great that is in practice. Also heard a store near me fixes drift for around 10 dollars. Wouldn't be nearly as bad if the repair for it was common place and easy. Anything is better than spending 100 dollars on a second controller and having a non functioning one.
I’ve heard of it. $200 is insane for a controller though. And you have to pay for the sticks separately which are always out of stock.

Luckily for the Switch you can buy a bluetooth adapter from a third party and use any controller you want. Must’ve saved me hundreds of dollars in the long run.
Something I heard recently is that there is a version of the dualsense that you can remove the analogs. It's the dualsense edge. Not sure how great that is in practice. Also heard a store near me fixes drift for around 10 dollars. Wouldn't be nearly as bad if the repair for it was common place and easy. Anything is better than spending 100 dollars on a second controller and having a non functioning one.
Had a similar controller for Xbox, picked it up used for $80 and it's been a lifesaver ever since. Waiting weeks for a repair I can handle myself is ludicrous.
vvhy vvould he do that

Ain’t no party like a diddy party
Reviving the thread cause I gotta buy a new controller for pc. Thinking DS4 but could be something else. Needs to be cheap though :virgin:
I think my switch pro still works with deadzones but man this thing sucks! So heavy and unecessary. Buttons are a disgrace to press.

I think I'll look up or ask on 4chan how to reverse bumpers to triggers with the DS3 and buy that again.
Gamecube controller. Although, I do wish there were enough buttons for all games even on official controllers, but at least you can just use a controller with an awfully similar layout yet more necessary buttons. Also, for Phantasy Star Online, you can get one of the ASCII Keyboard controllers, which I'd argue are amazing albeit outclassed by the Xbox 360 chatpads due to size differences.

Other than Gamecube controller, I would argue Xbox 360 or Xbox Series X controller is the best, with the original Xbox being high up there on this one due to two controller attachment ports, and I would gladly have a slightly more bulky controller in exchange for weird attachments again, even if having a slot for a memory-card *and* a communicator is rather unnecessary these days.
I think my switch pro still works with deadzones but man this thing sucks! So heavy and unecessary. Buttons are a disgrace to press.

I think I'll look up or ask on 4chan how to reverse bumpers to triggers with the DS3 and buy that again.
There’s Steam big picture mode for remapping buttons.
Gamecube controller.
What’s so great about it? It looks uncomfortable with the inner side sticking out like a sore thumb.
What’s so great about it? It looks uncomfortable with the inner side sticking out like a sore thumb.
It looks uncomfortable, but it has actually felt very comfy when I use it. Also very convenient, the buttons are mapped in a way that makes pressing what is actually necessary easier in most cases. A is rather large, B is right to the left, Y and X are above and to the right of it. It is a bit of a weird layout to get adjusted to, but still works very well for most games. There's of course Super Smash Brothers it works well for, which I suspect is the main reason it stuck around for so long, but from what I've tested, it works well in Mario Kart, Phantasy Star Online, etc. You could probably get it working on games very well even outside of the Gamecube and Wii, albeit having to remap missing buttons if you go for anything like Xbox 360.