Politics European/White Map of Europe

Its all your people do, contributed nothing else to the world. Go eat beetroot.
Do you actually believe Western Europeans do not loot and rape in war? You are completely historically illiterate. You need only look at historical events like the sacking of Rome by the Visigoths, or the sacking of Constantinople to know otherwise.
Do you actually believe Western Europeans do not loot and rape in war? You are completely historically illiterate. You need only look at historical events like the sacking of Rome by the Visigoths, or the sacking of Constantinople to know otherwise.
The difference is that they did it to lesser people who have never created anything of their own value. It's fine to loot and rape when you are the people who end up creating all of civilization. (Also, visigoths and romans come from one common European ancestor.) But when your entire history is being Mongolian orcs looting from civilized people, and the most complex thing a people have created independently is make beetroot soup...
"we wuz kangs"
The difference is that they did it to lesser people who have never created anything of their own value. It's fine to loot and rape when you are the people who end up creating all of civilization. (Also, visigoths and romans come from one common European ancestor.) But when your entire history is being Mongolian orcs looting from civilized people, and the most complex thing a people have created independently is make beetroot soup...
Why would the Visigoths and the Romans having a common ancestor change anything? And if that somehow justifies the act of looting and raping, then it would also justify the actions of the Slavs, who are descended from the Indo-Europeans.
Why would the Visigoths and the Romans having a common ancestor change anything? And if that somehow justifies the act of looting and raping, then it would also justify the actions of the Slavs, who are descended from the Indo-Europeans.
Because they have both actually done other things, like create civilization.
Why would the Visigoths and the Romans having a common ancestor change anything? And if that somehow justifies the act of looting and raping, then it would also justify the actions of the Slavs, who are descended from the Indo-Europeans.
Nah just because slavs speak indo-european language doesn't change the fact that they are mongoloid asians. Most indians and afghanis speak an indo-european language nigga
whites and jews are the same
shabbos goyim ≠ white people
Will they?
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thats just a bmwf cuck fetish video
no offense why do you even have this saved
It doesn't matter what happened in the past cuz im talking about now + ethiopian bulls slaughtered catholic shitalians
if we are talking about the present then we could also bring up which folk is migrating to which place + when you send a bunch of illiterate starved plebeians to a hot remote african mountainous shithole and are also outnumbered 1 to 3 by said natives from that shithole then they're bound to lose, italians didn't get outnumbered in the second war and they won