Gaming Glitches that I found on Medal of Honor: European Assaul


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I gonna make a thread dedicated to showcase the glitches that I found in this game. Pay attention that this is the ps2 version, so I dont know if you can replicated this glitches in the other console versions.

Anyway, I will start with this glitch that happens in the second stage (Raid on St.Nazaire)

Video of the glitch in action
I will try to explain how to recreate this glitch, In the second stage, you need to set up a bomb in a fuel thank, but before that one of the soldier calls you waving his hand. If you approach him, you will trigger his script where he talks with you about what you have to do and then he leaves, but if instead of approach him, you backtrack where he is, he will stay in this amination like he wants to high five you
This glitch tends to happens on "Operation: V2 Silence".
Maybe it could happens in other stages, but I not sure
The npc clip on the train and then he got inside the floor. Glitches where the npcs clip to wall are pretty common, like on the "Operation: V2 Silence", since there are a lot of narrow corridors. A lot of times when you kill a enemy and the body hit on a wall, his body enter in the wall and keep bounced there until it despawn.
Another glitch that I found was on "Operation: V2 Silence", I was in the V-2 facility killing all the enemies, when I clean the area I get out of the facility, to backtrack to see if I could find a new glitch.
Well, in this stage there is a npc of your army, that stay leaning on a wall next to boxes in pain

Turn out by backtracking before you start the "destroy the v-2 rocket" mission, one of your team squad will become this npc
He will stay stuck in this place doing the animations of that npc, but he will remain as your team squad, but he will not move from that place
This is a glitch that appear on "farmhouse libration" stage. When the final objective, "Defend farm and destroy approaching tanks" started, I decided to had back to the start area. After the bridge, I noticed that what appeared to be an enemy NPC was standing still and not reacting when I shoot him. When I approach it, I noticed that it was a picture of a enemy that spawned
Here is something that I found it on the "Escape at Dawn" stage.

Right on the part where you use the destroyed wall of the church to go to the cemetery, you can climb on the edges of the destroyed walls

Besides that, I found a out of bound glitch

By going on the area where I pointed, the player can fall of the stage
Here is a small glitch. In the "Climbing Mamayev Hill", the stage started by this guy giving you a speech before the War. When he finnish you are supposed to follow your allies, but if you decided to stay still. You will see that the guy that gave the speech dont go to War. Instead the little pussy keep walk around the place until he decided to vanish
Alright, this is the Last glitch that I found in. On the "The Road To Stalingrad" stage, right in the Last building before the cemetery, go in the second floor. You will find this hole in the wall

You can climb in the edges of the wall and climb to the roof

I recomend you to climb by walking and jumping backwards to the roof. Anyway, once you are on top of the roof, if you keep walk on it, you soon you will fall inside the attic

There is nothing on the attic, since you are never supposed to go there. But because the devs didnt proper put collison in the entire roof, you can enter in there
Still on the "Mission to Rocherath" stage. Here something that you can do. You can climb on the edges of this destroyed wall to reach the rooftop In this bulding.

Its a bit tricky, but you can climb to the other wall by jumping in the right moment.

Once you are in the other side of the edges of the destroyed wall, I reccomend you need to walk very slowly, because is very easy to fall.

Once you are very close to the rooftop, I reccomend you to just tap the analog, because this part is very slippery

After that you just need to jump on the rooftop
Still on the "Mission to Rocherath" stage. Here something that you can do. You can climb on the edges of this destroyed wall to reach the rooftop In this bulding.
View attachment 1318
Its a bit tricky, but you can climb to the other wall by jumping in the right moment.View attachment 1319
Once you are in the other side of the edges of the destroyed wall, I reccomend you need to walk very slowly, because is very easy to fall.View attachment 1320
Once you are very close to the rooftop, I reccomend you to just tap the analog, because this part is very slipperyView attachment 1321
After that you just need to jump on the rooftopView attachment 1322View attachment 1323
Something that I forgot to mention, on this rooftop you can jump on the edge of the gates in this wall.
You will be able to stay Stand up on the edges of the wall.

I tried to see if you could get out of bond, but its appear that its not possible
Alright, lets revive this thread. Still on the Mission to Rocherath, there is something that you can do. In this stage you and your squad get surround by the enemies. Later the enemies start to group in a garden next to a windmill. Usually players try to kill all the enemies in the Garden then they head up inside to the windmill, when they finnish this part they go to temporary base next to a church, but this game is not linear, so when the stage start, you can just run to where your temporary base is located, avoiding the enemies. Its pretty difficult to not get shoot, but since the game is very generous with health packs, you can make it. When you enter on your base, its will trigger a mission, where enemies start to surround on the base, the waves of enemies will only stop to spawn when you destroy all the tanks. When you finnish this mission, go back to garden, you will notice that all the enemies dissapear, there are only a tank, but this tank always spawn in this location when you finnish this mission. Anyway, if you head up on the windmill, you will notice that all the enemies also dissapear, the only enemy that is still on the windmill, is one enemie that is talking on a radio, and next to him there a sniper rifle. When you kill this enemy, a wave of enemies start to appear along side with a tank, but since you did the mission in the american base first,those enemies will not appear, only the tank will spawn.
Alright, lets revive this thread. Still on the Mission to Rocherath, there is something that you can do. In this stage you and your squad get surround by the enemies. Later the enemies start to group in a garden next to a windmill. Usually players try to kill all the enemies in the Garden then they head up inside to the windmill, when they finnish this part they go to temporary base next to a church, but this game is not linear, so when the stage start, you can just run to where your temporary base is located, avoiding the enemies. Its pretty difficult to not get shoot, but since the game is very generous with health packs, you can make it. When you enter on your base, its will trigger a mission, where enemies start to surround on the base, the waves of enemies will only stop to spawn when you destroy all the tanks. When you finnish this mission, go back to garden, you will notice that all the enemies dissapear, there are only a tank, but this tank always spawn in this location when you finnish this mission. Anyway, if you head up on the windmill, you will notice that all the enemies also dissapear, the only enemy that is still on the windmill, is one enemie that is talking on a radio, and next to him there a sniper rifle. When you kill this enemy, a wave of enemies start to appear along side with a tank, but since you did the mission in the american base first,those enemies will not appear, only the tank will spawn.
Is this game supposed to be a glitch fest or what. Doesn't sound like they even bothered to test it.
Is this game supposed to be a glitch fest or what. Doesn't sound like they even bothered to test it.
Weird hitboxes and npcs having spasms when they die are pretty common, but not gaming breaking. The majority of these glitches that I found, was because I was deliberately searching for glitches, instead of playing the stages like it was intended.
This glitch is a old one, but I will talk about it, here! This is a glitch that you can do in the "Lights Out in Port City" stage. When you arrive in the german ship you are supposed yo plant explosives to detonate the ship
20241012_101701 (3).webp

Now, if you stay on the ship when it explode you die, but if you have some revives left, you will respawn on the bridge, but if you have infinite life cheat on, you will be able to walk in the water