Politics European/White Map of Europe


Well-known member
Based on Genetics, Linguistics and Culture.
MapChart_Map (11).webp
When looking at Genetic maps both Italy, Greece, and Romania surprised me. Didn't know they shared so much ancestry with the other Europeans, but I guess it makes sense historically.

Also Basque Country should be a lighter color but I forgot.
Greeks and Turks are mostly the same in terms of looks and skin color. Only reason chuds label greeks as white and turks as non-white is because their clitty leaks at the sight of Turks while Greeks are obedient slaves to anglo saxon cuckolds. That's all there is to it. It's more ideological than "muh scientific"
dark blue, full white
they are always the first one to pick up on niggerjew influence as they're spiritual kikes, the french are a bit spiritually corrupted too but not to the degree of anglos
When looking at Genetic maps both Italy, Greece, and Romania surprised me. Didn't know they shared so much ancestry with the other Europeans, but I guess it makes sense historically.

Also Basque Country should be a lighter color but I forgot.
italy and greece shouldn't be a surprise, they were the pillars of european civilization after all, what i disbelieve is how romania is at the same tier as them, if anything it should be hungary or something, they ARE descendants of uralic mongolians but their modern history and attitude are way more preferable to an aryan european than the average dacian wigger or gypsy, AND even then hungarians still have notable defects
other than all of that the map is pretty accurate though i would make lappland more aryan, the sami are easily dismissable
Greeks and Turks are mostly the same in terms of looks and skin color. Only reason chuds label greeks as white and turks as non-white is because their clitty leaks at the sight of Turks while Greeks are obedient slaves to anglo saxon cuckolds. That's all there is to it. It's more ideological than "muh scientific"
There definitely is a difference. There's indeed more European genes in western Anatolia but it's not particularly close to the level modern greek populations have. But honestly I'm not familiar enough with Turkey/Anatolia which is why it's mostly been excluded. This also goes with the caucasian nations.
they are always the first one to pick up on niggerjew influence as they're spiritual kikes, the french are a bit spiritually corrupted too but not to the degree of anglos

italy and greece shouldn't be a surprise, they were the pillars of european civilization after all, what i disbelieve is how romania is at the same tier as them, if anything it should be hungary or something, they ARE descendants of uralic mongolians but their modern history and attitude are way more preferable to an aryan european than the average dacian wigger or gypsy, AND even then hungarians still have notable defects
other than all of that the map is pretty accurate though i would make lappland more aryan, the sami are easily dismissable
I just overlayed quite a few genetic maps and Greece/Romania do end up looking different. In the case of Romania, I made the difference a bit more pronounced due to linguistic and historical reasons. Historically, many Romanians come from all around the Balkans but were forced out due to discrimination from Slavs. Furthermore, the Byzantines wrote quite favorably of them and routinely connected them to italic settlers. The people before the Italic settlers, the Dacians were an Indo-European group closely linked to the Thracians, unlike the Hungarians who are uralic.
Greeks and Turks are mostly the same in terms of looks and skin color. Only reason chuds label greeks as white and turks as non-white is because their clitty leaks at the sight of Turks while Greeks are obedient slaves to anglo saxon cuckolds. That's all there is to it. It's more ideological than "muh scientific"
Nigga you gotta be a Turk this is insane cope