Discussing Bigfoot, questioning its existence, and its connections to mythology


Those are the Walmart tunnels.

Those are the Walmart tunnels.

Yeah this is old school conspiracy OG stuff. Walmarts are 100% created as military distribution and supply lines for when they lock down the USA completely. Many will be used as concentration camps no doubt. Even the highways in the USA are built exactly to accommodate two tanks driving side by side. It's not for a foreign war, but a war on their own people.
There have been zero findings of bones, hair, or footprints. Unless you believe Bigfoot can travel through portals, there isn’t any possible way a primitive ape/human could hide it’s tracks so well.
There have been zero findings of bones, hair, or footprints. Unless you believe Bigfoot can travel through portals, there isn’t any possible way a primitive ape/human could hide it’s tracks so well.
Yep. Any normie tracker would find some shit... I've been in the woods / jungle all my life. Nothing but bullshit and FBI agents in gay outfits to collect kids for their gay ass shit.
There have been zero findings of bones, hair, or footprints. Unless you believe Bigfoot can travel through portals, there isn’t any possible way a primitive ape/human could hide it’s tracks so well.
The first chimpanzee fossil wasn't found until 2005 due to the climate and conditions for fossilization. And there are millions of chimps who have died in Africa.
Bigfoot most certainly did exist at some point in time under a different name: Gigantopithecus

Chinese wildman, the Native American sasquatch, the Australian yowie, the Himalayan yeti, the African koolokamba, etc. Native Americans in particular seem to have had extended contact with them, and their oral traditions are pretty consistently claiming these were actual encounters. The sightings were so frequent that over 100 different individual words for "sasquatch" exist in Native American languages.
What I don’t believe is the claim that they still exist. You would need at least a minimum of a thousand Bigfoots to keep the species from going extinct.
I found some convincing footage on YouTube. Loggers from Canada caught this on tape. It appears to be some ape figure throwing an entire tree trunk towards the workers (possibly in a fit of rage?). It’s probably the best potential evidence on the internet. If only it wasn’t so fucking blurry smh.

I found some convincing footage on YouTube. Loggers from Canada caught this on tape. It appears to be some ape figure throwing an entire tree trunk towards the workers (possibly in a fit of rage?). It’s probably the best potential evidence on the internet. If only it wasn’t so fucking blurry smh.


Never believe in anything recorded in 144p. Though I am interested how a human could lodge a trunk that big.