History Buddhism isn't peaceful, Christianity isn't peaceful

They don't worship him.
Buddha is Sidhdhartha Gauthama.
That guy is Budai, aka Laughing Buddha.

But don't Christians do the same thing in front of the crucifix?
I just don't see a difference
No, but most Christians do idolatry with Mary, idols, their traditions of men, or their gay ass alters. That's why I hate all religions equally...
I'm a Chud Star Bible Thumping Chudarisee..
It feels like you constantly go back and forth between hating Christians and being more neutral towards them. Just an obversation I made over time.
He's a fence rider...
this was one of my very first cartoons ever..

Nah, it's always a ruse bro... "officially" means "publicly". It's always a fuckin' psyop dude.
You're absolutely correct there of course, there have been countless bans/laws against the masons over the centuries but they always find a way to pop up again, either the bans just get lifted or some (((people))) pretend there never was a ban to begin with. They infiltrate and corrupt everything they touch.
You're absolutely correct there of course, there have been countless bans against the masons over the centuries but they always find a way to pop up again, either the bans just get lifted or some (((people))) pretend there never was a ban to begin with. They infiltrate and corrupt everything they touch.
Same with the Jesuits. The Jews are the perfect scapegoat... nothing is ever done. It's just a larp, bunch of angry young men, turned into an army, andrew imiTATE clone enters and leads said army to genocide...