History Buddhism isn't peaceful, Christianity isn't peaceful


Well-known member
These are two religions that often used tossed back and forth about which is more peaceful and ideal. And the answer is NEITHER.

The core of Buddhism is none-self, the idea the ego is a hallucination. The Chinese were able to take this to it's logical conclusion by combining it with Daoism and Confucianism and wage bloody wars and enjoy your leisure time to the fullest. As you should. You're not a big deal, eat all you want, fuck all you want, so long as it's not a detriment to your health and obliterate your enemies. South Asian, West Asian and South East Asian Buddhist Kingdoms didn't wage as many wars, but when the wars did come, the monks mainly stepped aside and let the King handle it instead of intervening. Instead of going, But we're a non violent religion of peace, RREEEEEEEEE. Which is what retards want you to believe.

Now for Christianity. First, Christianity waged a literal crusade against sandniggers who tried to invade it and they did it wearing a cross on their chest. In the 90s, they stabbed bosnian women to death with bayonnets with the virgin mary strapped to them. But as for the actual theology, Jesus was no soy boy. He literally took a whip and chased shopkeepers out of the temple. The whole Jesus hung was homeless and hung with prostitutes is complete BS. He told a whore not to be a whore. JFL. Him being a gay homeless guy who was friends with whores is modern revisionism. Not to mention Jesus was Strong enough to carry a cross across the desert.

So where does this BS about either religion being tame come from?

The industrial revolution happened, and there was a fat fuck named marx, who saw that kids who normally at that age would've had to work in their parents farm, now had to work in factories, and he went, religion, bad capitalism bad, waaah waaah waaah.

Christians lost their spine and went, actually jesus was peaceful, seee, the crusades were all our fault, not jesuss (even though it was literally the sandnigger's and the joos).

Meanwhile a bunch of fedora tippers went about looking at other foreign religions and found buddhism, which they had a very surface level understanding of, they knew nothing buddhist social dynamics and said "see this religion right here is the shit", and these buddhists who were living in third world shit holes at the time and needed the white man's approval and financing said "uhh... yeah, that's right... we're peace full."

Then all eyes fell on Pislam.

The world was relatively Peaceful at this time due to Pax Britania, and the imaams just said "Islam just means peace, bro. We were only defending ourselves, we swear." And we thought it was all find and dandy.

But it's not.

Because for all of human history, we have lived through war and chaos, and these religions evolved as a way for people to cope with war and chaos. None of these "peaceful", and none of these were meant to operate in peaceful times. This is why theocracies fall apart after achieving their goals.
I agree with your general idea but I'll just say Orthodox theology has never approved of the concept of crusades. That's a Catholic thing. This doesn't mean they were spineless or unwilling to defend themselves of course, just that killing wasn't something they glorified. There is in fact a recorded example of an Eastern Roman Emperor asking for the Orthodox Patriarch of his time to declare all those who die against Muslims to be martyrs. But the patriarch refuses to do this, citing the divine canons of the church which impose a light penalty for killings during times of war. Killing during war wasn't considered literal murder, but it wasn't seen as something good either. This whole "kill everyone in the name of God" thing is something Catholics or Muslims do more often.
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OP goes into examples to show that neither Buddhism nor Christianity are pacifistic religions at their core but when you think it through, you don't even need to know any of this to figure that out. War was the norm for most of history and today's world "peace" is unnatural and unusual. The world is a dangerous place and those who can't defend themselves or aren't willing to defend themselves will naturally die out. From there it follows that these two religions probably survived up to present day because people in the past were actually willing to fight and die to preserve them. And they are declining today because their present followers became cucked. All that's required is common sense to know this.
All religion is cancer... that's why Jesus Christ says he hates the doctrine of the Nicolaism (also called Nicholaism, Nicolaitism, Nicolationism or Nicolaitanism)

The word, Nicolaitans, means to be victorious over the people, that is, to conquer the people or laity. It is a combination of two Greeks words: nikos, to conquer and laos, the people or laity.

It's essentially calling out ALL religions and ALL governments.

It splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. SO GOVERNMENT MEANS “TO CONTROL THE MIND”

Statism and religion, essentially the same thing. Jesus Christ hates it, the Bible calls it evil.. you can see throughout history every religion and government ends up killing off those that don't accept and follow it... literally every single one....


Better to be a Chud Star Bible Thumping Chudarisee...
Atheism isn’t a religion, >>> but it’s killed more people in history than all religious conflicts combined. <<<
Atheism is one of the most deadly religions. Secular paganism / statism has killed more than any other religion except perhaps the Vatican's catholic crusading twats... but even they don't compare to the atheist pagans who deepthroat the religion of science.

Atheists always pretend they're outside the realm of religion when secular statism and science has killed / harmed millions. Just look at vaccines, GMO foods, abortion, eugenics, technological humanism, medical malpractice, genocide... all atheist inventions by science. Not to mention the destruction of the nuclear family which has led to more violence, more crime, ect.

Atheism is probably the worst of them all, at least the religious normies pretend to be good people, and stand against abortion and other sciencey faggotry..
OP goes into examples to show that neither Buddhism nor Christianity are pacifistic religions at their core but when you think it through, you don't even need to know any of this to figure that out. War was the norm for most of history and today's world "peace" is unnatural and unusual. The world is a dangerous place and those who can't defend themselves or aren't willing to defend themselves will naturally die out. From there it follows that these two religions probably survived up to present day because people in the past were actually willing to fight and die to preserve them. And they are declining today because their present followers became cucked. All that's required is common sense to know this.
My main point is that religion being peaceful, and most importantly, having to be peaceful, came as a reaction to centuries of marxist indoctrination into society. For most of human history, war and chaos was the norm, and peace was a rarity.
Buddhists have warrior monks and Buddhist monsk have generally allowed the kings to wage wars and even justified slaughter. This has happened even recently, Buddhist Lamas in Russia(Russia has several Buddhist provinces) sided with Putin during the Ukraine war.
Yeah but Buddha was a peaceful monk. His followers eventually lost the plot and became violent.
Yeah but Buddha was a peaceful monk. His followers eventually lost the plot and became violent.
Sid could afford to be peaceful. So could Zarathustra.
Jesus was protected by the Roman state, but the Jews got their way.
Muhammad tried being peaceful, and got cucked to oblivion, then he tried violence. Violence worked with arabs then, and violence will work with arabs now. Violence is all the arab and their simps understand.
Protties and Catholics are the same in my eyes. There isn't really any significant difference between them in terms of how they impact the world. Both are awful.
All religions are the same retard shit. It's funny you orthotrix think you're any different than a prot or catholotick. Bunch of blood sucking Nicolaitans..

That's not Buddha you fucking retard, JFL at white people and outsiders in general thinking that's buddha. That dude is a good luck charm in chinese buddhism. Buddha is reverred, that guy is like the easter bunny.
wtf are you on about, it's literally a big fat old bald dude as a gold statue and they worship him... just another cult of retards..

Sid could afford to be peaceful. So could Zarathustra.
Jesus was protected by the Roman state, but the Jews got their way.
Muhammad tried being peaceful, and got cucked to oblivion, then he tried violence. Violence worked with arabs then, and violence will work with arabs now. Violence is all the arab and their simps understand.
lawl the roman state gave the pharisees permission to kill him. wtf you on about..

Ya'll literally larp some crazy non-sense...
Buddhists were the OG hippies
Nah they were actually quite violent when establishing their cult... and even to this day extremely violent.

"Since then, the Rohingya people have been persecuted on a regular basis by the government and Buddhist nationalists."

^ This is just ONE example.

All religions and cults are cancer...
Nah they were actually quite violent when establishing their cult... and even to this day extremely violent.

"Since then, the Rohingya people have been persecuted on a regular basis by the government and Buddhist nationalists."

^ This is just ONE example.

All religions and cults are cancer...
I do Know about the genocide that's going against Muslims and Christians in Myanmar by the Hindus and Buddhist really evil shit.
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