Ban blackpill content

No I think we should keep it but not make it a main focus and go overboard with the topic. There's already other black pill forums to discuss BP tbh.
It depends. I don’t want to read about people’s plans to kill themselves. That should be kept for private messages, not in public. Even though life may be bleak there’s no reason to bring the forum morale down.
Making posts about getting your dick wet or how you’re gonna rope is demoralizing coal that shouldn’t have a place in our community. Discussing the woman question and gynocentrism is important. Just not full blown incel talk.
It's not like this forum is bound to spiral into blackpill slop, besides if nothing matters you might as well kill yourself now and spare all the useless effort. From the Atheist's point of view, Life is nothing more than a series of stimuli which are bound to end and the only decision you can really make is to either kill yourself, or don't.
I hope most of you here are above nihilism.

It's not like this forum is bound to spiral into blackpill slop, besides if nothing matters you might as well kill yourself now and spare all the useless effort. From the Atheist's point of view, Life is nothing more than a series of stimuli which are bound to end and the only decision you can really make is to either kill yourself, or don't.
I hope most of you here are above nihilism.

View attachment 4957
Atheists can still find meaning if they want to.

Atheists can still find meaning if they want to.


i dont get why niggas complain about not having sex
if you want to get your dick wet just buy a knife and make convince an unlucky woman to have sex with you
white people have the part of their brain that causes remorse and morality