Ban blackpill content


Do this now or we splinter off.
Making posts about getting your dick wet or how you’re gonna rope is demoralizing coal that shouldn’t have a place in our community. Discussing the woman question and gynocentrism is important. Just not full blown incel talk.
I really don't like blackpilled content either, but shouldn't everybody get a chance to express themselves even if we disagree with them?
Just bully those retards until they leave, and if they don't leave then get janny involved. Most of these whiners (losers, nerds, retards, what have you) have paper skin and can't understand why someone would get annoyed at them doomposting constantly about their gay (and retarded) life. Picking on them is super effective (2x damage) usually so you can own them epic style just by telling them to shut the hell up.
I'm in favor of a soft ban on such content. Depends on how high effort it is. If it's the kind of worthless low effort shit you see on every day then yeah it should go. If not, it should stay.
best solution itt
Just bully those retards until they leave, and if they don't leave then get janny involved. Most of these whiners (losers, nerds, retards, what have you) have paper skin and can't understand why someone would get annoyed at them doomposting constantly about their gay (and retarded) life. Picking on them is super effective (2x damage) usually so you can own them epic style just by telling them to shut the hell up.
you get put on the top of the blacklist for the vergeltungtag
It's incel bait.

Making posts about getting your dick wet or how you’re gonna rope is demoralizing coal that shouldn’t have a place in our community. Discussing the woman question and gynocentrism is important. Just not full blown incel talk.
Robin Williams does not approve.