Conspiracy Will shitskins be in Heaven?

non-arabic middle easterns look white enough for me (whiter than the american "whites" for sure)

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Bashar-Al-Assad is literally Aryan
>Pale Skin
>Blue Eyes

meanwhile netanyahu looks like a brown muttoid and is t50 and a shortie
Well salt looks like sugar too
I actually made that mistake when I was younger, perhaps when I was around eight or nine years old. It was late in the night, and as I was digging in the cabinet for a snack, I saw a small bowl of a substance resembling sugar sitting there on one of the shelves. The darkness concealing its true form, I stuck my two little fingers into the bowl for a small pinch of sweetness, and my mouth was instead left harshly bitter.
Seeing that the Majority of Christians are Brown and Black, Yes. Christianity is not the heccin based evropean trad religion you think it to be... It's actually most common and practiced in Africa and other Brown parts of the world.
more based than modern day whitey
the dude on the last was a Jew who invented the iphone
he was syrian though, iphone was a mistake btw for sure
i still don't understand why some people insist on calling shitskins "based" judt because their underdeveloped neurons don't let them see things on a greater scale and just hate faggots out of gut instinct
>oy vey these niggers are so uncivilized, right fellow white man? Us civilized white people are advanced enough to understand gut instincts cannot be relied upon more than one's intellect!
>oy vey these niggers are so uncivilized, right fellow white man? Us civilized white people are advanced enough to understand gut instincts cannot be relied upon more than one's intellect!
your gut instinct just tells you the disgust and the intellect the actual message
niggers and others akin only listen to their gut and thats why they also end up skinning dogs
Seeing that the Majority of Christians are Brown and Black, Yes. Christianity is not the heccin based evropean trad religion you think it to be... It's actually most common and practiced in Africa and other Brown parts of the world.
Blacks cannot be Christian only whites are made in Gods image and thus only whites can be saved the attempt to convert niggers and other subhuman groups has only proved Christian identity more in the end
Blacks cannot be Christian only whites are made in Gods image and thus only whites can be saved the attempt to convert niggers and other subhuman groups has only proved Christian identity more in the end
I disagree but I do understand why you'd think that within a racially-focused lens of Protestantism's history. May I ask you first of your thoughts on the encounter written in chapter eight of The Acts of The Apostles, where Saint Philip baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch who he encounters on the road? Is the implication of this not that this faithful Hamitic fellow from Ethiopia was given a holy baptism? A man of Ethiopian origin would be a colored fellow, wouldn't he be?
I disagree but I do understand why you'd think that within a racially-focused lens of Protestantism's history. May I ask you first of your thoughts on the encounter written in chapter eight of The Acts of The Apostles, where Saint Philip baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch who he encounters on the road? Is the implication of this not that this faithful Hamitic fellow from Ethiopia was given a holy baptism? A man of Ethiopian origin would be a colored fellow, wouldn't he be?
the new testament also calls kikes our buddies
the new testament also calls kikes our buddies
Be quiet goy. You sound like a seething goy. Sage. Star of David in the thread. Hebrew power. Hebrew race. IDF. Don't free palestine. Netanyahu2024 #Promisedland. Smoking that #goyimpack tonight. Chosen people for the legitimate state. From the river to the sea Palestine belongs to Israelis. Mossad.
Sage. Seething goy.