Conspiracy What's your take on eugenics and human genetic enhancement?

What do you think is medicine and what is playing God? What is the standard or principle that distinguishes them?
@Dremora didn't answer this.
I believe that there is, as you're still restricting life from a baby who clearly isn't wanting to lose that life by its instinct of remaining alive. One may then say, "Ah, but their life will still be burdensome anyway with their disorder, so we do the children a favor by ending it early" and I believe that a statement like this is still invalid. We are as uncertain of the future suffering of this person as we are their future joy. However, a baby with retardation or no legs or whatever-it-may-be can not live a fulfilling life in the first place if it is wholly locked out of that opportunity by being ripped apart in the womb of its mother, or having its child-wanting parents restricted from reproduction.
>Using utilitarian arguments as a Christian
I would advise against doing this, unless you want to eventually embarrass your religion.
Suffering is an indication of another kingdom which we look forward to.
Sounds like slave morality cope.
If being a Christian meant being "happy" in this life, then we wouldn't need the Kingdom of Heaven.
This statement is so homosexual it's unreal.
Christ is the only exit from this world. All other exits - sexual rapture, political utopia, economic independence - are but blind alleys in which rot the corpses of the many who have tried them.
I recognize that quote.
>modify my body like a tranny BUT I'M NOT I SWEAR

Eugenics for the blacks, sit back and relax.